
Change of times

Prometheus who was now in the middle of the city was wondering what to do. Now that he had done his job didn't have anything to wait for. To be frank he didn't want anyone to leave yet. This was because after they left there would be nothing else to watch or do. After done binge watching a bunch of different tvs and watching a bunch movies. He was now bored…

"Haaaa..I really hoping the city comes back to life. There is nothing here. The food is no good. The atmosphere is good. I really do wish that we can resolve this much faster."

"You could have done it sooner by giving then the scared fire." his brother said as he then appeared. "Things might have been resolved faster."

"The timing would had made a difference. But not really in my opinion. But still I did it because I wanted them to get rid of Echidna first. Though she is weak. But if she was alive Typhon wouldn't have been so infatuated with Rhea."

"I see if Enhidna was still alive, Typhon would have made her even stronger. Also they would have pursued the power faster."

"Exactly and you should be well aware….Rhea doesn't have the capabilities to stop him at all."

"....True she is by far the weakest in divine energy. If it wasn't for Nyx she wouldn't be able to handle him."

"Right now Cronus needs to complete his healing. That way we can defeat him."

"But Nyx technically did it right. If it wasn't for hera binding them together. Typhon would have been destroyed.

"However that is not the wish of the mother."

"Excuse me??"

"When the binding happened, it connect it to cronus. But before that it was already connected to someone else."

"You mean..."

"It was connected to Gaia. If nyx had killed him, A piece of gaia would have been destroyed. So gaia already forseeing this transferred all the damage to Cronus."

"But why."

"Something only she could know. And besides she didn't want nyx to kill Typhon. It was her last gift of course. To take care of the world in her absence. She can't leave us without it."

"But if she knew then why leave??"

" loneliness perhaps"

"But she had us?"

"Yes but she lonely because she can no longer interfere with the world. Watching all the fighting from afar. Its something she couldn't bear or see. So she left to fall asleep."

"So what is cronus purpose?"

"His purpose is to defeat him of course. But not the normal way."


"You will find it out. Soon enough."

"I wonder sometimes how much of the future do you actually know."

"Its not knowing about the future rather just having in depth knowledge about the situation. Besides it not something that I natrually have control over. If I had such capability I would've have save your daughter from her fate."

"That was her own choice. Its not something that even I could have done. Even with my knowledge."

"That is why being a god is lonely sometimes. We have so much knowledge and so much responsibility that we sometimes have to keep things to ourselves." Prometheus said as he recalled how lonely he had to make himself be.

"Ah thats why you interfere with humans."

"Interfere? The gods interfere with the world the moment they ruled it. By the time I interfere the human existence would have died. They had already been weaken by Cronus leaving the world. If I didn't the human world would have been extinct. I needed to give them something."

"And yet you didn't dsiclose it to everyone else. If you did then everyone might have actually let you have a good life."

"Life. They have nothing good that is fun. I am an innovator and a creator. Not a person who like to stay idle."

"What about spending time with Hephaustus and the ogres. They would have helped you."

"Those guys really aren't much as they just see things and make it better. They aren't people who want to create new things." Prometheus.

'So what now."

"After thinking about it, I will wait for when things are settled. I think I will join with Cronus and the gang. To be honest with you, their group is more entertaining. After seeing what they do, I realize that maybe being with them, I will be able to find ideas that I long. Gods are truly lonely creatures. If I am with them. I will be able to get over my stagnation that I have been suffering for so long."

"Ah so you want to enjoy the life they are enjoying after all. Sounds like you pretending to be punish is over."

"You can say that. After realizing how much the humans have experience and grown. I think it is time for me to enjoy what I have given to them.

"I see well its time for you to have company. I should also as well. Writing all the history by myself has been sad. I think I should have kids who should be able to enjoy everything."

"Please you were always alone. The only thing you like to do is write and read. Never did you ever care about company."

"What are you talking about? I care. Why do you think I have a wife."

"It was because you were given her. I never seen your wife ever care about you. After the first night she never appeared again.

'My wife cares about me. She just ...don't show it." The two continue to argue back in forth as this was the recent time they have been able to talk like this. They then with everything they had kept going back and forth as they wree constantly talking. About random stuff. Prometheus was just having a talk because he was wanting to talk. Being by himself has caused him so insanity. So having so one to talk to who understands him was something he is able to talk to.

Back at the mountains, Atlas seems to be sensing the power that was going on. Seeing what has transpired he realize that there was something interesting going on. He never realized that first how powerful Typhon was, second that Rhea who hated battle was the one that came to the battle field as well. She never been in the battle field before. But that could be explained as Atlas finally realize who was the mystery person who was she protect.

"Well well. Now that I understand what has transpired. The reason why this inidividaul was so strong. Only you would be able to move her so easily. Also explains why Nyx has ben obedient as of late. The only person that can tame the both of them was none other than him. He then saw the queen as he then moved it accordingly. He then looked at his queen as he saw the he wonder should he move it. But as he was going to make his move, he actually stopped. "No I shouldn't. He is not ready yet nor is my other one as well. Lets wait to see if the rooks will make such a difference. Seems like I just have to sit back for the time being. However….I wonder should I lend another helping hand."

Reminiscing in the past there was the time that the civil war started. Cronus who was the leader at that time was the one that didn't want to partake in the war. At that time Atlas who was in second command was the one that took control. However with Rhea and Metis joining the other side with Nyx fallen into slumber the fight potential has been weaken significantly. Not to mention soon many of the Titans like Kratos and his brothers were already siding with Zeus and the others. Cronus had gathered those that remained but because of all that has transpired he was left disheartened. This left him to be rather in a predicament. Who would have thought that Metis had planned it out so well. But this left Atlas frustrated.

"Why are you hiding behind this castle of yours!!!! Fight for the world that you promised!!" Atlas steamed as he was furious with Cronus' reaction.

"I…..think its a sign to let myself give my throne up. I think my time is up."

"This is the best world ever created and you are going to give it up.?"

"Sometimes we can only rule for so long. Sometimes we need to change."

"That just show you your incompetence!!!! This happened because you tried not to do anything. Instead of getting rid of your children you lock them away. Now even if we win we will be vulnerable in teh future." Atlas tried to reasoned with him but Cronus remain indifferent to it all. To be honest he really didn't care about it at all.

"Look my role has ended. So if you want it….you will have to fight for it." Cronus then continue to start over heaven as he didn't seem to care about it at all. Atlas was mad as he couldn't believe that he was the ruler. After all he had done to maintain the world he was willing to give it all up. It was so frustrating that he then left.

"You incompetant fool!!!"Leaving that was the last time they ever talked. Going back to present day he then thought about something. Was that the right decision back then. He thought about it because before when he was looking at the situation he recalled that there was a chance that he would win as they just have overwhelming numbers. But he knew with his guys he would have for sure won the battle. However at that time the gods were picking fights one after another to their favor that it was starting to wear on them. Eventually with careful planning Atlas didn't realize that he was being taken down one by one. With no choice he felt that he had to retreat at that time. This then left Cronus to defend for himself. Instead of saving him, Atlas then used him as bait to lure everyone to fight him. It worked out perfectly as all of his allies survived. He even found some new ones as they were once in hiding as well. Thus at the point of hiding he made sure that he would revert the world back to its former glory. "Cronus I have planned for this all my life. Don't think with just your appearance that I would go and fail. I have found more allies tha you think."

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