
Chapter 2 (part 1 -Stella): And then it all went to shit

I run up to the board " Bella..no... Cam... no.... Allison... Shit." AUDREY! Mother fucking preppy herself! That Audrey!?

"Can't wait to work with you" she says mockingly as she winks and struts away. GOD! I hate her. I genuinely hate her. she's the bitchiest bitch of them all. Her and her princess clique. They are all so stuck up you would think they have a medal rod stuck up their god damn back. I get a text,

"Hey we can work on the project in my dorm after school, just take a shower first. I don't want death germs all over the place"- Audrey.

Why me?

Later that day, I begin to walk up to her bright pink door. The outer rim is a darker pink, but still pink none the less.

"Oh, hey come on in. But don't touch anything. I'm scared you'll break whatever you touch." she says in a passive aggressive tone.

"Fine, so where are we gonna work?" I ask trying not to telepathically blow up her head.

"Right over there in the corner." she responds in a bitchy tone.

"Ok!" I go sit down on a pink fluffy beanbag. God this is torture. Hell is better than this.

"So, I'm gonna assume you haven't started. No? Well, I've already researched and categorized everything. All you have to do is type it up and try not to fuck everything up. got it?"

"Got it. hold on, what are these? cookies? Ally must've packed them. Want one?" I say gesturing to the bag of pink cookies.

" I'm good I don't eat... carbs.. I don't eat carbs." she replies pushing the bag away. Thats a weird response. I brush it off as just an Audrey thing. I can't believe we were ever even friends. At that we were best friends. She's so manipulative.

"Well, what exactly do you want me to do" I say sarcastically.

"At this point. It might be better If I just type it up. I don't like not being in control of things. Just ask Chad."

"Why are you even with that asshole?"

"Because we're in love. Can't you tell?" she says staring daggers at me. I can't tell they are to be honest. I see her phone turn on as she receives a text. Her home screen is a picture of her beautiful cat, Princess.

"How's princess doing?" I remark.

"She's doing fine. Fluffy?"

"He's good. You actually remember him?"

"Of course I do. He was like my pet too." she answers breaking her concentration for the fist time. She looks at me and for a moment, just a moment, her facade has dropped. And I remember that she's human. Why do I feel this way? She continues to work on the "group" project. My eyes wander again, and I stare at all the light pink and gold decor in her dorm. Ive always had a dislike for pink. It shows what the world thinks a girl should be, "pretty, girly, weak" But we are so much more. I wish everyone could realize that. But till then ill just continue being me.

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