
Family problems

"Because that guy don't deserve to live a life that he wasn't suppose to be living." Metis as she was referring to that monster.

"What do you mean?"

"You should know that his reason for existence isn't what he is now. It wasn't suppose to be for war or killing." After thinking about it he was also thinking about it.

"But why should I help in ending his life still.

"Because….that was Gaia's last gift to us. And you should know that list gift was all our responsibility. And all of us didn't do anything for him. We didn't teach him what he was meant to do." Metis reminded as even when apart they didn't know that siblings should have taken care of those who are young. Especially the youngest one who never had experience what it means to go to war.

"That was his choice he knew what he was going through you should have known that by now."

"Yes but you should know what was her real purpose when she created him. Why are you denying your role as the big brother here."

"Because if you didn't beat us that time I would have!!!!!!" He said angered. "After you got rid of us from Heaven, we left him to his own devices. You were responsible for him and yet you not only failed to take care of him. You blame us for your mistakes. So tell me what do you have to say for yourself." This then made Metis stop as she was in charge of him. Everyone of the strongest Titans were suppose to take care of her. But as all of them left, the world only a few remained. Yet others distance themselves from the world as well. Leaving Metis who should be the one that was responsible for him. But because of her negligence she not only failed to educate him he was influence by the wrong type of person.

"I didn't want him to suffer any longer. That child must be stopped. Do it for Gaia's sake. And do it for his sake."

"Whose sake?"

"Menacilus sake of course." Metis said as then got his to focus his attention to Metis. Though he treats everyone like pawns. Even Pallas and Aura who the same side. He though they are related. He still don't treat them like allies at all. However upon hearing that name he couldn't help but falter in his resolve to stay out of this.

"His sacrifice was the result of your own failure. Surely you still owe him that." Metis argues as Menacilus wouldn't have to sacrifice himself if he had actually done things better. But the most important thing was this. "He is your brother...you have to at least let him die in peace…" Showing how serious she is he couldn't help but feel as though this was a side of her that he never showed before.

"Do you really care that much about him…." He asked. He could tell what was that look. This was the look that wants to save a sibling that needed help. A sibling that they missed. The eyes that he was showing as well. The ground then showed blue which was strange as this was the first time it happened. "I see so you will let me act on my emotions this time." As though it has been odd for most of his life. He finally stood.

"Does that mean you will help?" Knowing the answer she felt that it was an answer that she couldn't help but ask. Standing up he then used his energy to warp a scroll to appear in Metis hands.

"This will tell their location for those two. I will send Pallas and Aura as well. Everything else will be up to you after that."

"Thank you." Metis said sincerely and then she handed him a gift of sorts. He then widen his eyes as the item he hold was something he never expected to recieve such a gift from her. Grabbing it he then quickly took it as he didn't want her to take it back at all. This was what he needed to accomplish his goals.

"I guess after this we will be enemies after all."

"Enemies??? When have we been Enemies???"

"The moment we start a war for a Million years." However Mets had a different perspective of take on the idea.

"Isn;t this just a big family feud." Metis tease. And after waiting for awhile the unexpected happened.

"...pfff.hhahahahaahah." Laughing till he was killing his own stomach he found it so amuzing. "Ahaha I guess you are right. Never thought that you will call it such. Guess we will see who wins this feud won't we."

"Why hurry? Are you dying anytime soon. Lets take it slowly." Metis said. "After all we stil got a long life." However the other has a different perspective of it as well.

"The faster one wins the more time he gets bragging rights if I recall." Metis the laugh as she was thinking that as well.

"I guess we really are siblings after all." Metis then teleported away rather cheerful. The other was just as cheerful as well. As he smiled about the the talk. Though they were fighting each other having these talks were always amusing.

"Haaaaa….Isn't family so complicated." Teasing he then went outside. Generating his powers he hadn't used in awhile he then concentrated a certain among of energy as symbolized as numbers he then threw it to the sky. Creating a giant circle he then created a sophisticated using his powers. Within the circle several things started to take shape. However once he was finish with everything, rather than have something amazing happen. Nothing happened at all. Rather mountain just disappeared just like that. "This should do it." He then return back to rest as he had expended more energy than he wanted. Yet he didn't mind it as for the first time in awhile. He was in a good mood.

Months later

After Echidna was done chasing the snake, she started to spread her children to start havoc. Rather than focusing at one place and attacking, she wanted to destroy everything as fast as possible. With the high regeneration she didn't have to worry about protecting any of her children as none of them were going to die. All they had to do is recover as they didn't have to worry about such things. Because of that for the past few months there were skirmishes were everywhere around the world. Every god in the GDF were sortied as they had to be sent out to protect humans everywhere. But with limited amount of places to protect the humans, there were sacrifices in the end at the end of the day. This was one of the sad things that had transpired as the gods everywhere couldn't do much as protecting all of them. THere were billions of people that were everywhere so it was hard to protect them. However the good news was the fact that Hera's gift that she work so well on paid off. As the flame she gave not only reduce the healing but after a while they stop healing all together. But getting to that perios was rather difficult. However the fact that it work gave teh GDF the upper hand.

Slash Ares and achilles was teamed up as they with their troops were now fighting one monster after another. Seeing that they were slowly healing was a sight to see. It was a rough when facing Enchidna that they gave up on fightin all together. But seeing that they were now relieved. ESpecially the soldiers as they were able to use their numbers to their advantage.

"Though I say that our weapons work. But don't you think it works to well." Achilles noted as he notice the sickly image of them regenerating or when they were dying as they were healing.

"Well after cutting them up twenty times they eventually do look like that." Ares replied.

"Looks like our unit is doing good." Though the casualties are still very much there but the fact the the numbers of people dying in this region is reudce was satisfying to them. " I recall the first month we only had to send up everyone just to stop them. Now with our units I think its a lot better."

"Yeah and it also helps that Athena was able to inject a lot of knowledge to our units. They are a lot more technical compared to before." Ares then look at his units who are not relying on their divine energy as much as compared to before but are realying are sheer technique. Not only are they faster they are sharper than before. Though it still took like 5 for every one they were able to fight so well compared to before. Facing one chimera he cna never focus on one person as they kept switching off. Everytime the chimera would attack he would simply move as four would then leave injuries to its flank. One would then leave him self open to have him be the new target before they then attack him again. This was done to help give everyone a breather and fight efficiently. The battles were of course a battle of endurance as they were fighting till the monsters stop regenerating while the humans were fighting till they ran out of energy. But Because of Athena very brutal training she made sure all the units were ingrained with being able to conserve. Mainly because she was not looking forward to having her unit suffer the same thing she was facing.

"Well the good thing is that we don't have to worry about them as well." Achilles said as he was rather impresses about the skills. But then there was something bittersweet about it all.

"I wish I can learn what she learned." Ares said as he was thinking alike with Achilles.

"Yeah who did she train under?"

"I really don't recall everytime I ask she never answer?" Ares said in curiosity. Sitting on one monsters they kept slicing the head of two monsters as they continue to talk. Both were dealing with five monsters as they would constantly cut one head after another. Achilles would so the same as they would just cut one after another as they walk back and forth.

"Hmm does that mean she wasn't allowed to have us show it?"

"That is interesting. I think it might be because of Neo and Nova. Both of them like to train her. So it wouldn't be surprising that they taught her during this entire time."

"But still I wonder why is it that no matter how much we train we are facing threat bigger and bigger than the next one?" Achilles wondered. Even though they face Enchidna who was powerful but she wasn't all that. However the powerful from more than a year ago was far more powerful. He thought how long it would take for them to be able to go toe to toe with that creature.

"Yes things are starting to escalate a lot more than anything I imagine. I wonder if thsi is the sign of something?" Ares said as he has a battle instinct as though something was happening. Not with the current situation but for the future. He felt like this was a sign that he wasn't going to face tougher battles than before. Though it would seem to be difficult he was for sure going to attend them.

"Aren't you afraid of what is going to happen in the future. You being this weak, actually might end up dead for sure."

"If that was something to have happen, then let it be. I rather die being defeated by a powerful being than die a miserable death." Ares actually don'y even think about death as he has committed to the life of the battlefield.

"Interesting then why don't you stop with your nightly activities with Aphrodite." Achilles joked as she was always seem to be preocuppyied with her once in awhile.

"Hmm if you haven't realized that is also a war is as well." Ares said to his head as he considered that as well a battle.

"Hmm how fierce is that one?"

"I think we are pretty even now. It seems that I starting to have more endurance as of late." Blushing he couldn't help but be rather embarrassed about losing to her.

"Indeed that seems to be actually amazing as I think I won only one time with her. Really she is a monster in herself." As they wer both cutting the monster the monsters started to stop moving as they all stop healing. Even the monsters the blessed children were given all finally stopped. So far they had killed thirty in the region. Seeing that Ares was rather satisfied. "Alright everyone it seems like we can take break everyone after that we need to head to the next region. We still have a lot of work to get done."

"Yes sir!!!! They all said as they then finally rested. Compared to the Gods who was leisurely walking killing monster step by step the Blessed children were fighting for their lives to kill. And it was against one monster. Esepcially against a Hydra as they keep healing from multiple heads. Now after finally cutting all of them they were relieved. Resting everyone finally relaxed as they know they could live for a while longer. But as they were talking Ares and Achilles had to communicate with Athena and the rest using holograms.

"Seems like you are doing good. How about you Pallas who now was temporary joining forces with them." At first Athena was surprise when they heard about it but when they had a message from Metis she had to agree. Achilles and the other demigods were thinking this was a trap however when the other four show up they had no choice to agree. Ielantos who was somehow behind all of them as he not only was able to fight against all of them he was able to target them all at one time.

"Will you let us join or not?" Even Athena who was trained didn't notice his presence at all. He just appeared out of nowhere and threatened everyone at the spot. They were going to fight back but then they had another one come as well. He was much more powerful compared to the other one but he hold a rather interesting weapon as he was holding two shields. Ares who was seeing this wanted to face him. However the first engagement was a rather fast one as Crius just pummeled him to the ground like nothing. Though in a way he was humiliated he was rather enjkoying as he then face a rather strong foe.

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