
Monsters are waking

Back to underwater, the fight was getting rather interesting for both sides. Menoetius was being pushed back as she was fighting one on one with Nyx. Though the fight was rather fun for the both of them, Menoetius knew that Nyx was in a weaker state than before. Wanting to end this with sheer power, Nyx would back off leaving an opening. In that instant, I would go in and try my one quick slash. An instant with the quick speed I then attacked Menoetius when he was at his weakest. However, he then exploded enormous divine energy on himself as a form of a shield to protect himself. This resulted in me had to turn from a slash to an energy slash. With that collision, there was an explosion, allowing me to be safe from the blast. Unsheathing the sword, I then backed away as I waited for the attack. Just like the predicted Menoetius game out of the explosion, ready to attack me. Instead of facing it head-on, I then backed away just to get away from the slash to go for the one slash again. Reacting, Menoetius saw it coming as he then created several energy-throwing axes and threw them at me. With a quick instant, I with one draw just to look cool sliced all of them away from me before sheathing my sword again. This was rather cool as I never did this. It was because we never had sheathed as we just create our swords if we need them. And plus, Nyx is my weapon, and she doesn't need a sheathe. Thinking about these things, Menoetius took a chance to attack. But as I recall that man really is bad when getting tag team. As he was just about to slash, he finally noticed Nyx, who with her scythe did a downward slice to cut his head. But just as Nyx was this close, he exploded his energy in his body to defend himself that blew the both of us away.

"Suicidal as usual. Menoetius, have you thought to change that habit of yours? You aren't Perses who can do that?" Nyx said as we then recalled that this guy hasn't changed so much. But he smiled as though he reminiscing about the last time we fought.

"Sorry, it's been a while since I last fought against you that I had to do what I usually do. But I must say this is rather new Nyx." Menoetius then looked at me curiously as he was observing me rather interestingly.

"What about the new guy what about him?" Nyx then winked at me as though she was acting. She really does love acting, doesn't she?

"Hmm it's rare for you to have a young god like this tag along with you. Though I can see he is a well-talented fighter. But still this is unusual for you?" No matter if it was a thousand years or a Million years Nyx would always stick next to Cronus like two peas in a pod. Everyone amongst the Titan would know that. So even for Menoetius, it was rather strange.

"Well he's locked up, so I have to have someone to replace him for now." Pointing out the obvious, she then pointed down to explain it.

"Ah yeah, that idiot of a leader. He not only lost, but was sent to Tartarus. Not to mention he even left you the strongest of primordial gods." taunting Nyx, Menoetius was trying to get on her nerves. Which worked as Nyx was now in a rage.

"Don't you dare say about him" Rushing recklessly? This time Nyx was acting like Perses. And Nyx I'm right here you don't need to get offended. However, it was too late as she rushed head straight. Menoetius then was waiting for that moment as he then changed the ax along with its shape into a Long hammer with an ax on the opposite side. And with a smile, he slammed into the water until it seemed like nothing happened, but the instant Nyx was coming close an explosion happened. It then erupted that Nyx couldn't react to. Which then causes her to get some injuries onto her doll body. Menoetius then smiled, as he was satisfied with it.

"You like that. I learned to control my explosive power, making it so any spot I hit would explode. Rather be wind, water, fire or even a speck of dusk would explode upon impact." Feeling impressed about how he was able to control it so well, even I was amazed. That he can make it unpredictable was really hard to deal with, really. Not to mention the armor he is wearing is really strong. It wasn't divine armor as he is not able to with his power as his control of power will blow up his armor as well. So why is his armor so strong…..well as karma would have it...I built it. Because back in the day he was almost suicidal with his attacks. Compared to now, his means of attack were so easy to predict that he hurt himself more than hurt the enemy. It was so bad that fighting him was the easiest, as I just had to pretend to attack and he would blow up. Because of that, I, along with the cyclops created the most powerful armor possible at that time to help with it. With that full body armor, it made it so as long as he could control the blast outside the body, he was safe. Really, who would have thought that he would be this strong? Really life does come around in the least likely situation.

"With this body, it really is going to be hard on me to deal with you," Nyx complained.

"Haha well, then let's see if it gets any harder. If that is the case." Then he looked at me. "You.. what is your name?"

"Oh I'm Neo. Pleasure." I said, as I then bowed politely. He then sighed as he was ashamed.

"If this guy was to fight against the others he would be dead. Are you sure you have a trained eye for people?"

"At least he is polite compared to you." Nyx pointed out as she was showing her outfit as there was some damage to her body. Though they could be repaired, it will take a while.

"Yeah I'm sorry holding back is not my specialty. You should know how hard it is for us to do that."

"Well since that is the case I hope you would give me some pointers."

"Let's see if you are really a grown-up kid." Nyx and I then got ready as we both then rushed to fight Menoetius. Fighting back Menoetius instantly created an explosion as we then continued the long grueling battle. This then eventually caught the attention of two gods before we realize the situation.

"Brother, something is going on. Should we help?"

"No, we are ordered to guard this place. If the battle gets more serious, we might have to. But for now, let's wait and see. The two are the new gods. We have to see if they are able to face them." The gods then stayed as behind them was a giant rock. Ever since it has been here, they have been guarding it. And they will make sure it stays that way. However, they failed to realize the small cracks that were starting to be formed one after another. As inside the man that was frozen in slumber started to thaw from his sleep. The snake who slithering around as he was slow. Weakening the seal little by little was a surprise that the monster inside was starting to awaken.

"How fascinating, seem this monster is really a monsterrrrrrrr. I worry aboout this….." The snake then questioned how this was possible before he then realize something. "I better warn him quickkkkkkkk." Seeing he then left as he realized even if he didn't do anything. He would still be free. Seeing this he then felt like this was time to see an old friend.

In the cold and dark cave, Echidna was slithering around as she was looking at all the eggs that she had laid for the longest of time. Recalling all she had done to nurture all her body was starting to weaken. All the eggs wanted to hatch as they wanted to be run among the living. However, she forbids them as she uses her energy to feed them energy to keep them inside their egg forms. This was to make sure that all of them wouldn't run out of the cave. Because once she was a threat, she knew whether or not those gods would destroy her on the spot. In order to wait and hide, she stores all these eggs and gathers them until her beloved husband arrives. Once he comes back, all the suffering would be over. She would be able to embrace the world once again. Rather be in this accursed cave that continues to bring misery to her and her children. But soon as she felt it in her soul that his husband would finally wake.

"Who is there?!!! She shouted as her instinct made her aware of a presence. Even her son, the chimera woke up and he looked to see who was the intruder.

"I see your sixth sense is always strongggggg. If you would be a stronger fighterrrrrr, then your ability to sense people would be powerful." The snake appeared.

"What do you want?" Echidna said as she was being defensive even when he has continued to visit many times. Actually, it was true that maintaining such a large amount of children in their egg state is difficult. But because of that, she had no choice but to deal with the snake. Even if he has an ulterior motive as well. But still, if she wishes to have a grand welcoming of her husband, she had to rely on him.

"Relax I'm here to give good newsssss." He said as he slithers around closer. Even when the chimera wanted to attack, Echidna stopped it as she was curious.

"Your husband will awaken soon. In a month or so he would soon awaken." The snake in delight. This made sure he was making it certain to Echidna.

"Is that true????!!!!" Echidna couldn't hide her emotions as she has waited for so long to hear those words. Long had she regretted not coming to his aid sooner. Even now she still gets nightmares.

"Don't worryyyyy. He will soon awakennnnn. The time for his rise will comeeee." The snake said. This brought Echidna so much excitement as she hugged the Chimera as he was enjoying it as well as it has been long since Echidna hugged him. However, not getting ahead of herself, she then started to get wary as she viewed the snake a sinister being no matter what. So she knew that there was more to it.

"What do you want? You won't come here just for this?" This rather made the snake smile as he was happy she knew, as he didn't have to waste time.

"When he awakenssssss. Tell him that his transformation is almost complete…..as there is one bloood he needssss." This got Echidna curious as she didn't know what he was talking about. But seeing that she knew what her husband was looking for. Any information to get him stronger is worth listening even if it's from this snake.

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