
Chapter 4: Rage and the beauty of magic

As I walked out of my room, I saw my sister waiting there wearing a pure white gown, which suits her white hair which falls down till her waist. She would look cute, but you could clearly see it in her face that she was pampered from birth, which is a sort of let down.

She was keeping her hands on her hips and waiting for me. She puffed her cheeks and help her hand out for me. Chuckling at her cute appearance I pinched her nose a little and held her hand.

She acting like she was extremely angry, but I knew that she was happy from the golden aura around her.

Don't get me wrong, she does not like me in 'that' way, but I don't know why, she thinks that I would ignore her if she behaves normally. Girls are mysterious creatures. Even gods talent can't help me to communicate with them.

We walked up to our hall to see plenty of politicians all over the place. I recently found out my parents have a huge amount of influence over the ministry, and I plan to exploit that. Like, they literally seem to be next to Dumbledore and Minister Fudge in terms of their influence due to their various business ventures and connections all over the world.

I was able to spot a few people from my year which I haven't met yet. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Daphne Greengrass.

When I read their emotions I was shocked, Draco was feeling infatuation directed towards my sister, and I was shocked because as far as I knew this was the first time they met. Crabbe and Goyle emotions was just pure arrogance, while Daphne's' was hatred. Pure hatred directed towards me. I didn't know why but she hated me for some reason.

I turned towards my parents and saw that my mother was feeling completely fine, but my dad was feeling slightly guilty for me. Something was off, and to solve that I need to get to the root of this problem.

I walks towards Daphne while changing my own aura, something I learned recently. As I walked towards her, I ran my hands through my hair and styled it slightly to the side, and then straightened my own tie.

As Daphne saw me walking towards her, I felt disgust radiating off her, so, I changed my own aura to be as comforting and soothing as possible. Her hostility decreased slightly, only slightly.

I walked up to her and asked," Have I met you before, Miss...?"

"Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass. And don't act like you don't know me, I know what you did and trust me it makes me sick" She said, slowly regaining her hostility.

Now, this is going no where. What did I do? I literally have been in my home for 6 years, what the hell is going on.

Seeing my confused look, she looked slightly shocked," Wait, you don't know about it? But wasn't your family the one which initiated it?"

As if right on cue, my mother walks up with my father in her arms and says, "Thank you everyone for attending my precious daughters 5th birthday. Now, this is not the only reason we have organized such a grand party, we were also here to announce that the first born of the most ancient and noble house of Markus, Shawn Markus has come up with over twenty recipes regarding cosmetics. These recipes are not new, but they are highly improvised, with almost 90% of the cost cut down and an increase in effectiveness by 200%. All regarding skin care, perfumes, hair care and so on. We will be officially sealing these products in both the Markus and Greengrass apothecaries. Yes you have heard that right, we are partnering with the Greengrass into selling the potions made by my family. And we also wish to start this off, by announcing that Shawn Markus and Daphne Greengrass are going to be engaged at their first year of Hogwarts and married after their seventh year of Hogwarts. This has been mentioned first so as to notify all families so that they do not waste their time trying to arrange marriages with the future couple. Good day to you all."

Soon a round of applause started. No one was too shocked as this was a common event in the noble community. Only some where scared, such as the minister of magic, for some reason the Malfoy family and me.

I was shocked to the core. Literally, my magical core was vibrating through rage. More blue lines suddenly connected to the core, to be exact 4 more, so now there 5 blue lines pumping magical energy into the cores.

The leather bound book, suddenly stared to flip pages, all the way past the first chapter to the starting of the second. It should be known that I have tried the entire year to flip these pages but it never worked till now, but I didn't notice any of this.

Due to my occlumency, I was able to at least try to keep my outward appearance clam, but for a split second, my hostility leaked out. Daphne was clearly able to feel at and completely understood that I had nothing to do with this.

My mother and father also sensed it as they were keeping tabs on my reaction. They started to walk towards me, but my mother with a smug grin on her face.

"It was either you, or your sister. Now, don't tell me you would want your sister to be married to a Malfoy, a known death eater family?" My mother said, smiling from ear to ear.

I had no visible reaction. My comfortable aura was gone and was replaced with serenity. I seemed absolutely calm to everyone outside. I looked my mother straight in the eye, which caught her off guard and said, "Please excuse me, I will be right back in a short while." And walked off.


'Sigh, I was thinking of letting them off, but not when they are trying to control my life. They stole my recipes, which I worked hard to make, threatened me with my sister, knowing that I wouldn't do anything, and announced everything in public so that I couldn't back off from the agreement. Wow, seems like I was playing chess without even knowing it. Well you won the battle, but the next time I hit you, we won't even be on the same board game.'

I felt disgusted, and for the first time in my new life, I walked out of my family compound. I know it might sound stupid but, from being a baby and the last year of complete studying I have never been outside my house, and here I am, in my familes private forest.

I walked in here and could feel nature talking to me. Like literally, I could feel the tress talking to me.


"A human who can listen to us?"

"This is weird"

I then placed my hand on the trees and seemingly feeling my anger the tress tried to sooth me by growing out branches and leaves covering my hands.

While I was feeling that, I could feel crows flying around. Out of no where, all the animals nearby came towards me, seemingly attracted to me.

Even a snake slithered towards me and coiled up to me from my leg, and settled on my neck.

I even saw a few dears nearby sleeping near me. There was also a pond near me where a lot of magical creatures where, and it was scenes like these which made me feel like magic was actually a blessing to the entire world.

When I thought of this, the magical energy from, my core flowed to my eyes, and I could see it. I could see magic itself!

It was everywhere around nature, and it was a golden color, like strings flowing around. I reached my hand out to try and touch it, and it worked. I was able to touch magic.

Wow, now I understand why god said many will envy my talent in magic, trust me when say, you must be blessed to see this scene in front of me.

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