

Aero had a rather simple understanding of what it meant to be the lord of pride; his main job was to keep the beast of pride contained in its prison. To do that, he needed a few things. Pride of his own was one of the most important things.

The thing he was focused on at the moment was his heart. A heart the beast couldn't influence. A vague statement, but most of the time, it just meant not letting his pride turn into arrogance. Pretty simple, stay grounded to the truth of his ability and the ability of others.

As long as he didn't lose himself to delusions about his ability, he would be fine. This is why he understood the helper's worry after a moment. This power could weaken people around him, causing him to be disillusioned with his strength or inability to convince others. 'dangerous, though I doubt it would have used it too much even without warning.'

At the end of the day, Aero was the lord of pride; he wasn't going to go down without a fight. While he was capable of picking his battles, even then, he wasn't sure he would be interested in resorting to such a power.

On the other hand, an interesting aspect of resonating pride, his own pride, felt like thoughts of what he could do. Resonating pride felt like thoughts of what we could do. 'Something I ought to cultivate,' he thought, floating on the top of the lake before turning and diving back into the water. 

Under the water, he was mostly alone with his thoughts. Which wasn't a bad thing; he had to think about this. 'resonating pride is a powerful tool, but it requires me to work with others on an incredibly intimate level. The first problem is I must ask for their help.'

He was self-aware enough to know that, at least for him, this was a big hurdle to overcome.' but is it such a big one I'll let the beast go free and wreak havoc over the world.' he didn't even think about it before deciding that was a certain no!

'So I'll have to work on asking them,' they would understand how important keeping the beast under lock and key was. so they were unlikely to turn him away. Touching the bottom of the lake, he spun around and swam to the top. Breaking the surface and taking a deep breath of air, turning to look at his team.' by the zalts, only a few of them know about the beast,' dropping back under, he took a few more laps to the bottom of the lake.

'need to have that conversation with them.' The beast was unlikely to stop coming after him, so he needed to tell them so they could make that choice. Sighing, wiping some water from his eyes, he leaned back and floated.

"I hope I can get both conversations at once," cause honestly, it would just be more work. Closing his eyes, he turned his thoughts away from the unavoidable conversation. Towards resonating pride one more. If, when they said yes, he wanted to plan out how he did it. Do some experiments to help him understand how it worked better. 

'if I had to guess, my lord, more people would, in fact, generate more power. But the volatility of that power is another concern.' mouthing volatility. He looked towards the sky,' you think it could explode. How would that look like as an emotion-based energy?'

'unknown,' the disembodied voice stated.' there are records of emotional energy-based explosions, but the effects vary. But none of the cosmic lord of pride energy. Calculations are near impossible, precise prediction impossible..' Aero said the only thing he could think of was," All right then."

[ "How bad was the explosion?" the sound of bone hitting wood filled the large room. "I almost got charged with crimes against an entire plant, if you must know." 

"I think I heard about that."]

Going back toward laps through the water, Aero strengthed his swimming ability. Learning how water moved his body and how his body moved the water. 'by the Zalt and Zaltess, I hope this training really helps.' he was already cold from spending so long in the water.'

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