
2nd Year

Important Note- I'm going to be posting no sooner than every 3 weeks. This is because I am writing two fanfics at the same time, this and an Oregairu fanfic. The Oregairu fanfic is going to be much shorter than this story and I am giving this story more priority over that one.

Warning: Issei x Tsubasa x Sona x Mira lemon in this chapter

Issei's Dragons:




Other Dragons:


{Bahamut telepathy}

'A character's thoughts/telepathic comm'

Chapter 35: 2nd Year

It was the first day of Issei's 2nd year of High School.

"Good morning, class." Rossweisse came in a couple minutes late. "While most of you were with me last year, we do, however, have a new student."

The newest member of Issei's harem walked in. "Hello. My name is Mythra=Arcane. I am also one of Issei's girlfriends. Nice to meet you."

While the class reacted to that, Issei studied where everyone was seated and if there were any new faces.

Matsuda and Motohama were luckily being put in a different class, unfortunate for the girls with them, while Issei was in the same classroom he had as almost all of his previous classmates.

The seats were different though. Not only did this class have five less students with a maximum capacity of 35, 15 boys and 20 girls, but all of Issei's girls in his class were seated a lot closer to him than last time, as many of them were transfer students.

1st Year seating chart:

For example, while Vali, Issei, Raynare, Irina, Kalawarner, Asia, and Mittelt all sat in the same seats, others sat closer.

Mythra took her seat to the right of Vali, diagonal-right behind Issei. "Ufufu. Now I can be closer to Issei."

Kuroka sat to Mythra's right.

Both of those girls took Matsuda and Motohama's former seats. Of course, Issei showed the class a part of his magic abilities by purifying the two seats for his girls to make sure they're clean of the perverts no longer there.

"I-It's not like I want to be close to ya or anythin'! Be grateful that I have graced ya with my presence, baka." Arisu huffed as she took a seat directly to Issei's right.

Issei sweatdropped. 'I sense some that those words contradict your actions, my Dragon Princess.'

Ravel sat next to Raynare, coming up with a similar excuse when Issei looked at her. "Don't think I'm doing this for you..."

To Ravel's right is Mira.

Behind Mira is Murayama.

2nd Year seating chart:

"Now then," Rossweisse began. "You have a 22-page essay due."

Everyone was shocked. "22?! It's the first day of school!"

"You should have read the syllabus for these college-level courses prior to coming here, despite having no way to see them before the first day of school. Today is also the due date for your second essay... And the third... And the fourth and the fifth. Oh, and the textbooks will cost you $3000."

"HUH?!" Everyone shouted.

Rossweisse laughed. "I'm kidding. That was my somewhat exaggerated way of making fun of the shitty money-laundering American education system. You see, I studied abroad at a university in the States, so I would know. Luckily, that was only for a year before I decided to say screw it and moved back to Germany."

"Not funny!"

She cleared her throat. "All jokes aside, this first week of school will be easy since all you have to do is checkout out library books, make sure you understand the syllabus, and from it, start studying whatever course material you know you struggle with. Alright! Let's begin class."

. . . . . . .


Issei and those in Supernatural Investigation Club (SIC) had gained so many privileges due to his power in the supernatural world and his relationships with Rossweisse and Sona. Well, mainly Rossweisse as Sona would rarely let him break any rules.

One of these privileges is the ability to ask Rossweisse to give her their homework in advanced, not attend class, and do their tasks elsewhere.

Issei's relationship with Rossweisse is publicly known to the entire school, and through extor- *ahem* negotiations on her part, her Human bosses let it slide. Even though she can be too nice on them, they won't abuse their right to skip class too frequently since they enjoy her lessons.

But today, they have to. Issei told his girls, "I got an email from the school board saying that they're warning me that we have to start participating in club activities at least occasionally and cannot remain inactive as we have been, or else the club will be disbanded."

Arisu was livid. "What?! That's bullshit! How come they don't do that to the ORC?!"

"Yeah, I know, which is why I threatened them by saying that they wouldn't want to lose one of their only straight A students in me should I transfer to a different school, would they? Of course, I would never actually leave, but it worked since it would be a bad look if a relatively new school like this were given a bad review on jelp by a top student who left, so they begged for my forgiveness. Muhahahaha!

As for why they have double standards concerning the ORC, my guess is that some or all of these higher-ups are Devils with friendly ties to the Gremory bitch."

Sona and Tsubasa are in neither his club nor his class since they're 3rd year students in the Student Council.

Murayama is in his club and the Kendo club too, choosing to stay as Captain of the Kendo team.

Akeno is the only one of his harem in his club but not his class as she is obviously a 3rd year.

She is visiting them. "Ufufu. How evil, Issei. You're the exact opposite of Rias, who is always caring too much about her reputation among Humans here."

Issei scoffed. "Pft. Don't compare me to the likes of that defective product. I'm not a fake riajuu like her. Anyway, let's go to the club."

Vali smirked. "You sound like Hikigaya Hachiman."

As they made their way there, they made a quick stop at a board that displayed the results of their final exams from last year, ranking them by everyone in the entire school, and the results are pretty consistent with how they have all performed going by their average scores on all subjects combined since enrolling or transferring into Kuoh:

1st Place- Issei Hyoudou, average of 100%

2nd Place- Sona Sitri, average of 99%

Issei smirked, knowing that this would irk Sona to no end.

3rd Place- Vali Lucifer, average of 98%

4th Place- Raynare Hyoudou, average of 97%

The difference between Vali and Raynare is very small in intelligence, but just as it is with their combat capabilities, he is just that much faster, physically and mentally. Compared to Vali, Raynare's lesser imagination/creativity and ability to improv in a fight as well as him is a game-changer. This is why INT is a very important stat in most RPG's.

5th Place- Mythra=Arcane, average of 96%

Rossweisse made Mythra take the 1st year final exam as an entrance exam. Needless to say, the results shocked her.

6th Place- Arisu Yamauchi, average of 95%

Arisu frowned. "Fuck! I usually place in the top 5."

Issei placed a hand on her head, which made her feel happy but embarrassed. "Better luck next time, grasshopper (110)!"

There are a few randoms between 7th-12th.

13th Place- Ravel Phenex, average of 93%

15th Place- Tsubaki Shinra, average of 91%

16th Place- Natsuki Murayama, average of 90%

18th Place- Kuroka Toujou, average of 89%

19th Place- Akeno Himejima, average of 88%

20th Place- Tsubasa Yura, average of 87%

The difference between the above three is no surprise given that Kuroka has the most life experience surviving on her own, Akeno, having spent much time training and being with Issei, gained wisdom, and Tsubasa is on the student council, which requires its members to work hard.

20th Place- Elmenhilde Karnstein, average of 87%

22nd Place- Momo Hanakai, average of 86%

23rd Place- Irina Shidou, average of 85%

23rd Place- Mira, average of 85%

25th Place- Kalawarner, average of 84%

25th Place- Ruruko Nimura, average of 84%

41st Place- 53rd Place- Bennia Orcus, average of 84%

53rd Place- Yuuto Kiba, average of 82%

64th Place- Reya Kusaka, average of 81%

64th Place- Mittelt, avergae of 81%

85th Place- Tomoe Meguri, average of 80%

Cut off mark for average of the school at 80%, benchmark average is 563rd place

588th Place- Gasper Vladi, average of 79%

618th Place- Koneko Toujou, average of 78%

774th Place- Asia Argento, average of 74%

879th Place- Rias Gremory, average of 72%

1066th (last place)- Xenovia Quarta, average of 65%

The only negative of having your scores displayed is the possibility of being shamed or even bullied by others for being too smart if they're jealous or too dumb if they're insecure.

They made it to their chapel, which had been renovated. The cross on top of the building and holy artifacts inside had all been removed as well as the benches, instead replaced with several comfy chairs, cushions, and blankets. Curtains covered the windows to prevent too much sunlight from getting in.

A Gordon Ramsay level kitchen was placed where the altar used to be.

At the door entrance, Issei began updating the roster of the club members to add Arisu, Akeno, Kuroka, Mira, and Mythra.

Supernatural Investigation Club (SIC):

Issei Hyoudou - President

Raynare Hyoudou - Vice President

Arisu Yamauchi- Executive Board Director

Mythra=Arcane- Chairman

Ravel Phenex - Supervisor

Vali Lucifer - Administrator

Natsuki Murayama - Treasury Manager

Akeno Himejima- Treasurer

Mira- Treasurer

Irina Shidou - Secretary

Kuroka Toujou- Secretary

Professor Rossweisse - Club Advisor

"So, we've got ten people in the club not including the advisor, huh. Not bad. Not bad at all." Raynare said.

Ravel frowned. "You demoted me, Issei?"

"Yeah, in a certain sense. Sorry, but Arisu and Mythra are smarter than you, so I gave Arisu your position."

"Mou." She pouted. "That's mean."

'Nani sore?! Kawaii!'

"Hey now, don't take it so seriously. It's just a club title. The only titles in there that really matter are President, Vice President, and Treasury members since those people have to manage our assets and whatnot."

Mira nodded. "Makes sense. Natsuki, Akeno-senpai, and I are all good at math."

"Then what does a secretary do, nya? Take phone calls, nya?" Kuroka pointed at herself.

Irina shook her head. "No, no. We're supposed to do most of the physical labor. For example, if we wanted to promote our club, you and I would hand out flyers. If there is an event we want other students to know about and be a part of, we would post it on the news bulletin board in the hallway."

"Nyaru hodo, nya (I see meow)."

Issei chuckled. "Anyway, let's begin club activities!"

"What should we do?" Vali said.

"Hm... How about... urban myths?"

Raynare deadpanned, "What are we, bigfoot hunting?"

He chuckled. "I'm kidding." Issei pulled out a piece of paper and began drawing on it. "How about something... like... this!"

Showing them his art, it was a poster that had a silhouette of a man wearing a tuxedo and fedora, facing away from the viewer in dark lighting.

"Go ahead and read the poster out loud for me, Natsuki."

Murayama nodded. "BEWARE OF VAMPIRES! SIC now investigating another Demon variant (not from hell, no connection to the Devil).

Pro Tip #1: This Vampire loves killing Stray Devils, which are malicious beings that stalk and eat those in isolated parts of Kuoh, as well as those who wear religious symbols, mainly Catholics."

Akeno tilted her head. "Araaaaa? The only Vampire I know is Gasper."

Mythra sighed. "Issei, isn't this just going to seem like we would be discouraging people from worshipping religion or that we're against that sort of thing?"

"Hm. You're right. How about this?" He quickly remade the poster.

"Pro Tip #1: This Vampire loves papist blood. Recommend not wearing cross."

"That's better," Irina nodded.

Kuroka agreed. "Nyamazing."

Issei sighed. "If only governments and schools could keep church separate from the state... Irina, Kuroka, go hang this poster on the school bulletin board to show we're doing something."

"Understood!" The two left and then returned a few seconds later. "It's done."

"That was fast... I swear if the school board does not accept this as club activities, then I'm seriously killing someone. Alrighty!"

Issei got off his comfy chair. "I'm going to go pay a visit to Team Holy Trinity. The Vampire on that poster is one that Vali, Lilith, and I met during that supposed Earthquake. His name is Alucard. He gets hungry and needs to drink lots of blood every day. I was supposed to go to VEGA yesterday and give him fresh blood to mass produce more blood for Alucard, but I guess I forgot since so much happened that day. Anyway, I gotta go get this done."

"Whose blood will you use?" Arisu inquired.

"Cao Cao, Loki, and Diodora. First, I'm going to torture Loki for information on the Khaos Brigade since I still haven't done that. He and Cao Cao are going to die, but Diodora... While I will make him experience the pain of death, as he has been constantly since yesterday, I won't kill him. I will simply destroy his body to take his blood, but I will regenerate him and let my shadows kill him repeatedly until the day that I am no longer Vritra's host for whatever reason."

Akeno licked her lips. "Fufu. I wish I could join in."

|"In other words, the day you die."|

"You'll really stay with me for that long, Vritra?"

|"Of course I will."|


Issei vanished inside Dread Maker. As he passed Diodora's cell, he outstretched his hand and magically shot holy water at the Devil, who is already in so much pain, making him yelp in agony.

Entering Loki's cell, the light blue-haired man had his hands chained above himself and to each side.

"Hello, Loki."

The Sekiryuutei received a glare. "Fuck you."

"Heh. It's good to see you too, sore loser. I see you don't like the fact that your arms hurt from being constantly held up without rest. I increased the gravity in your cell, too.

Now then, let's get down to interrogation. I, alongside several others, have my suspicions that you worked for the Khaos Brigade."

Loki clicked his teeth. "Tch! Cut the crap already and say what you want from me already."

"What I want is for you to tell me who exactly you work for."

"What's in it for me? Why should I tell you?"

"I will end your misery by killing you."

Loki didn't want to die. "I don't want to die! Go to Helheim!"

Issei glared at him. "Okay, I guess I'm going to have to torture you. The pain you are about to feel is the kind that I felt during my training with Leonidas, Tannin, Vishnu, and Tiamat, from easiest to hardest. Ya wanna know what I call it?"


"Dragon Corps initiation, the good ol' fashion way."

He kicked the deity hard in the face over and over, making him gasp as a tooth flew out and he began choking on the blood pooling in his mouth. After several minutes, it became too much to bear.

"Okay, stop! I'll tell you what you want!"

"Speak. Tell me everything there is to know about the Khaos Brigade, what their branches are, important people in their ranks, and most importantly, the names of their leaders."

"W-Well, their branches from least to most important, at least the ones I know, are the Hero Faction, which are the lowly Humans they use. There are so few of them, and they barely pose any threat.

Nilrem, which are the lowly non-Humans they use. This is 52% of their forces.

The Old Satan Faction, which was mostly destroyed during the Devil Civil War. This is 20% of their forces.

Qlippoth, which consists of mid-rank officers and is 27% of their forces.

Lastly, the Alliance of Hell, which are the upper brass whose commanders are Satan Lucifer and," Loki's eyes flickered yellow, "someone named The Mad Titan. It is less than 1% of their forces. They also have a few others, but they are mostly slaves to the first two I mentioned."

Issei couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or not. He felt conflicted. "What of the Evil Dragons?"

Loki shrugged. "Don't know."

"Thank you." Issei said coldly.

Suddenly, the Norse God of Mischief's eyes widened as the Sekiryuutei plunged his right hand into his chest, causing blood to spurt. Besides the tremendous pain, he felt the liquid being pulled or sucked out of his body like a vacuum.

"I'm extracting your blood to kill you. I'm going to do the same thing to Cao Cao and Diodora, except Diodora won't be allowed to die." Issei smirked as he looked to the others.

The light left Loki's eyes as he slumped over dead, his corpse turning into dust, his soul gone along with any sign of him.

Cao Cao was watching in mostly fear but also some happiness, wanting to have his suffering end. Issei made his way over to him and repeated the process, killing him.

"What do you mean that I won't die?!" Diodora screamed in pain.

The Walrider stood back, taking a break from torturing the scumbag as Issei entered Dio-fuck face's cell.

"Exactly what I said. You cannot die here unless I want you to, which I don't. Your torment will never end unless I die someday, lose the sacred gear you're sealed in or the Dragon in it chooses to leave, which I don't think he ever will."

"GAAAAH!" Diodora coughed up blood as Issei stabbed him from behind with his hand and did the same thing as before. Physically speaking, he should be dead. It should be impossible for him to continue living on, but he realized that he was in a different kind of hell.

"I got what I needed."

Issei teleported away, forgetting the only other member of his Shadow Prison in Zelphydor.

. . . . . . .

Seventh Heaven

The Queen of Heaven Asherah sat on her throne as she scrolled through holographic data pads, learning all she can in the time that she missed between her death and her resurrection.

"Hm? What's this?" She tucked a strand of her white hair behind an ear as she narrowed her blue eyes at something that caught her attention.

Current status of Longinus users, from most to least potent:

Top-tier Longinus Sacred Gears:

1. Boosted Gear - Issei Hyoudou (Alive). Dragon Race. Dragon Faction. Host of the Heavenly Dragon Ddraig, the Red Dragon Emperor. Doubles the wielder's power per boost.

2. Divine Dividing - Vali Lucifer (Alive). Dragon Race, former half-Devil half-Human. Dragon Faction. Takes away half of the power from whoever the wielder uses it on, adding it to the host of Albion.

3. Dimension Lost - Georg (Alive). Human Race. Hero Faction of Khaos Brigade. Uses a pink mist to block attacks and transport anything inside it. Can destroy entire dimensions.

4. Sephiroth Graal - Valerie Tepes (Alive). Vampire Race. Tepes Faction. Can bring the dead back to life, transfer souls, determine location of others, learn all there is to know about inanimate objects such as sacred gears, and learn about the strengths and weaknesses of others. It can also make copies of other things, even other Longinus sacred gears.

Mid-tier Longinus Sacred Gears:

5. Annihilation Maker - Leonardo (Alive). Human Race. Hero Faction of Khaos Brigade. Creates any monster the user can think of.

6. Zenith Tempest - Dulio Gesualdo (Alive). Angel Race. Angel Faction. Controls weather and elements.

7. Absolute Demise - Lavinia Reni (Alive). Human Race. Fallen Angel Faction. Team Slash/Dog. Creates a three-meter-tall doll in the form of a woman with four arms that can use extremely power ice that can freeze small countries or even entire worlds in the hands of a powerful user.

8. Dread Maker - Issei Hyoudou (Alive). Dragon Race. Dragon Faction. Houses the Dragon King Vritra. Can create armies of dangerous predators made of shadows, mainly Dragons, can imprison enemies in a pocket dimension where they can suffer and not die unless the user wants them to, greatly enhances the wielder's strength/speed/magic/vision in the dark, and masks the wielder's footsteps so that they're silent.

9. Incinerate Anthem - Lint Sellzen (Alive). Former Artificial Human, Reincarnated Angel Race. Controls Holy Fire that can interfere with Senjutsu sensory abilities and can burn even Satan Class Devils to death.

Low-tier Longinus Sacred Gears:

10. Telos Karma - Metatron (Alive). Angel Race. Angel Faction. Can change outcomes and choices to probabilities that shouldn't be possible, can make enemies equal to or weaker than the user unable to react during a fight, and can change said enemies' surroundings.

11. Regulus Nemea - Sairaorg Bael (Alive). Devil Race. Devil Faction. Creates a 14-foot-tall lion made of gold that attacks the enemy.

12. Innovate Clear - Mitsuya Kanzaki (Alive). Human. No Affiliated Faction. A pocket dimension in which anything can be created and live in it, but anything living in it can only exist inside that world.

She felt shocked to see that not only is the True Longinus not on there, a list that automatically updates if anything happens to the users, but it offered no explanation as to why.

Asherah looked over to Gabriel, who is going through a bookshelf in one of the many hundreds of aisles. "Gabby, we have a problem! You need to see this!"

"Eh? I'm coming." Storing away a few holographic titles, Gabriel floated over to the throne. "What is it, mama?"

"This." Asherah flipped the see-through hologram over so that her daughter could read it. "The True Longinus isn't in the sacred gear system! Why?!" She almost shouted out of panic.

"C-Calm down, mom. This can only mean one of two things. The first possibility is that there is a bug in the sacred gear system, which is improbable as such a thing has never happened before. The second is the more obvious one."


"Did you watch the Rating Game Tournament at all or hear of the results?" Asherah shook her head. "Then I'll tell you. What happened is that Issei Hyoudou killed Cao Cao, the leader of the Hero Faction, after Cao Cao threatened your granddaughter's life."

"I... I see. It's good to know that our little Raye is in safe hands, then. And the only thing I heard from the tournament is that interview of his after his first match, the one where he was pushing for the Three Factions to sign a peace treaty and create an alliance. In that case, Gabriel, we Angels must be the ones to make the first and hardest push for said treaty and alliance."

"I agree, but an alliance is impossible as we are right now as none of the Three Factions fully trust each other."

"Then what do you suggest we do?"

"I think we should tell the leaders of the Devils and the Fallen that we wish to run joint military exercises together between all parties involved to increase our willingness for cooperation. Everything from training camps to practice drills in response to surprise attacks."

. . . . . . .

Team Holy Trinity HQ

Arriving at the base, Issei climbed down the ladder and into the bomb shelter turned apartment. He noticed that the base was somehow made even bigger thanks to VEGA.

There is now a large, fancy living room area where he is standing. Outside of that, there are now three master bedrooms for its residents, a separate room for where VEGA manufactures the weapons, another one where he takes in specific requests, and a shooting range.

All three soldiers are currently testing experimental weaponry and/or practicing their skills in said range, the loud sounds of gunshots can still be heard but are muffled by the soundproof material on the walls.

"Something you need?" Cortana popped up on the main round table, the beautiful young female avatar of an AI standing in a position as if she were a model.

Issei smirked. "You know Cortana, you're really hot for an AI."

The AI blushed, not sure how to respond when it came to most matters concerning relationships and intimacy. "T-Thanks, I guess."

He was surprised by her reaction. "Wait, I know you and the Chief are from over 500 years from now in a different universe, but why is it that VEGA, an AI that is way more advanced than you, is not as capable of showing emotions while you are?"

Cortana crossed her arms, accentuating her large breasts. He noticed it before, that she is practically naked all the time except without showing any actual nipples or her genitalia. "Actually, you're wrong about that. VEGA sometimes behaves strangely."

"What do you mean?"

"I've tried talking to him in his more Human form when we interconnect to share data or help each other, usually him helping me with maintenance and upgrading my software, even my physical hardware. When that happens, we're put into a dark void with a light bridge between us. Sometimes, he just shuts off without reason and becomes unresponsive when I or the other three people living here call out to him. It's honestly pretty creepy."

"How so?"

"Well, when it happens, VEGA makes this sound similar to a factory closing or that one pizza place from that horror game called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place (111). His avatar becomes almost completely dark too, and he gives off what you supernatural beings call an aura as if he's angry or sad. Definitely upset about something, but I can't tell what. I don't understand how it's possible for him, a machine, to have an aura, but that's something worth researching."

"How often does this happen? And is it something we need to be worried about?"

"It rarely happens, and I'd say it is a cause for concern should VEGA go haywire or if we were unable to communicate with him should we need him in an emergency situation."

"Any theories as to why these... um, episodes occur?"

She shook her head. "No, unfortunately. The only possible conclusions I could reach are that he needs periodical maintenance or time to hibernate to rest his core processors for whatever reason, but that doesn't make any sense since he is far more advanced than me in every way, and I never sleep. Add that to the fact that he, for whatever reason, is capable of those sudden mood swings, and, well..."

Issei nodded. "Anyway, VEGA? Are you there?"

A high-pitched sound emanated.

Beep Beep Beep!

"Greetings, Issei. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yeah, I need you mass produce at least five gallons of blood per day for a Vampire by the name of Alucard."

VEGA thought the request was strange. "Is this to keep him from rampaging and causing a scene?"

"Yes. That, and the fact that he could make a powerful ally. Here's the recipe." He set down a bucket of blood. "I'll go fetch him now."

. . . . . . .

Demon King Apartment

"So let me get this straight. You got held at gunpoint by a... a cosplayer?" Suzuno's eye twitched. "You were defeated by an ordinary Human, you know."

Maou, who was feeding Alas=Ramus, frowned. "What do you mean ordinary?! Have you seen how fast this guy moves?! He could easily kill the Five Heroes of Ente Isla!"

Alucard nodded. "Agreed. Even I wouldn't mess with him."

Ashiya shivered at the mention of the Doom Slayer. "Neither would I."

Urushihara, who was sitting at his desktop computer, waved an empty bag of chips around. "Yo Ashiya, hand me another snack."

The blond Demon's eye twitched. "Why, you insolent fool! I ought to bring out the belt again and kick you out!"

However, Urushihara couldn't hear him as he had his headphones plugged and began playing a shooter.

"Bomb defused. Counter-terrorists win."

He is playing CS:GO, having just finished a match. The scoreboard showed Urushihara with the most MVP's and kills, his username reading, 'Fa113n_63n3ra1'.

Enraged, Ashiya was about to stomp over there and smash the blasted device when the doorbell suddenly rang.

"I'll get it." Maou had just finished handfeeding Alas=Ramus her last spoonful of rice as he made his way to the door and opened it. He was delighted to see who it was. "Hey Emi, and..."

The brown-haired teen extended a hand to shake, which Maou took. "Issei Hyoudou. This girl was standing at your door for a long time, according to the fatigue in her legs. She was unable to knock on your door, claiming that she was watching you through the peep hole. I think she's just too love-struck and shy." Issei gestured to Emi, who sputtered excuses. "I'm sorry that I didn't get to properly introduce myself last time."

"Think nothing of it! Please come in." As Issei and Emi entered, Maou continued. "I wanted to go look for you myself. Thank you so much for looking after my daughter while I wasn't here."

"No prob, dude."

"Anyway, what can I do for you?"

"Well, there are two reasons I came here. Number one is to interrogate your underling who goes by the name of Lucifer, last I heard. The other is that I wish to borrow Alucard. That reminds me, do all of you still go by those names?"

"No. You already know Alucard, whose real name is Dracula."

"Heh. Yeah, I figured that out since it's his name backwards."

"I'm not Satan Jacob, but rather Sadao Maou. This telemarketer is Emilia Justina, now known as Emi Yusa." Maou pointed a thumb at Emi as if to say, 'Ey, get a load of this one over 'ere.'

Emi fumed. "I'm not a telemarketer! It's customer service for a tech company, you MgRonald's working peasant!"

Maou deadpanned, "I may be making minimum wage at the moment, but you are lucky to even get paid 1400 yen an hour just to scam people. Your boss only hired you because he found you attractive. Meanwhile, my manager hired me because she actually thinks I am a hard worker who will get many promotions. You know what that means? My future, if not now, is brighter than yours. A week after I got this job, I was promoted to manager."

Seeing his shit-eating grin, Emi muttered an insult. "I'd like to see YOU get yelled at by rude assholes all day over the phone."

Maou turned back to Issei. "Anyway, the blond househusband is my right hand General Alciel, now known as Shirou Ashiya. Lucifer is known as Hanzo Urushihara. Finally, that kimono-wearing blue-haired ponytail over there is Crestia Bell, better known as Suzuno Kamazuki."

Issei smiled. "I'm Issei Hyoudou, and I'm not Human. I'm a Dragon. Nice to meet you all."

Alucard nodded at him, tilting his chin upwards exaggeratingly as a greeting while he sat on a couch behind Urushihara, watching TV. "Wuzzup!"

Ashiya greeted Issei back while Urushihara didn't pay him any attention, resulting in Ashiya choking the Fallen Angel with his own headphones.

While the others conversed, Suzuno glared at Maou. "Why did you tell him of our true identities AND aliases? We don't even know him."

"You don't know him. He has been taking care of mine and Emi's daughter." Maou smirked.

"WHAT?! EMI, YOU MATED WITH THE DEMON KING?!" Suzuno screeched, making everyone look at them.

"No! Maou, stop making stuff-"

"Fu. Fu. Fu." Maou laughed. "Yes, we did. Emilia screamed for me, begging for me to take her and make her bare my children, telling me how amazing it was and-"

"If you say ONE MORE WORD," Emi, blushing, grabbed his hand and placed it on her breast, "I'll call the police and tell them you raped me. The physical evidence cannot be erased now."

"H-Hey, I was just kidding. I'm sorry."

Issei deadpanned, "We have enough witnesses to say that Maou didn't rape you, but they might just believe you two ladies just because you have vaginas."

"S-Shut up!"

"No, I will not. I believe in true gender equality!"

Maou smirked. "Satou Kazuma would be proud."

Issei gave him a high five. "Hell yeah he would!"

Suzuno is so confused. "So, you're not the mother? Then that means I'm free to kidnap the Demon Lord's daughter, right?"


Emi shook her head. "No, I'm not-"

And much to her chagrin, Alas=Ramus came running towards her and hugged the redhead. "MOMMY! I MISSED YOU!"

The other hero had a dead look in her eyes, proceeding to glare at Maou. "You have corrupted one of my closest childhood friends. I'll never forgive you. I must kill you."

A hand was placed on her shoulder, and she turned to see Issei with a forced smile. "You will do no such thing. Alas needs her father." His aura intimidated the bluenette.

"BIG BWOTHER!" Alas ran towards Issei and hugged him, making him grin as he returned it.

"Hey, kiddo. How you doin'?"


Maou smirked at the scene and at Emi.

She huffed and turned away. "Hmph! Fine." The redhead sighed as she spoke softly so that Alas can't hear her. "I may not be her biological mom, but if she really wants me to be her other parent that bad, then I guess it can't be helped."

"Heh. I knew you wouldn't be able to say no to THAT level of cuteness."

"... Just one question, Maou. How did you find this girl? Where did she come from? Even though she doesn't know it, the amount of celestial force inside her is very high. What is she?"

"I didn't share all of my memories with you, it seems. Your mother gave an apple to me a long time ago. It was shortly after I left her home to carve out my own path, just before I became the Demon King. Right before my invasion of Ente Isla, I planted that apple, and it formed shape into Alas=Ramus, a Yesod Fragment."

Emi's eyes widened. "Yesod?!"

"Yeah. Make sure to never speak of her to anyone. Her existence must be kept a secret."

Suzuno blinked. "And why is that?"

"... I do not know the full situation. All I know is that Lailah fled from our dimension's version of Heaven, the Blue Moon, and was in possession of at least one, if not more, Yesod Fragments. My guess is that Lailah is a fugitive for that reason."

"You think she stole them?"


Their attention was forced back to the others when Issei fired a light dagger that wedged itself into the gamer's computer, destroying it.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Urushihara cried. "I was so close to getting another save point!" He turned to glare at the one who did it, only for fear to fill his being.

"Lucifer," Issei coldly stated. "I have questions. I shall ask, and you shall answer."

The Fallen Angel could only gulp and nervously nod. "W-What?"

"The Phoenix Tears. Where did you get that vial that you gave to Alexander Anderson?"

"I-I got it from someone named Rizevim Lucifer."

"Hm. Someone must have handed him one long before you came to this universe. Do you know where he is?"

Urushihara shrugged. "Hell if I know."

"I see. My business here is done with you. Alucard," Issei handed the Vampire a piece of paper. "At that address, you'll find VEGA inside the Team Holy Trinity HQ. He's mass producing blood for you."

Alucard sighed. "See, the thing is that I reeeeeaaaaaally like going on those enthusiastic walks, though."

"Just do it!" Issei sighed. "Make your dreams come true!"

Maou blinked. "That's an old meme."

"Hey! So is Rick Roll, but it's still good!"


Alucard rolled his eyes. "Fine, but is it that much of an inconvenience for me to kill a few people here and there?"

"Yes! You know why? It's because the Humans of this world are not supposed to know about the supernatural, but they do. How did they find out? Because in October of last year, I was caught in multiple videos fighting against a demonic invasion at my school, and because I was involved in the Kuoh Academy Incident, I am probably being watched heavily by Human governments. Sometimes I know when they're spying on me, sometimes I don't.

My point is that I do not want anyone I love getting hurt by them just because of my association with you after you go berserk for blood. You will find a supply of blood at this address where VEGA will provide more than enough to meet your daily needs."

Anyway, I'm done here. It was good seeing you, Maou, Alas. You should stop by occasionally so that Alas can visit Mythra." Issei activated a magic circle and left.

. . . . . . .

Issei Hyoudou Estate

Thursday, April 15th, 2021

With the stress of school combined with everything else in life, Issei decided a good workout was in order, so he went down to the weight room in his basement, which also has a gym.

"Hm? The lights are on. Is somebody already using it?"

Opening the door, he was surprised to see both Tsubasa and Sona in a boxing ring sparring with each other. The only equipment for the sport they're using are boxing gloves. Neither of them were aiming for the other's head, instead going for body shots, not wanting to cause a concussion or other injuries.

Mira was also in the room, swinging her staff around to strike a punching bag, spin-kicking it.

"Oh, hey Issei!" Tsubasa waved at him.

"Were you going to bench press?" Sona said.

"Yeah, it's been kind of a stressful first week of my 2nd year..." Issei scratched his head as he stared at the three of them agape. He sat down on a weight bench and looked at them with a smirk.

He blushed when he noticed their attire consisted of only short shorts and a small sports bra that showed much cleavage and mid-riff, at least Sona's and Tsubasa's. Sona's clothes are all red while Tsubasa wore yellow. Their bodies aren't covered in sweat, but there are some drops of perspiration that rolled down their skin slowly and dripped.

Back when Issei lived with his parents, he used to exercise shirtless, and due to his current basement obviously being underground, it could get quite cold, but none of the residents would need to worry about that as they could all use magic to heat themselves or cool down.

Seeing his awed look, Tsubasa and Sona smirked as they shared the same thought and nodded. "Let's help you relieve some of that stress now, shall we?"

Lemon Warning

Issei x Tsubasa

"You like what you see, Issei?" Tsubasa walked towards him with a sway of her hips, seductively swinging her legs over the ropes of the ring as she made her way over to him.

The Sekiryuutei chuckled. "Yeah, actually I do. You three look so sexy, including you, Mira."

Mira, who was doing another spin-kick, was caught off guard by his comment and lost her balance, falling over. "Uwah!"

"Uh... Are you okay?"

She blushed, looking happy but embarrassed. "I-I'm fine!"

Tsubasa surprised him by mounting his body, her legs and butt now right in his face. She slowly grinded on him as he reached up to caress her body, enjoying the feel of her thighs and muscular abdomen, giving her firm ass a squeeze and a hard slap. She moaned. "Ooooh... Issei..."

If there is any part of the bluenette Knight that is large other than her flat bust, it's her behind. It's not thicc but shapely, and it's not too small either but rather the perfect size for her measurements.

He sat up and hugged her from behind, still enjoying the feel of her stomach and legs as he turned her towards him and kissed her, their tongues dueling, lustfully exchanging saliva.

Sona pulled up another chair to his left as she lay down on it facing him. Seeing his boner, she slid his shorts down along with his underwear.

Seeing all this, Mira didn't want to be left out, so she hastily removed her clothing and took Issei's right while Sona did the same on the opposite side. They both began touching themselves, and upon seeing them masturbate, Issei got even harder.

Tsubasa broke out of their kiss and immediately leaned forward as soon as his boner came free while he helped her out of her shorts and panties.

Taking him in her hands, Tsubasa stroked his cock and started hungrily licking it from its base to its tip all over before she began sucking him as deep as she could, intentionally choking herself at a fast pace like an eager slut.

Issei adjusted her position so that she is positioned directly over him and began licking her, making her moan.

After many minutes, the two sat back up with Issei groping her as they kissed while Tsubasa lowered herself onto his erection, inserting him into her clean-shaven womanhood.

"AAAAH! Oh Issei!"

He fucked her mercilessly, being as rough as possible, not caring that it's her first time, but she loved every second of it.

Sona and Mira picked up the speed of their masturbation, so turned on by how hard he was taking her. The loud slaps of their skin meeting at an insane piece alongside the sight of his massive girth thrusting in and out at blazing speeds pushed them over the edge as everyone came together while screaming, including Issei, spurting a huge load into her.

As soon as their high came to an end, they were already in another makeout session. He kissed and licked his way down her body, stimulating and biting her tiny boobs, and kissing her stomach, to which she giggled as she got off, his cum dripping out of her as she left the three to go take a shower.

Issei x Sona

Sona got onto Issei next. Luckily, he didn't need to use Senjutsu to keep himself hard as he was feeling rather horny.

He compared the sizes of his girls and noticed that Tsubasa has the one of the most shapely butts and the smallest boobs of all twelve girls.

Mira is the most unexpectedly sexy girl due to her innocent looks. But underneath that innocence is a large pair of 80 cm D cup tits slightly smaller than Ravel's but bigger than Mythra's as well as amazing thighs, short as they are. She has a heavenly ass less thicc than Raynare's, almost as large as Akeno's and Kuroka's, and one that beats out Arisu, Ravel, and Tsubasa, but not Irina or Murayama. For comparison's sake, her butt is the same size as Rossweisse's.

Sona, however, has slightly smaller boobs than Mythra, having the smallest pair of the twelve girls, but they're clearly not flat since they're barely a C cup. She also has nice long legs. Her butt is the smallest of all twelve as well, but to Issei, there is something alluring about that factor, something more innocent. It meant that she will be one of the tightest, and that only made him want to devour her more.

And tight, she is. Sona slammed herself down onto his erection, making him gasp, "OHHHH! Oh my god, Sona! You're so tight!"

Mira, perpendicular to Issei, positioned her chest above him as he groped and sucked her tits, making her moan while he is rubbing Sona's clitoris as she grinded on him, making his cock move in a circular motion, which only added to his pleasure.

Issei used both hands to pull Mira closer to him, hugging her tight as he sucked her large bazongas as hard as he could, making her yelp in pleasure, breathing harder as he used one hand to stroke her smooth thighs. He also bucked his hips to thrust into Sona every time she fell on him.

The tip of his penis was reaching her womb, providing the ultimate pleasure for both of them as he rubbed her insides with his cock whenever he would reach her deepest depths.

"Haaah... Haaah! Sona, I-I'm about to cum! OOOHHHHHHH!" He used a free hand to hold her down as he jammed himself as hard as he could into her and exploded. He muffled his screams by sucking Mira's boobs even harder, making Mira cum, too.

As soon as his orgasm ended, Sona got off him and left for a shower, as well.

Issei x Mira

Issei, not feeling horny, finally used Senjutsu, making his dick hard again as his desire for sex immediately returned in full force.

Never parting from Mira's tits, he pulled her onto his lap and looked into her eyes. "I love you, Mira."

"I love you too, Issei."

"Mira... I want to try BDSM on you, if that's alright."

"Eh?" He began sucking and kissing her mammaries again while shoving his cock inside her. "Kya! I-Issei! I-If that's what you want, I'm all yours. Do me as you like. You can be as rough as you want."

The two kissed as he picked her up while fucking her. He stopped for a moment.

"Mira, hold your hands together above your head." She did as he said. Using magic, he created steel chains that tied around her arms and held her up supported by a pull-up bar. The chains also wrapped around her knees to keep her legs open so she wouldn't be able to close them, even if she wanted to, which she doesn't.

"Perfect. You look like a Christmas gift tied like that, all for me to take." Issei said lustfully as he kissed her stomach, making her giggle.

Mira squealed as he resumed fucking her, pounding her pussy as hard and fast as possible. "AAAAH! MASTER! PLEASE FUCK THIS DIRTY SLAVE OF YOURS!" She screamed.

Issei slapped her face, making tears roll down her cheeks, but again, they were tears of joy at being handled so roughly. "You bitch! Master will fill your sweet innocent little pussy with so much sperm."


He grabbed her throat, choking her hard as he fucked her so hard and so fast. The constriction around her neck made her nearly black out before he let go, slapping her again. "Stay awake, my slut. Now let's play a game."

"Ah! A game?"

"Yes. The silent game. Here is the one and only rule. You may only moan under your breath but not out loud. If you do, I will not fuck you again. If you manage to keep the volume down, master will reward you by fucking you again. And if you succeed by some miracle, we will repeat the process however many times it takes until I have broken you. Okay?"

Mira smiled. "Okay, master!" After all, it was very rare for her to be given an opportunity like this. She thought to herself, 'If I can keep it down, I can make him empty all he has left for the week in me and prevent him from having sex with any other girls until he is feeling it again!'

Issei had both hands on her throat to choke her, which was already such a turn on, but she couldn't lose to that. He would slap and abuse her, and she loved every second of it.

He choked her as he brutally pounded her pussy while biting on her nipples. "OHHHHH!" He screamed as his dick erupted lots of cum inside her, but he didn't stop fucking her for a second.

Mira's toes curled as she came. She had to stop herself from moaning as she did.

Issei, cumming for a good 30 seconds, thought of something. It was time to use the Boosted Gear while having sex.


As he fucked her, his cock grew from his natural 7 inches to 9 inches in length and went from 2 inches in width/girth to 3 inches. He pounded her too fast for anyone to see, going at about 500 BPM.

('I was taking such a nice nap, and this is what you woke me up for?')

'Whatever. Shut up, Ddraig.'

Mira was doing all she could to not moan. She wanted this amazing session to last so bad, so she instead focused on voicing her thoughts in her head. 'AAAAAAAH! MASTER! YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK ME! PLEASE BREAK ME, MASTER!'

"Moan for me, my cute little whore! I know you want to!"

She bit her lips, tears falling from the pain with a look of ecstasy on her face. 'Oh, this hurts so much! But it also feels soooo good! AAAAAAHHH!'

They went at it for another two hours before she broke, two hours in which he came every three minutes, meaning he fucked her a total of 40 times.


. . . . . . .

Friday, April 16th, 2021

Issei's 16th Birthday

When Issei woke up, he saw Raynare already in her school uniform and combing her hair in front of the mirror above their dresser.

She smiled as she came up to him, hugged him, and kissed his forehead. "Good morning, sleepy head."

Issei gave her a tired smirk. "Mm. Morning, beautiful." He fell back into bed with her in his arms, making her let out a yelp.

"Kya! I-Issei..."

"Mm... Let me sleep 5 more minutes..."

She pouted. "Mou. You need to get up. We're going to be late for school."

"I need my little Raye as a cuddle bear... 10 more minutes."

"What happened to 5?!"


Raynare sighed. "If you don't get up, you will miss the meal I cooked."

He immediately shot up. "You made breakfast for me?! Oh, right. I have the best girlfriend ever! Let's go. What did you cook?"

She grinned as if to say she won. "I made spinach with corn, avocado, lime, red onion, and just a slight tinge of oil, all mixed into an omelet with two pieces of French bread that has cream cheese, black beans, and a glass of milk on the side."

"Fuck yes! You make the best eggs."

The Queen giggled and winked at him. "I know I do."

After half an hour of breakfast and Issei rushing to get ready, the two were headed out together, hand-in-hand of course.

"Why did everyone else leave without us?"

"I'm not sure." Raynare pretended to be confused since she knew what happened, but she has a hint of a smile tugging at her luscious lips, making Issei a little suspicious. 'Please buy it, Issei. Mustn't blow the surprise!'

As soon as they reached the classroom, the lights were completely off.

Issei, with his supernatural hearing, could hear some shuffling as well as people inside telling each other to be quiet with some giggling.

"Sh! I think he's here," Said Murayama.

"Why are we all hunched together in the corner as if a school shooter is out for us?" Vali deadpanned. "The quiet kid in all my classes knows that he and I are cool."

Ravel sighed. "I have to agree, Vali. This is annoying, but it's the only way to make sure Issei can't see us through the dividers."

Mythra merely giggled. "Ara ara. Fufu. This is fun."

"Ara ara! That's my line." Akeno turned to her.

"Ara ara!" They both sang.

"Eep! You idiot! Watch where you're touching, pervert!" Arisu hissed at the nekoshou.

"Nya, I can't help it, Arisu nyan~" Kuroka purred. "They're so big and get in the way, nya."

Issei's eyebrow twitched. 'Where is she touching Arisu?! Is there some hot yuri action I missed? Am I about to get ambushed or something?! And they should know that I can hear them!'

Seeing his reaction, Raynare stifled a giggle as she walked behind him, which confused him, grabbed him by his shoulders after opening the door, and shoved him inside.

The lights turned on, and everyone yelled, "Surprise!" But no one was louder than Vali, who screamed, "Surprise, mothafucka!" and proceeded to smash Issei's face with a huge cake as Raynare quickly got out of the line of fire. Everyone laughed at the scene as Issei just silently snickered while Vali rubbed his face in it, his uniform very dirty.

"Happy birthday, Issei." Raynare kissed his cheek, licking off whatever cake got on her.

"Oh..." Issei felt stupid. "I forgot that it's my birthday!"

Vali chuckled. "Heh. Of course, you did. I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get this." (112)

All the other girls were there, even his upperclassmen. "Akeno, Tsubasa, Sona, shouldn't you be in class?"

Akeno licked some cake off his face and moaned lustfully. "Well, we wanted to skip class this once so that we could do this."

Rossweisse nodded. "Indeed! I have already excused them."

Kuroka frowned. "No fair, Akeno! I want to lick meowster, too!"

The two proceeded to lick him clean, competing to see who can get the most cake off him, making everyone blush and laugh as they wished him a happy birthday while all his girls dogpiled him with kisses and hugs.

The senpais were about to leave when Issei said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, but my parents are coming over tonight to eat dinner with us." He had a worried expression on his face.

Akeno tilted her head. "Is something wrong?"

"Well... As everyone already knows, we're at war with the Khaos Brigade, and with my peerage being at the forefront of it all, I thought that they should at least know what's going on."

Rossweisse nodded. "It's only natural to feel anxiety about that, but don't worry about it too much. We'll deal with it when the time comes."

Kalawarner swiped some hair out of her face. "Personally, I think you shouldn't tell them so that they don't worry unnecessarily, but that's just me. It's your call, Issei."

Mittelt nodded while Asia looked unsure.

After a minute of silence with everyone looking at him in concern, he grinned. "You're right, Kalawarner. I don't think I'll tell them. They'll only be obsessing over my safety 24/7, and they don't need that, so let's keep quiet about it."

The people living with Issei nodded, respecting his wish.

His face paled. 'I just realized that I still haven't told them about Yuuma and Yume!'

Raynare smiled as they took their seats. 'Don't worry. We'll tell them together. Besides, I think your parents will cry tears of joy that you've given them grandchildren.'

. . . . . . .

Later, Miki and Gorou Hyoudou arrived. They all ate dinner in either the living room or dining room.

Bahamut, Great Red, Ophis, Tannin, Sairaorg, Ikki, Stella, and Akame also visited, wanting to celebrate Issei's birthday.

Sirzechs, Grayfia, Azazel, and Gabriel came, as well, the last two wanting to see Raynare.

Issei wanted to tell them the good news first. He knows his dad will be elated, but he's more worried about how his mom might react. 'Lilith, are Yuuma and Yume still asleep upstairs?'

Lilith nodded almost imperceptibly. 'Yes.'

'Okay. Raynare, I'm going to go get them.' Issei cleared his throat. "Mom? Dad? There's something you both need to know."

"Yes, son?"

"Stay here for a sec. I have surprise for you."

Both his parents, as explained by Kalawarner, already know of Issei's involvement in the supernatural, so he teleported away only to reappear several seconds later and come back to his parents, which surprised them.

"Meet your grandchildren." Issei was holding two blanketed bundles.

Miki covered her mouth in dramatic fashion, unable to say anything.

Gorou stood up slowly, his hands now in Kazuma grabby mode followed by his wife. "W-W-W-W-What?! This is one of the best days of my life! I can die happy..." He was crying dramatically.

"Me too, dear. Me too." Miki was actually crying. Before she got serious and glared at Issei. "Who's the mom? You didn't just get a girl pregnant, steal the babies, and leave her, did you? What are their names? What are their birth dates? Why are we hearing about this now? Are we not important to you? Do you not love us anymore?!"

"Mom, too many questions!" Issei gestured for her to quiet down, but it was too late. His children were already awake.

But luckily, his fear subsided since his kids were happy that they got their full rest for sleep as proven by their reactions to being woken up.

Yuuma giggled cutely when Raynare took her into her arms.

Yume gave his father a condescending bored look, as if to say, 'Step aside, fool. I'm the master of this house now.'

'Oh no! My son has already usurped me!' Issei cried internally.

Seeing one of them with the Queen, Gorou pointed at them. "Is she mom?"

Issei nodded. "Yep. Remember my girlfriend Yuuma I was talking about? Yuuma was just an alias, and-"

Miki raised her hand. "I know. Your friend Kalawarner already told us everything."

He looked at the bluenette Fallen. "You already did?"

Kalawarner nodded. "I'm sorry, Issei."

"Oh no! I'm not mad or anything, but what exactly did you tell them?"

"Most things about the supernatural starting with your date with 'Yuuma' and subsequent death," She gestured to Raynare as Issei's parents scrutinized the Queen, making her flinch under Miki's glare and Gorou's worried stare. "The Three Factions, the Great War, Kokabiel, the Khaos Brigade, and your training in Asgard. They came over while you were training in Asgard, and since I couldn't come up with a lie on the spot, I told them the truth."

Issei nodded. "Anyway, Raynare is holding my daughter, whose name is Yuuma. This one here is my son, Yume. They're both twins born on March 7th, and Yuuma is one minute older. Mom, dad, I love you both tremendously, but the reason I didn't tell you in that time frame is because I was so busy with school and everything else going on in my oh so magical life... And because I wanted it to be a surprise. I'm sorry for not informing you sooner."

Gorou smirked, a glint in his glasses. "Worry not, my boy! I'm just glad that you finally gave us grandkids to spoil. But Issei, are you sure Raynare is the right girl for you?"

Miki nodded vehemently. "Yeah, Kalawarner told us that she killed you!"

"Calm down, you two. Raynare is the one I love more than anything. When she killed me, she did it because she was ordered to."

"So?! It's still not okay to-"

"Mom, you're not getting what I'm saying. She was ordered to. If she didn't follow those orders, she would have been murdered by her superior at the time. Raynare may have disguised herself, lied about her identity, but I could tell she didn't want to hurt me and that she was heartbroken about it as she flew away while I lay in a pool of my own blood."

Raynare gently set Yuuma into her baby basket, who pouted at not being in her mother's arms. She turned to Miki and bowed to her. "Mr. and Mrs. Hyoudou, I am so sorry for what I have done. On rare occasions, I have nightmares about that day. I love Issei so much. I... I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me."

Everyone else watched this scene in tense silence.

"Mom, she's the Queen of my peerage for a good reason. She means what she says."

Miki was still not sure what to think of Raynare. "How? How do we know that she isn't lying? How do we know that she isn't just some cheap gold-digging whore who is using you for her own amusement?"

Those words hurt Raynare, but she stayed bowing.

Issei furrowed his eyebrows. "Mom, look at the way my Queen is dressed and tell me if she's anything like the way you describe."

His parents took note of Raynare's attire. They couldn't deny the fact that she looks like a gorgeous and graceful noblesse. She is wearing a red dress with black frilly parts all around it and a few roses tucked into the hair above her left ear. The dress really hugs her body and shows off cleavage, but while it can make one's imagination run, it also completely hides her legs, so it shows some modicum of self-respect but with a mix of mature beauty.

His mom huffed, crossing her arms. "She's showing cleavage, and too much of it."

Issei smirked. "I think you're just jealous that she has what you don't, which is a large rack."

Miki glared at him, a malicious aura behind her. "Whaaaaat did you saaaaay?!"

Her son squealed in fear while his dad did his best to not laugh. "Eek! N-Nothing! But let's be honest here with the fact that due to her large boobs, Raynare is dressed this way to make sure her chest doesn't sweat too much since that's apparently an issue girls have."

Gorou adjusted his glasses. "Look at me, Raynare." She stopped bowing. "I know you hurt my son, but I forgive you. I'll leave him in your care."

"Dear?!" Miki was upset.

He sighed. "Miki, leave it. Issei is truly in love, and I promise that once a man experiences true love, there is nothing that will stop him from getting what he wants aside from petty things such as his own fear of rejection, romantic rivals, etc. Hell, he even named his own daughter after Raynare's alias, which must count for something. She seems like a good woman, and you have my blessing to marry my boy."

"Thank you so much!" Raynare bowed again. "I swear to you both that I'll do right by Issei! I promise on my mother Gabriel's name! After all, a good wife is supposed to prioritize protecting her children and offer her love and support for her partner for life, and there is absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for them."

Gabriel nodded in approval, and so did Azazel with a smirk, hearing his daughter-figure say something he's proud of.

Grayfia smirked as she whispered to Sirzechs, "They're like us when we announced our relationship to your parents."

Miki blinked. "Tell me, Raynare, are there any other men in your life that you have any relationships with, any at all? And what's the nature of those relationships?"

Issei sighed. 'Here she goes again.'

"Well, there are only three other men, those being my foster father Azazel, and three of my good friends in Dohnaseek, Vali, and Sairaorg over there." She gestured to the three, who raised their drinks to say hi. "Those three are also friends of Issei."

Miki sighed. "Goodness gracious. Fine, Issei. You win. It seems she really is a good person on the inside."

Issei smiled, and the tension instantly dropped. Everyone was happy that the interrogation was over.

His mother smirked. "On a more lighthearted note, who would have thought that my young man could get such a drop-dead stunning girl?"

They laughed as they sat down and got to know one another.

"Um, mom? Dad? There's one other thing. You see, all these other girls excluding Kalawarner, Mittelt, and Asia are all in my harem."

"I see!" Her mother stood up with a psychotic smile and an intimidating dark purplish-black aura. "Time for round two of interrogation."

Raynare smiled but felt somewhat bad for the other eleven girls. "Yare yare."

The seven visiting trainers merely shrugged as they, mainly Akame, ate her food while they all conversed with Issei's Queen.

"Oh no! Issei, what have you done?! Son, stop her!" Gorou gestured to his wife.

"It's not like she has an Off button!"

The rest of the girls became quite nervous at her questioning with the only two calm ones being Arisu and Mythra.

It was on this day that they all learned a valuable lesson: Even if she's Human, thou shalt not fuck with Miki Hyoudou.

. . . . . . .

Meanwhile, something is happening elsewhere that will change fate.

In downtown Kuoh, in a very tall building next to the police station, having its windows tinted black and anti-Devil barriers set around the whole of downtown, the Cadre Class Fallen Angels Armaros and Sahariel, important magic researchers of the Grigori, are currently in a lab performing experiments on something.

The item is a heavy rectangular-shaped box with gold plating on the outside and a stone wall on the inside that mostly covers its contents except a small viewing port that emits a lava red hue. The port is large enough for someone to poke the insides with their fingers.

"What exactly am I looking at?" Sahariel, the head researcher, demanded of his subordinate.

"We do not know," Said Armaros. "All we know is that, for whatever reason, this thing appeared in this exact room seemingly out of thin air. It messed with a lot of our electrical gadgets and other equipment."


"Our computers began freaking out as some shut down while others barely functioned." Armaros scratched his beard in thought.

Sahariel approached the table the box is sitting on. Adjusting his glasses, he began using all sorts of tools to interact with the mysterious item of interest.

The result astounded both of them. Hammers got turned into sledgehammers. Knives were somehow warped into machetes. Older flip or slider cell phones became smartphones.

"Wow..." They two scientists chorused.

Neither of them was prepared for what happened next.

Outside the lab and passing by many busy Fallen, a nervous woman in disguise of a Fallen Angel sneaked past everyone and, without anyone noticing, was eavesdropping on the conversation between the two scientists. She had her hair combed back and tied into one long braid so that nobody would recognize her.

Hearing what she needed to hear, and attached to her ear is a small microphone, she softly spoke into the alien device. "I believe I have found what you're looking for."

A red wormhole appeared next to her, and a figure in black robes stepped out of it. "Good job, Freya. You may leave."

Freya quickly teleported back to Titan.

With his appearance, his energy signature was released, alarming all the Fallen Angels in the vicinity. All the weaker ones with eight wings or less immediately teleported to the Grigori 2.0 for safety, but the few Fallen with ten or more wings in the Cadre Class present, about 30 of them, teleported to his location to check out the disturbance. An alarm sounded throughout the lab, signaling those outside to the source of the disturbance.

Sahariel pressed a button on a remote, making the entire wall retract into the ground. "Hey! What's going on out-"

He stopped mid-sentence, as shocked as the others at seeing the source of overwhelming power.

The important Cadres in Tamiel and Penemue stood to their leader Azazel's left while Shemhazai and Baraqiel took their place to Azazel's right.

Azazel, having just abruptly left Issei's birthday party, felt his jaw drop as his eyes slowly widen. "W-What are you doing here?!"

The hooded figure smirked. "I'm impressed that your security system could find me... brother." He spat out the word sarcastically.

Penemue grit her teeth. "Tch! You're damn right it can! It will find someone who has even the faintest hint of malicious intentions."

"H-Hold on," Shemhazai trembled. "He called you brother, Lord Azazel..."

"Indeed I did," The demonic voice spoke. "Maybe I should introduce myself? Oh, don't get me wrong; you scum are not worthy of being in my presence, but I'll do it anyway. My name is Satan Lucifer, originally one of the seven Archangels, now the first and only true King of the actual Hell, not the useless fake one you lot call the Underworld."

Penemue is attempting to call for help from the four Devil Kings. She mumbled, "Why aren't you picking up, Sirzechs?" Satan smirked at this.

Something is clearly wrong.

At this point, Azazel was panicking. Gulping, he opened his mouth to speak, but Satan interrupted him.

"Out of all my siblings, I am almost as disappointed in you, Azazel, as I am in Michael."

"W-What do you mean?"

His question received a glare. "You know full damn well what the fuck I mean. When I fell from grace after that whiny old bitch of a father kicked me out of Heaven, you were the only one not there. Why? Too busy fucking Human women, you horny little shit?"


"Heh," The Devil chuckled in disgust. "I never even received a trial, but the reason you piss me off almost as much as Michael is because there was one particular Angel to be kicked out of Heaven, one I cared for as much as you did, but you defended them at the trial they barely received and not me. And what have you done since then? That Fallen Angel faced the many horrors such as the Great War, and you didn't do anything to help protect your kin since you were too busy getting it on with your Human concubines. Hm. Maybe humanity is the first race I should wipe out... Then again, what has become of my hatred for you Fallen and Devils has only deepened, too."

Hearing this and seeing Azazel's indecision, Baraqiel, having been married to a Human, was enraged. "SHUT UP!" He attempted to attack as he lunged forward while firing dozens of light spears, but they all fazed through his untouched target as if the Devil is a ghost.

"Quiet, child." Satan calmly backhanded Baraqiel, sending him flying backwards and colliding with Tamiel. "Didn't your parents ever teach you manners when speaking with your elders? Oh wait, your parents are probably dead because I probably killed them in the Great War. Whoop-de-fuckin'-do."

Azazel snapped out of it and was about to issue orders to Penemue and the scientists when the Devil teleported.

Sensing him behind them, Sahariel and Armaros quickly turned around to strike when they were suddenly brought to their hands and knees by an invisible force. The same thing happened to the other Fallen still standing, including Azazel.

"Ah, here it is." Satan picked up the rectangular box in one hand and turned towards Azazel. "I'll be leaving now. You are not my target for now. I will see you again someday, my disgrace of a brother."

. . . . . . .


Handing the box over to Thanos, Satan asked, "Is this what you were looking for?"

The Mad Titan smirked as he examined it. "... Yes. How'd you find it?"

"I sensed it calling to me."

A new voice interrupted, an evil sounding female. "Hahahahahaha. It seems the two of you will be good entertainment for me." The sound resonated from the rectangular box, which seemingly jumped back out of Thanos' hands and exploded brightly, making the surprised Mad Titan cover his eyes while Satan blankly stared into the fire, his yellow Sith eyes not bothered in the slightest.

When it calmed down, a woman emerged from the blast. She has very long hair in which half of it is silver and the other half is black, her massive breasts and cleavage exposed for all to see, her right golden eye dripping with a sort of lust as her left one is covered by a curtain of hair.

Her attire consists of nothing but black, leathery clothing such as a leather black body suit for her torso that is see through at the hips and waist, black leather gloves that extend from her upper arms, and black armored boots that reach just above her knee. The gloves covering her hands are golden and have extendable claws.

Her weapons are two longswords, both currently in their sheaths.

The Devil looked at her cautiously. "Who are you?"

She smirked. "Your new partner, Luci." The nickname made a tick mark appear on his head. "Well... One of them. My name is Drela, and I'm the Primordial Goddess of Extermination. I don't think this weakling is fit to be leading the Khaos Brigade." Drela smirked while gesturing to Thanos.

Thanos scowled and hissed, "Insect!" before lunging forward to try to attack her, but much to the surprise of everyone watching, she calmly side stepped, grabbed his arm, and maneuvered him into the air before slamming him down.

"Now, now, Thanny. Be a good boy and behave, or else..." She paused to lick her lips lustfully. "Your new boss may hunger for your blood."

Thanos smirked and as the yellow stone in the gauntlet on his left arm glowed.

"The Mind Stone won't work on me," Drela shocked him with this proclamation. "I could easily kill you if I wanted to, you know."

"F-Fine," The humiliated Thanos surrendered. "I'll be your underling, then. But just answer me this: Why were you disguising yourself as the Reality Stone, and are you going to let me use it?"

"Hoh? Don't you mean the Aether? Well, I am the Reality Stone in my physical form, but the stone came before I existed, so I cannot fully control it. Once I learned of it, I merged myself with it in hopes of gaining all its powers, but that plan somewhat failed. And no, I will not let you use the Reality Stone since doing that would make our enemies perish too quickly, and even if I knew how to use it, that would be boring. I would like to see them suffer much more. Ufufu."

"You... You're a monster," Thanos smiled evilly. "I'll follow you, then."

"Good! What about you, Luci?"

"Don't call me that," The Devil growled. "Call me Satan. But I agree to be your partner and will let my Generals know of this."

"Excellent!" She smiled happily, which could be interpreted as innocent if it weren't for her ulterior motives.

"What now?"

"Now, we will set the stage for a conflict. There will be a Third World War on Earth, one so violent that the supernatural world will not be able to ignore it. I've secretly been indoctrinating leaders of so-called countries and their militaries, and I've ordered them to not use nuclear weapons. Everything else is fair game.

There are two reasons for this conflict: First is to make sure humanity cannot interfere in our fight with our enemies, so they will quarrel among themselves and cripple each other to the point that they cannot fight against the supernatural. Second is the possibility that the war will kill some of our enemies without us even needing to raise a finger or show our faces."

"I see." Satan smirked. "So, you had the same idea as me. When and how should we begin? And who are my other new partners you speak of?"

"Soon, partner. Soon. You don't need to worry about the how since the plan is already in motion. As for your second question, let's just say that I am part of an organization you will meet in the near future."

Thanos, feeling left out of the conversation, chimed in. "But won't we need the other Infinity Stones, if not Reality? All that's left for me to find is the Time Stone, Power Stone, and Soul Stone."

"Indeed. However, you won't be able to get the Time Stone."

"Why not?"

"Someone else already has it, and it will be impossible to snatch it off of them." Thanos opened his mouth but was cut off. "Now be quiet. It is about to begin. A spark is needed to make it look like Human on Human violence so that no one suspects that we're behind this. Satan, would you do the honors?"

The Devil nodded and produced his crystal ball as they watched how their plans come to fruition.

He smirked. "Looks like my faithful servant is about to start."


A few days passed since Issei's birthday.

For Sirzechs Gremory, months had passed since his last nightmare.

He went to therapy, he got more sleep, and his productivity increased.

He got to spend more time with his son Millicas.

His wife Grayfia had tons of hot passionate sex with him to reward his hard work among other reasons she was very straightforward and not shy with, unlike her usual professional self.

And his overall mental and emotional health was great.


Unfortunately for him, the night terrors suddenly began again.

Now, he feels like a puppet on strings, and a completely mindless one. Of course, his master knows that there are moments when he has to spend time as a normal person to fulfill his role as a husband, father, and Devil King in order to reduce suspicion, but Grayfia began noticing that this time is decreasing.

Finally, the dreaded day came that his overlord ordered him to do something terrible.

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Khimki, Moscow, Russia

Sheremetyevo A.S. Pushkin International Airport

Five men wearing bulletproof vests rode up an elevator.

These men are led by Russian military Commissar Viktor Reznov III. The others are Russian Ivan Doroshenko, Georgian Oleg Smirnov, German Uwe Fischer, and Devil Sirzechs Gremory.

Reznov never cared to learn any of their names or who they were, but when skimming over the roster, he immediately knew which ones stood out.

Gremory? He would keep an eye on him, but Fischer? He instantly distrusted him. Something needed to be done.

The five men cocked their light machine guns and secondary weapons.

He spoke in German as the others were instructed to for the entirety of their mission, "Remember - no Russian."

Walking out of the elevator and towards a large crowd of people at the x-ray machines, the men pointed their guns at them and fired.

People screamed in terror as the bullets tore through them, the panic quickly spreading to others in the airport, who began running for their lives while the armed assailants very slowly and casually strolled forward, as if walking through a park.

Passing through the two backscatters, Reznov and the others turned their guns in opposite directions, using one hand, and shot running civilians.

"Up the stairs. Go."

Hundreds more fell when Smirnov walked over to a railing and opened fire on the fleeing crowd a floor below.

Five measly airport security officers, armed with nothing more than pistols which are like bows and arrows against tanks in this situation, were also murdered along the way.

Uwe almost accidentally shot Reznov.

"Check your fire!"

Many of those still alive trampled over each other to try to use the elevator on the way down, but elevator or escalator, the result would be the same. They were all pumped full of lead as the elevator went crashing to the first floor with a small explosion due to damage.

Suddenly, a Russian police helicopter flew past a window with troops full of the Russian equivalent of their own FBI, the FSB.

"Let's go!" Reznov urged.

They jogged down the escalator, shooting a few wounded stragglers along the way before stopping at a door.

The sound of police sirens could be heard wailing, ever drawing closer. "They're right on time." Reznov peaked his head out the door, seeing several commercial airliners parked at their gates. "Check your weapons and ammo."

Sirzechs grinned evilly. "I've waited a long time for this."

"Haven't we all."

They rushed down the ramp as the sound of smoke grenades could be heard popping and men with riot shields emerged, crouching down to avoid getting shot.

"FSB. Take 'em out."

The five shooters immediately spread out and took cover as Uwe rushed ahead when he heard Doroshenko scream, "Behind that luggage cart!"

He went in and shot the agent as Smirnov called out an enemy he spotted. "Behind that landing gear!"

The riot shield guys were quickly taken out by frag grenades and grenade launchers.

Passing past the left wing of one of the aircraft, Reznov called out, "Contact! Second floor windows!"

FSB agents got the high ground on them as they began shooting at them from the terminal gates.

"Copy that. Second floor windows," Sirzechs responded.

Uwe and the others concentrated their fire and took them out one by one.

"FSB van! Left side!" Reznov yelled.

Everything was going smoothly as they advanced under Uwe's covering fire, shooting his grenade launcher at the men emerging from the police van.

But suddenly, Doroshenko was shot and killed by an agent he should have seen from his 11 o'clock.

"Man down!" Sirzechs notified the rest of the team.

Reznov cursed. "Shit! Leave him! Go! Go! 30 seconds, go! This way, let's go."

Finally, they opened a door and entered a corridor.

"Hallway clear." Reznov and the others entered a warehouse with a garage and a van waiting under an open garage door. "Hold your fire."

The backdoor of the van opened as another unknown Russian man opened it and spoke in Russian while helping them in one by one. "Good, you made it! Get in. We've sent a strong message with this attack, Reznov."

They all made it in except Uwe.

Reznov turned to Uwe. "That was no message..." He grabbed Uwe's hand to help in, put a gun to Uwe's neck, and shot him. "This is a message." Uwe lay there, choking on his own blood as he watched the van drive away. "The German thought he could deceive us... When they find that body... all of Russia will cry for war."

It disappeared from his sight, and he closed his eyes for the final time. Uwe Fischer is dead.

A couple minutes later, FSB agents rushed in and, on high alert, discovered the corpse.

On this day, 440 Russians were massacred, 382 civilians and 58 FSB.

Berlin, Germany

Somewhere underneath the famous Reichstag, a handsome young-looking blond man is plotting something. This man is a Human, and his name is Klaus Siegfried, father of the same Siegfried that fought under Cao Cao in the rating game tournament, and distant grandson of the world's most famous tyrant to ever exist.

In a dark room, he knelt on his knees in front of an altar with candles.

"I will finish vat you started... grandfather."

On the center of the altar, which is surrounded by the famous red and black swastika, is a colored picture of one Adolf Hitler.


A few minutes later, Klaus found himself in a large auditorium, all the chairs having been removed prior.

In the room stood a thousand soldiers lined up, all wearing Waffen-SS combat uniforms with swastika armbands.

He began making a speech.

"Ze day zat ze Fourth Reich makes its presence known to ze vorld is approaching, comrades. But before ve do anything, I need to make something known to all of you. I do not like var. I LOVE var!

Through my life, I have discovered so many forms of var. You get up early in ze morning, you get in your shitty car, und you see a rich CEO, who works half as hard as you do, drive down ze street in his Porsche; Class war!

You make it to vork, und you find out zat ze annual drug test is today, und you JUST so happened to take a puff of your one-hitter a couple nights ago before dinner with your wife's AWFUL parents! Drug war.

But zen... you find out zat ze only ones being called in for testing are your black und Hispanic co-vorkers. Race war!

Zen you try und post about it on your Facebook, but zen all your friend's start arguing about vat's right and vat's wrong! Flame war.

You finally get home, und you decide to relax by watching a program about: Who gets ze box? Vat's in ze box? How much is vat's in ze box vorth? Huhuhuhu. Storage wars.

Vat I am telling you, my Nazi army vith just a sousand of you here for now, is zat I am a purveyor of war. And wis your help over ze years, ve are now at ze precipice of our true goal.

You see, I vant a simple var. No class wars, no drug wars, no race wars, no flame wars, und CERTAINLY, no COLD WARS!" He shouted, earning cheers from his soldiers. "Blueballed for forty-six years...

Vat I vant is a var zat only ve can bring. A true... var. A GERMAN var!"

He outstretched his arms to the sides dramatically. "The sequel you've all been vaiting for...! I! WANT! WORLD! WAR! THREEEE!!!"

The Nazis all raised their hands upwards and shouted, "SIEG HEIL! SIEG HEIL! SIEG HEIL! SIEG HEIL!" over and over, their faces showing manic smiles.

Klaus clapped his hands and quieted them down as a massive screen lit up behind him. "Und now, my friends, ve vill vitness ze beginning."

The screen displayed a live feed of millions of German troops moving towards the borders of France.

Not much later, a news report was broadcast by every news channel around the world. "BREAKING NEWS: Germany, Finland, Iran, and Algeria have signed the Quadpartite Pact. According to military officials, the Germans have been violating post-WW2 laws by building yet another massive military. When this happened and how this was kept a secret remains unknown."

To Be Continued

WW3 sides will look like this:

NATO major countries- USA, Russia, Britain, Taiwan, and Argentina. Taiwan and Argentina will be major players in a war against China and other commies. China's aggression towards foreign countries and unwillingness to discuss nuclear weapon's treaties for disarmament, instead choosing continuous rapid production of Chinese WMD's pushes Russia into the arms of NATO, who reluctantly welcome them.

NATO minor countries- Israel, Australia, South Korea, India, Japan, Philippines, Hong Kong, Thailand, France, Canada, Greece, Spain, Belgium, Colombia, Denmark, Sweden, Mexico, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Greenland, Iceland, Dutch East Indies, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and everyone else that prefers democracy.

NATO countries forced into joining them by the USA- Afghanistan, Iraq, Bangladesh,

The Quadpartite major countries- Germany, Finland, and Iran. Finland is powerful in this universe and is doing a lot of things right in real life circa 2021. One big reason why Finland would join the Nazis again is as a defense against yet another Russian invasion.

The Quadpartite minor countries- Algeria because they ain't shit so they will be as useless as Italy was in WW2, Austria, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Puerto Rico, Jordan, Panama, Iraq, Palestine, Morocco, Somalia, Tunisia, and everyone else that hates the USA, Russia, or China. Puerto Rico is sick of American rule and throws a rebellion.

The major Communists- China, North Korea, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Oman, Qatar, UAE, Cuba, and Vietnam.

The minor Communists- Bulgaria, Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Chile, Kenya, Kuwait, Yemen, Cambodia, Laos, South Africa, and all other African, Latin/South American, and Asian countries not listed, AKA the tiny ones that probably should be part of bigger countries. Seriously, there's like 50+ of them.

Major neutral Countries- Italy, Hungary, and Norway.

Minor neutral Countries- Brazil, and of course, Chad.


(110) Steins;Gate

(111) Five Nights at Freddy's

(112) Spider-Man

Issei's Harem by where they are in harem ranking:

Raynare (Main Girl, Queen, ranked 1st of 12)

Arisu Yamauchi (OC, Six Mutated Pawn Pieces, ranked 2nd of 12)

Mythra=Arcane (2nd OC, ranked 3rd of 12)

Akeno Himejima (Knight, ranked 4th of 12)

Kuroka Toujou (Bishop, ranked 5th of 12)

Natsuki Murayama (Two Pawns, ranked 6th of 12)

Irina Shidou (Rook, ranked 7th of 12)

Rossweisse (Rook, ranked 8th of 12)

Ravel Phenex (Bishop, ranked 9th of 12)

Sona Sitri (ranked 10th of 12)

Mira (ranked 11th of 12)

Tsubasa Yura (Knight, ranked 12th of 12)

Next chapter