
CHAPTER - 11 { A Test }

Two days later___

On the ship, Kota looked at the boundless blue sea and took a deep breath.

"It's refreshing, " Muttered Kota, he smiled and went inside the ship towards his room.

In the hall, many trainers and merchants were gathered.

Some trainers were battling each other while the merchants were trading.

Suddenly, Kota's eyes fell on a small stall built on the edge of the hall.

There was a particular thing which he very much needed.

"How much for this?, " Asked Kota while taking out his wallet to pay the money.

"2000, " The shopkeeper replied, making Kota happy in secret.

It was actually a very cheap price for this thing.

Buying the thing, Kota returned back to his room.

Once he was in, Kota held one of the pokeballs and opened it.

With white light, Scyther came out and looked at the surroundings.

"Hold this, " Said Kota, extending his hand, on which was the thing he bought from the shop.

Metal Coat, it allows Onix and Scyther to evolve into Steelix and Scizor, respectively, and also increases the power of the holder's Steel-type moves.


Holding the Metal Coat, Scyther felt a new energy envelope him.

His body started shining brightly. As the light went out, Kota stared at the slim red pokemon.

Scizor, a bug/steel-type pokemon. Known for its extremely fast agility, and the next evolution of Scyther.


Scizor checked his own body to find it more agile and easy to move.

"You look better in this, " Said Kota, he laid his body on the bed and closed his eyes.

Scizor didn't disturb Kota, he just took a sofa and sat down to rest as well.

* * *


With the loud explosion sound, Kota woke up and saw Scizor beside him.

His eyes were already focused, ready to launch an attack on order.

"Looks like it has started, " Said Kota, he wore his clothes and walked out of the room with Scizor.

The hall entrance was blocked by steel shutters, Kota checked the thickness of it.

"Scizor, make this wall disappear, " Ordered Kota while standing back on the side to let Scizor do his thing.

Scizor' claws glowed in light as he rushed towards the steel wall and slash it.

Fury Cutter!

Thin white lines appeared on the steel walls, then Scizor lowered his head.

His head turned to look like iron, which he headbutt into the wall.

Iron Head!

'That's my pokemon, ' Thought Kota, the steel wall collapsed down.

Everyone in the hall looked in the direction of Kota, they were surprised by the sudden entrance.

"It's him!, " Jessie shouted, she then grinded her teeth thinking about the past encounter with Kota.

Kota looked at Jessie, James and Meowth, they were fighting Ash and his pokemon.

"Kota!, " Misty called out, Ash and Brock also stared at Kota in anticipation.

"Scizor, Quick Attack, " Said Kota softly, from behind a shadow jumped off.

Instantly, Scizor punches the pokemons from the Team Rockets side.

"Damn it! James, do something!, " Screamed Jessie while looking at the already pale James.

"What can I do? Don't you already know how powerful his Gyarados was! His other pokemon is also stronger than ours!, " Said James, he was sweating profusely on his back.

"Kota!, " Ash, Misty and Brock were getting hope that they could now easily defeat Team Rocket.

Ash's Pikachu, Charmander, and Bulbasaur, together with Brock's Geodude, join the other Pokémon in stopping the Team Rocket thugs.

Ash notices a Butterfree swarm attacking with Stun Spore and decides to summon his Butterfree.

However, the Poké Ball reveals his Raticate and Misty reminds him that he traded Butterfree away.

As he watches, Ash deeply misses his Butterfree, remembering his experiences with it and wanting it back.

Ash sends out Pidgeotto to join others in a group Gust attack.


Scizor stood in front of the group of three, Jessie, James and Meowth.

"H-Hello! We were just about to leave!, " Meowth tried to talk his way out of Scizor only to get a death glare.

* * *

As the Team Rocket were defeated, the thugs jumped off the ship and escaped.

The three team rockets, Jessie, James and Meowth were the only ones left.

They were tied by a rope and kept in the hall in front of everyone.

However, during the battle the ship had sailed directly into a storm. Strong waves begin to batter the ship.

The captain tries to calm the passengers, assuring them that the ship is unsinkable, but, after another wave crashes against the ship, he enters a lifeboat.

The passengers begin scrambling onto the other lifeboats to evacuate.

Misty and Brock find Ash finishing the trade.

"Where's Kota?, " Asked Ash, he looked around to find that they were the only ones left.

"He left, " Replied Misty, she looked a little worried about the ongoing storm.

Ash grabs his pokeball, but another wave causes him to drop it. Ash runs after it and his friends follow.

By this time, most of the passengers had gotten off the ship safely.

As Ash grabs Butterfree's Poké Ball, the ship rocks again, throwing him and his friends into another room, and knocking them out.

The ship capsizes, and goes down. The captain, watching from his life boat, assumes that everyone is safe, not realizing that Ash, his friends, and Team Rocket are still trapped on board.

The only person to know about this was Kota, but he didn't mention it to the captain.

"Will the same things happen like the anime or will you die here, Ash?, " Muttered Kota, he looked at the sea surface where the ship was a few moments ago.

The survivors were soon rescued by the helicopters, called by the ship captain.

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