
Twenty-nine. The Illusion of Peace

Clothing store.

Garments were neatly categorized: jackets, trousers, suits, hats, and ties were all visible here. The colors were primarily dark, with the occasional light-colored article of clothing or tie; brightly colored garments, however, were not included in the selection.

As an ordinary people's clothing store, practicality was the focus here, with durable fabrics like twill and tweed. Of course, as with most clothing stores, this place also accepted custom orders.

"Sir, would you like to have something custom-made?"

At that moment, a middle-aged clerk at Lu Li's side asked.

"No need, I'm just looking for something that fits well."

After briefly lingering on the shirts and trousers, Lu Li moved toward a corner of the clothing store, where the clothing racks were old and gray. A row of heavy, dark-colored overcoats hung there, bearing a look of solid construction.

With a quick search, Lu Li directly picked up a black tweed overcoat.

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