
Chapter 2

Scorbunny jumps up in the air and kicks my forehead. Dazed I fall on the ground and Scorbunny angrily hops over to kick me again.

"Well I forgot to tell you that Scorbunny arrived today in a fowl mood. I never did expect for scorbunny to act this hostile," Professor Magnolia hesitantly,"Another Scorbunny was supposed to be one of the starters today. I can get it and switch Scorbunnies for you Honey."

"No no it's fine. This Scorbunny just has some anger issues I'll still take it," I said this to reassure Professor Magnolia while holding off Scorbunny's from kicking me again. I suprise tackle Scorbunny and use its pokeball to recatch it. My rotomdex buzzs and opens up files with new information.

Scorbunny the fire bunny pokemon. This pokemon is female.

Ability: Libero

Move Set: Growl, Quick Attack and Ember.

Well I guess Scorbunny will learn more moves on our journey. I grab the rotomdex and put it back in my jacket pocket.

"Honey you can leave without me. I talked with Sonia and have decided to stay the night here with my family and go out tomorrow," Henry comes up to me and grabs my hand,"I know I promised to travel with you but Sonia needs me."

This causes me to feel sad that my own parents could not see me off today. I know it has to do with Ash being born before his due date. That they planned to be here but things happen.

I squeeze Henry's hand,"It's okay go spend the night with your family I'll be fine traveling by myself because I have Scorbunny to keep me company."

I leave before I could hear Henry's reply. I do this because I feel it would be easier this way. To leave him before I become to attached. I look at my dynamax band that held the wishing star I found with Leon and Henry. Then the necklace that Leon gave me as a promise to be together forever. It is pretty cheesey to think about that.

I walk to the Wedgehurst train station. Passing by the Pokemon Center with people gathered outside cheering someone's name.

"Clover! Clover! You are the best!" It causes a ringing sound in my ear. Curious I walked over and see a blond hair blue eyed girl wearing a cute red dress.

"Yes peasants I will become the most famous pokemon trainer ever," Clover sweeps here eyes over the crowd as she says this.

I walk away after hearing this statement. Clover screams,"How dare you walk away when I am talking!"

"Look i don't care what you have to say I am leaving to catch my train. Goodbye whoever you are."

Clover screams in rage and tries to grab me but fails when Michio comes out of nowhere to drag me away.

"Honey what the heck were you thinking messing with Chairman Rosie's daughter. She could ruin your life with just one word to her father!" Michio whispers this into my ear while dragging me away.

Wait the chairman's daughter Clover. I did not put her into my novel she was just an idea. Arceus did not tell characters I did not write down would come to life. Does this mean that every character that I imagined for that story will be here and I do not even remember half of them!

Pulling me out of my thoughts was a hand landing on my shoulder.

"Ah Honey guess I beat you here," teases Aunt Kelly.

"Hey Aunt Kelly I was just about to look for you."

"Oh sweetie it's fine I saw you on my way in," Kelly notices Michio and asks,"Who's this sweetie?"

"I'm Michio ma'am." Kelly whacks my arm after introducing herself to Michio.

"Well good luck on your journey and just so you know your parents really wanted to be here yo see you off," Kelly hugs me goodbye and gives me a phone to call her with just in case.

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