
Old Prologue In Case You Wanted To See What Changed

"I'll protect you, Eri!"


"I'll be right by your side!"


"I promise, we'll always be together!"

Liar. You're a liar, Onee-chan.

"I'm sorry, Eri"

Please don't leave me.



It hurts.

Those words echo in my head repeatedly through the pain. As I'm broken down and put back together again more times than I can count, those are the only words that repeat in my mind. I wish it would stop.

"We're done for today, Eri. Now, head on back to your room and don't cause any trouble." That man said as I was rebandaged and untied from the chair.

"I would hate to have to get my hands dirty, do you understand?" He said, looking me in the eye. I could feel the pressure and promise from those words. He would kill someone again if I tried to escape.

But it hurts.

I don't like it here.

I want to leave.

I want someone to save me.

I want Onee-chan to save me.

But, I don't want anyone to get hurt.

"Yes," I could only turn my eyes away from him and nod my head.

"Good. You're such a good girl, Eri. Go, your sister is back from her trip. You shouldn't keep her waiting," He said and the suffocating pressure disappeared. Although I was terrified, I was still happy that Onee-chan was finally back. She had been getting sent out more often recently and I was starting to get lonely.


I was led down the halls by another man in a mask. For some reason, everyone here wore one, except for me. Even Onee-chan wore one at least when she wasn't in our room.

"Tsk. Hurry it up would ya," I was having a hard time keeping up with his long steps and that seemed to annoy him. He roughly grabbed my arm to drag me along faster while I had to repress a yelp. I could feel the wounds reopening on that arm and blood starting to soak through the bandages again.

Onee-chan is probably going to get mad again. Although I don't want her to get upset for my sake, I still feel a little warm inside knowing that someone still would. Knowing someone cared about a monster like me secretly makes me happy. I guess I really am a bad girl…

"We're here. Get inside and don't come out. Got it, brat!" The man said once we got to the door. I didn't like this one. The last person that watched us at least pretended to care about us. I only nodded with my head down like I always do. He already made it clear he doesn't like it very much when I speak, which is why he only asks yes or no questions.

"Tsk" he clicked his teeth and shoved me through the door before locking it behind him.

Due to being pushed so hard, I stumbled through the door unable to get a proper footing. Just as I braced myself to hit the floor, I found myself wrapped in a familiar warm embrace accompanied by a cheerful voice.

"Woah! That was close. Good thing your awesome Onee-chan was here to save the day! Hehe, you can praise me if you want! Don't be shy!" There she goes again getting excited all on her own.

I look up to see a face almost identical to my own except for a few key differences like her turquoise eyes and her horn (which seems to be getting smaller every time I see her) on the opposite side to my own. The most obvious difference being our expressions. I was envious of that bright smile always plastered on her face. It always brought me comfort even though I secretly hated her for it all the same.

I felt my tears welling up again being held in her arms. Equally bandaged as my own though the stench of blood was always more noticeable. I circled my arms around her back and buried my head in her chest.

I hate these conflicting feelings. I love my sister. I love her smile. But I also hate my sister. I hate that I can't smile like she could. I hate that she isn't as broken as I am. But I don't want her to get hurt. I wish she would stop smiling. But her smile is the only thing that makes me feel safe.

So lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice she had stopped talking until I felt her hand slowly and gently patting my head. Nor was I able to notice the sharp glint that appeared in her eyes as she hugged me tighter.

"Everything will be alright, Eri. I'm here now. I'll always be here for you." She said gently while the strength of her hug increased. I could no longer stop my tears from flowing and I cried in her arms yet again.

As I thought. I **** my sister.


"Eri, wake up!" I heard Onee-chan's hazy voice calling out to me. I guess I fell asleep crying again. But Onee-chan usually lets me sleep as long as I like.

"Eri, come on, we don't have much time! We have to go!" Spurred on by her tone I quickly woke myself up from my comfortable sleep. A skill I had to train over the years lest one of our watchers get annoyed waiting.

"Onee-chan? Where are we going?" I asked while trying to focus my still blurred eyes on her. The lights were still off in the room but I could just barely make out her figure through the light shining from the hall. It was then that I noticed an all too familiar and disgusting scent.

"Wha-" Blood. Onee-chan was covered in a very thick coat of blood with her turquoise eyes shining in the relatively dark room. Her single horn seemed to have shrunk even further compared to when I first saw her earlier. She looked scary but I couldn't find it in myself to be afraid of her.

"We don't have time. Come on, we're getting out of here," Although I was still stunned by the sight, Onee-chan wasted no time and pulled me by the hand and out the door running. Taking a quick look behind me, I was able to see the prone figure of our new caretaker lying unmoving in a pool of blood.

Onee-chan killed him?

Did someone die because of me again?

I don't want this. I don't want Onee-chan to get her hands dirty because of me.

But I don't want to stay here anymore.

I want to be free with Onee-chan.

But what if he comes after us again? I don't know what to do.

"Don't worry, Eri! I'll protect you!" Onee-chan said to me, pulling me out of my spirling thoughts. Her grip on my hand got stronger as she turned to give me a smile. I felt all of my worries fade away.

"Un!" I nodded and strengthened my grip while trying to pick up my pace. Onee-chan's quirk made her really amazing so it was hard to keep up. Unlike my quirk that could only make things disappear...like papa…


We made it pretty far with Onee-chan taking out anyone blocking our path until suddenly Onee-chan pulled me really hard to her then jumped to the side. Before I was even able to wonder why, I heard a *Bang!* sound, and something zoomed past where I was standing a few moments ago.

"I missed. I knew it was a bad idea to train her." Looking back I could see another group of men coming out of a hallway that wasn't there before. I saw a man in a black cloak and mask with a smoking gun in his hands aiming at us. There looked to be only eight of them but I knew these were the ones 'He' kept closest to him. Onee-chan had beaten bigger groups on the way here but I was worried.

"Tsk. The eight bullets, huh? I wonder if I should be happy or insulted that 'daddy' sent you idiots to pick us up? Guess it's not like you're good for much else," Onee-chan said with a snicker and an amount of snark I never expected from her. Her smile never went away but it grew surprisingly cold in an instant. I've never seen this side of her before.

"Who you callin' an idiot! You wanna fight? Good, let's fight!" The one with a white shirt and blue waistcoat said while banging his metal gloves together.

"Oiiii! Why donchaaa twoo bratsss come on baaack before you get hurrt!" The one with the furry vest slurred out while pouring a strong-smelling drink down his throat.

"Although his wording is extreme, I would also advise you against doing something you will regret young ones." The one with his eyes closed and a black yukata said. A part of me wanted to agree and just go back so no one else would be hurt, but I still want to be free with Onee-chan.

"You guys really are idiots then. You should know that peace was never an option." Onee-chan said with a smug smile while moving me behind her back.

"Just stay still, Eri. It'll be over before you know it." Onee-chan said without turning to look at me. Even though she was only a little taller than me, I thought her back looked very big at that moment.

The red blood-soaked bandages started to float around her and her single horn shrunk a little and started to glow the same beautiful turquoise as her eyes. She clenched her fists and blood started to surround them and form itself into three claws on each hand. She looked so strong. I wish I could be like her.

"Come on boys! Let's dance!" She said with a grin before charging at them…


Although the fight seemed long, in the end just like she said, it was over before I knew it. Onee-chan stood there, covered in blood, cuts, bruises, and scratches, trying to catch her breath. surrounded by the still bodies of those men. I wasn't sure if they were alive or not but it didn't matter right now. Onee-chan had won.

She fought hard and against all odds, came out on top. She looked so cool. So strong. I wanted to be just like her. I subconsciously stepped forward towards her. I wanted to make sure she was okay. I wanted to take her hand and run away together. Perhaps noticing me she turned around and smiled towards me.

"See, Eri. I told you I would protect you!" She said cheerfully, still trying to catch her breath. I wish she wouldn't put up a strong front in front of me. I can tell she's tired. Much more than she wants to let on. Her horn is almost non-existent now. Barely even a little nub.

"Onee-chan…" I felt the tears welling up again looking at her like this. I hated seeing her look so hurt but I was happy we could finally be free.

"Let's go Er-" Just before she could finish her words…


...Onee-chan was stabbed by several stone spikes that came out of the ground.

"Eh?" I wasn't sure which one of us said it. I was confused. Didn't she win? Aren't we free now? I was still confused until a very familiar pressure descended on me. How could I forget...

"Didn't I tell you not to cause trouble, Eri." Even though I heard his voice. Even though that pressure didn't disappear. I didn't care.

"Onee-chan?" I continued to walk towards her. The spikes had receded and she fell to the ground limply. Even though I understand what's happening, I don't understand at all.

"This is your fault you know? If you had just sat in your room like you were supposed to, none of this would have happened." I knew he was right. I shouldn't have gone with Onee-chan. If I stayed she could have made it out on her own. If she didn't have to protect me…

"Onee-chan…" I fell to my knees by her side and looked at her hole-riddled body. This is my fault. I should have just listened. I put my head down as tears trailed down my face. I didn't notice my horn elongating on my head.

"I-I'm sorry, Eri…" Looking through my tears I could see Onee-chan still smiling even now as she somehow managed to plop her hand on my head. Although it was just as warm as it always was, I could feel it growing colder.

"Tsk. Still as tenacious as ever. Everything would have been fine if you both just did what I told you. Now I have to clean up your mess." I could see his legs in front as he looked down at us.

"You promised we would always be together," I don't want this. I knew he wouldn't save her even if I begged. This is my punishment for disobeying him.

"You promised you would be by my side," This was the first time I ignored his presence completely. I didn't care anymore. I can't do this anymore. It hurts too much.

"Enough with your temper tantrums. Let's go," He reached out his hand to grab me but before he could some blood tendrils sprouted from the ground around us and stabbed his hand.

"Do. NOT! Touch. Her. Chisaki!" Onee-chan said, glaring at him with her last bit of strength. Even now she continues to fight.

"Tsk! Hmm? Blood? Since when could you do that? I knew you were hiding something, but to think it was another quirk. Such a shame, you had so much potential." He said touching his wound and instantly restoring it and his glove to perfect health.

"And I'm sure I told you once already. It's Overhaul!" He said, raising his voice. He looked ready to erase her right then and there. And he probably would have if I were not here beside her. I'm tired of this. I just want to disappear. The horn on my head suddenly began to give off a warm and bright light.

"Hmm!?" It was then that I felt that strange power flow through me again. Just like it had when Papa disappeared. My quirk. My curse.

"E-e-eri…what-?" I could barely make out Onee-chan's voice amidst the pain. That's right, it'll all be over if I just disappear. I could feel it trying to work on my body and everything around me. I'm scared to disappear but if I did everything would be better. It's scary but I have to.

"If I disappear-" Before I could finish I suddenly found myself wrapped in familiar warmth.

"Silly girl. Didn't I tell you I would always be with you? Where are you trying to go off all on your own? You could at least ask me to go with you" Onee-chan said softly, pulling me into a tight hug. If I could look up I would see the horn on her head growing and shrinking sporadically while her crimson bandages circled around us protectively.

Ah. That's right. Onee-chan is with me. I don't have to go alone.

"I can't let you do that, Arina, Eri. I still need you. You're my key to the future." I had forgotten about him but it doesn't matter anymore.

"Hmm? Blood? Together? I see. Fine, you both want to be together so bad? Then I'll make sure you never come apart again!" I was confused by what he meant and looked up from Onee-chan's shoulder only to see his hand grab my and Onee-chan's heads.

And then everything went dark.


"Everything is fine now. Why? Because I am here!"

I still remember the first time I heard those words. It was right before that incident. It's also the day I decided I wanted to be a hero.

Maybe it was because we were from a Yakuza family, but our exposure to heroes was pretty limited growing up. I had only seen the clip when that woman left the T.V on while she went to go talk on the phone.

I watched the clip with my sweet little Eri and was awestruck seeing that muscly man rescue so many people in an instant. I saw him make everybody happy with a simple smile on his face. I couldn't understand much at the time, I was still young, but I knew I wanted to do the same thing.

I wanted everyone to cheer when I arrived. I wanted everyone to feel safe and protected. I wanted the world to smile with me when I did.

"Yet why did it turn out like this?" I questioned no one in particular, looking at the blood-soaked corpse in front of me. I wonder how many people I've killed until now? I've already lost count it seems. I've started learning to end them as fast as possible so I don't have to look at the terror on their faces as the life drains from their eyes.

I used to think this quirk was a blessing. A power I could use to save everyone and change the world, just like him. But now I only see it as a curse. No, maybe a plague? With how many people I've killed with it, I certainly think it fits? Maybe I'm just exaggerating again.

Allowing the light on my horn to dim and preparing to call back to base for extraction, I use that time for a bit of reflection.


That's the name of my quirk. Almost the complete opposite of my adorable little sister's. Not that she knew the true nature of either of our quirks. Well, it's not like I know either but It's still pretty amazing if I do say so myself.

It lets me irreversibly enhance anything about myself at the cost of my life force, indicated by my horn. It can be just about anything; strength, height, eyesight, endurance, defense, resistances, etc. The more drastic the change the more lifeforce it takes.

It also has the downside of not allowing me to control those changes very well if they are too extreme. I've broken a lot of doors trying to control my strength after a recent rewrite. I also have to make sure I don't change something that ends up being a detriment to myself. Like that time I increased my sense of smell a bit too much and had to learn to control it. A bunch of sweaty old men smells a lot worse when your nose is as strong as a bloodhound.

The downsides notwithstanding, the physical potential alone would have made it a top tier quirk. But I discovered a few years later that it wasn't only limited to enhancing physical concepts. I could also change more abstract concepts as well, like intelligence or a change in mindset. That last one in particular became useful for me after I began my missions or else someone as young as me would have broken under all the torture I've endured over the years.

It made me respect my little sister all the more since she didn't have such an easy way out yet she still managed to hold on to her will through it all. She's much stronger than her cowardly big sister…

There was also one more secret to my quirk that I was able to figure out in the last few months. If Chisaki knew about it as well, maybe I'd be permanently strapped to a chair instead of allowed to go on missions to gain experience. I'm thankful and repulsed that he puts less importance on the trigger shot my body can make compared to the erasing shot he can make from Eri.

Little does he know he gave me the key to victory should anyone try to use it against me.

"Arina-san! Pick up is here!" One of the common goons shouted from the entrance of the abandoned warehouse, pulling me out of my thoughts. Though I may be young, I've at least gained the respect of the mob since they know what I'm capable of. Some of them are even afraid to look me in the eye at times.

Really, why did it turn out like this? I wanted people to smile when I am near. To feel safe. This isn't what I wanted. Well, at least there's one person I can be a hero for. If it's for her, I'll do whatever I need to.

Taking off my own plague mask for a second to get some fresh air I give the extra one of my patented fake smiles. "Un! I'll be right there!" I said excitedly while still covered in blood. Rewriting one's mindset is very dangerous indeed.

It's already been a week since I've started this mission so I'm more than eager to return to the base, not that I know where it is. Seeing as I'm blinded and bagged every time I come or go. Chisaki is nothing if not cunning. I'm sure he knows that I'd immediately go to the heroes if left on my own. He also knows I would never abandon her to save myself. So in addition to holding Eri hostage, he makes sure I don't actually know where the base is located so I can't point anyone in the right direction.

'Oh well. It won't matter soon anyway. It's almost time to try escaping again' I thought as the goons blindfold my eyes and put a bag over my head before ushering me into a car.

This wouldn't be our first escape attempt, but it will be the first one in a few years. The last one he had the genius idea of torturing me and killing a few caretakers in front of Eri to break her spirit and that worked well enough for her, but I'm not so easily broken thanks to my quirk.

'Haahh, I've been away too long this time. I hope she can endure a few more days.' I allow myself to drift off to sleep occupying my thoughts with my adorable little sister. I swear I'll save her. No matter what the cost is.


It hurts damn it.

Tears clouded my eyes and mind-numbing pain assaults me as I'm put back together again after being disassembled. We arrived at the base early in the morning and I was immediately dragged off to see Chisaki before I was even allowed to shower. It seems they had run out of trigger in the week I had been gone and they already promised a new batch to some potential buyers. Villain Factory I think. Stupid name.

This torture goes on for a while as they collect my blood, cells, bones, marrow, really anything they can get their hands on. I'm not entirely sure how they make trigger but I do know it's largely composed of my blood which seems to be able to carry properties of my rewrite quirk from what I've discovered. Although the effect seems temporary, likely due to being cut off from the source.

I know he's doing something similar with Eri but it seems they've reached a roadblock of sorts with her. Eri and I have such similar quirks but they could also be called complete opposites. Even so, if they've had success with me, it shouldn't be so hard to do the same with her. At least that's his thinking. If my theory is right, I know exactly why they're having such a hard time. Not that I'll ever tell.

"Good, we have what we need. You can go now. I'll have another job for you soon." Chisaki said, not even bothering to look at me. Although he's supposed to be both of our adopted fathers' he only has eyes for my little Eri and barely spares me a glance. Although I hate that he puts so much focus on her, at the same time I'm very thankful for it. He doesn't really consider me a threat and gives me far more freedom than he should. If he was as focused on me as he is on her I don't think I would have ever found a method to escape from this place.

"Chrono send for Eri while you're at it. We should try to offer them the most recent batch of the quirk destroying bullet. Even though it's still temporary it would be good to have some field test data" Chisaki said while examining the injection vial of trigger. I'm almost tempted to reveal my secret now but it would be best to wait until later.

As I slowly re-tie my old used blood-soaked bandages while being largely ignored, I make sure to take in as many details about their plan as necessary. It seems he personally plans to negotiate with the villains tonight, so this will be my best chance to plan an escape.

Although I want to stay to find out as much as I can, I know it would only make him suspicious of my motives. I know enough to get us out I hope.


Making my way to the shower I try not to think about how Eri will be experiencing the same torture as me in a few minutes. If I think about it too much, I might risk everything to save her right now. I just need to bide my time, then I can strike.

Once I'm in the shower I undress and take a look at myself in the mirror. Unkempt long silver hair, sharp turquoise green-blue eyes, and a single shortening horn on my head. I look down at the scar riddled body that I hate. I refuse to rewrite it for the sake of Eri. Maybe once she learns to control her quirk we can heal ourselves, but until then I'll carry the same burdens as her. Luckily they at least feed us or else I would look more malnourished than I already am. I wouldn't call it a side effect but rewriting my body does require me to eat a fair bit more than a normal girl my age probably would.

Looking at my horn again, I can't help but wonder how many years I have left. To prepare for our escape I've been slowly rewriting myself to get in the best condition I possibly can and take care of as many possibilities as I can. All the while keeping my body relatively the same. I may look malnourished but I can probably bench press a car without breaking a sweat. I've made myself resistant to poisons and diseases, to heat and cold, and gave myself night vision amongst other things. I'm not sure if it will be enough but I should still have enough life force to make a few more changes on the fly.

I'm sad I'll only get to be with Eri for a few more years but I'll at least make sure she can be happy before I go.


Coming out of the shower and getting dressed I wait in the room for Eri while I go over as much of the plan as I can. Well, there isn't much in the first place but I need to keep my mind off Eri's current struggles.

With rewrite alone, I probably could make it out without much problem but I still need to bring Eri along with me. The problem is I'd be pretty limited to close range engagements only, which doesn't give me many options. Especially since the eight bullets, Chisaki's personal lapdogs, will probably have at least three or four of their members staying behind. Although individually they are pretty easy to deal with, together they can all be a problem.

Outside of Nemoto, who can force people to tell the truth, the rest have quirks that give them significant advantages in close range.

Katsukame has the quirk, vitality stealing. So long as he is touching a person, he can absorb their stamina. He could be a problem unless I can take him out quickly. I'm not sure how fast he can steal stamina but if he can take even a little with every punch, I'd be at a disadvantage.

Setsuno has the quirk, larceny. He can instantly relocate an object from someone else's hands to his own. Though he's limited by size and needs to be able to see the object. I already have a plan for him specifically.

Hojo can produce sharp and durable crystals from his skin. Pretty straight forward. Hit him hard enough until he stops moving. Simple.

Tabe is an odd one that can eat and digest anything solid. He's practically insane and I hear he doesn't have any hang-ups on eating a person either… I'll need to be careful of sneak attacks from him. Maybe get him to bite someone else as a distraction?

Sakaki can make other people feel inebriated and dizzy. I'll need to take him out first if I can, though if he becomes a problem a quick rewrite will deal with his quirk.

Tengai can create barriers of light comparable to steel. Luckily the further away from the barrier he is the less durable. He can be annoying but I can already punch through steel so he's just a nuisance at best. Though it would be best to keep him away from Eri if she gets caught in the middle. Even if I can destroy the barriers they would still slow me down for a few seconds. That's a long time in a life or death fight.

The most dangerous one however definitely has to be Rappa. He can rotate his shoulders to deliver extremely fast and powerful punches consecutively. Although my perception and speed should be able to keep up with him, I'd be hard-pressed to find an opening in a fair fight, let alone while dealing with the others. Luckily he's a fight nut with a weird sense of honor that doesn't like to team up. So as long as he doesn't interfere and I can fight him alone, I'll have a chance.

If it were just dealing with any single one of them, I could handle them with only rewrite, but dealing with just about any combination of them will make things significantly harder.

Luckily for me, I won't only have rewrite on my side. A few months ago I tested a theory I had about quirks and was successfully able to awaken a second quirk.

I often thought about how our lives would be different if we had awakened a quirk similar to our parents and that led me to wonder why exactly it was that we had our quirks. This line of thought spiraled into several unanswered questions, like why siblings would develop different quirks when they had the same parents.

We were never given much of an education after the incident so I didn't know much about biology, but I did briefly learn something about recessive genes.

But I theorized that it was possible that people held a dormant quirk inside of themself based on that principle, that was being repressed by their more powerful quirk. I admit I don't know exactly how the science for that one works, but worst-case scenario nothing happened so I gave it a shot. I was luckily successful and awakened a quirk a bit more similar to our parents.

I wasn't entirely sure what our father's quirk did but I do know it let him do something with his blood. While that woman's quirk let her absorb energy from the planet to create light constructs or something. My new quirk simply allowed me to manipulate my blood however I liked. I could prevent blood loss by clotting my wounds. I could make tools and weapons with it. Using the blood pressure in my arm I could fire bullets made of blood. I could even increase my stamina more than I already did by allowing my blood to carry oxygen faster.

But most importantly, I was able to use rewrite on my blood to allow me to affect people and objects with it. So long as my blood was in it, I could manipulate it to some extent with rewrite. Though the effect was temporary in living things. I also think this might be why they had such an easy time with my blood compared to Eri's. I think my dormant quirk allowed it to be changed far easier than Eri's blood. If I'm not mistaken, she will have a quirk more similar to that woman. It would explain why she is able to recharge her quirk while I can't.

In any case, once I figured this out, I knew I had a way to escape Chisaki. I made sure to keep this a secret and train with it as much as I could without assistance. I knew one of the downsides to this quirk would be blood loss so I reused some of my old blood soaked bandages and used rewrite on them to make them sharp, durable, and flexible. Since I could still manipulate the bandages with just blood manipulation I was able to create my own weapon and shield with it. I couldn't really use anything else without drawing suspicion.

It would also be stupid to waste my life force on clothes that I'd outgrow in the future. Well if it helps get us out of here I wouldn't mind, but I still need to think about the future. I'm not sure if going to the police is a good idea just yet. As much as I admire them, I've done enough missions to know that heroes aren't always good people. Some can be just as selfish and manipulative as the villains they fight.

I know for a fact that a few heroes are using trigger to help them fight crime. Though if that's because they want to use every tool available to help others or just to gather more fame and climb the rankings is up for debate.

I fear that if the wrong person finds out what Eri's quirk can do she'll be thrown right back into the same situation. Not to mention I myself am technically a criminal now. Without the proper backing, we could end up in an even worse situation than we already are. One where I won't be around to look after her.

I close my eyes and get lost in my thoughts.

There's so much to plan for. So much to take into account. We have no allies. No knowledge. No money. No shelter. Nothing. What will we do for food? Will we have to keep running if I can't kill them all? Will others come after us if we reveal too much? Will Eri be happy with the life I can offer her? I feel suffocated at times, like the world itself is against us. I wish I could just give up but past me already put a stop to those thoughts permanently fairly early on. I sometimes wish I hadn't. It is as much of a curse as it is a blessing. I wish I wasn't so tired all the time. I wish I could stop smiling and pretending everything will be alright. I wish I didn't want to be a hero.

"We're here. Get inside and don't come out. Got it, brat!" My eyes snap open as the door is suddenly and violently opened and I see a small figure shoved harshly into the room before the door is shut again.

Before my thoughts can even catch up, I'm already in front of her wrapping my arms around her to prevent her from falling. I feel her slightly stiffen in my arms before relaxing almost instantly. As if acting on instinct. Such a sight calms my mind and warms my heart. That small instinctual action that she herself is likely unaware of is enough to help me remember why I do the things I do.

That's right. I wanted people to feel safe when I am here. Even if at times I truly wish I didn't, I knew I wanted to be a hero.

I can feel my lips turn up naturally to form a smile, unlike the ones I'm forced to wear almost anywhere else.

"Woah! That was close. Good thing your awesome Onee-chan was here to save the day! Hehe, you can praise me if you want! Don't be shy!" I couldn't help the teasing words that come out of my mouth. Call me a sis-con all you want but I just can't help getting excited when I see my adorable little sister.

Noticing the slight tears in her eyes, I remember the whole reason I was trying to get lost in my thoughts in the first place. My heart aches that she had to go through that torture yet again. Having just renewed my determination I did the only thing I could think of at this moment.

"Everything will be alright, Eri. I'm here now. I'll always be here for you." I said gently while reaching up to pat her head while hugging her tightly. Seemingly unable to hold back anymore she bawled her eyes out in my arms.

'That's right. Everything I do, I do for her. I'll make sure she can be happy. No matter the cost.' With a sharp glint, I reaffirm my resolve and increase the strength of my hug.


Eri fell asleep not long after shedding all her tears. I wasn't surprised seeing as she had gone through that torture not too long ago.

She looked so peaceful in her sleep. As if all the pain she's experienced was nothing more than a bad dream. I want to make that a reality for her.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to sleep alongside her for now, I still had things to take care of. After reaffirming my resolve to save her, I knew I couldn't half-ass this. I needed to take risks. Well, more risks than I already was. I would have to do something I promised I would never do again.

Taking a moment to calm my breathing, I pulled on that familiar energy that made up my quirk and I activated it; once more shortening my life. I swore I could hear a clock start a rhythmic ticking each time I used it. This time the target was my mind yet again.

After the mishap with smiling, I vowed to never use rewrite to alter my mind, but this time I knew I would require it. I activated rewrite and used it to increase my intelligence. Although it wouldn't teach me how to do things I couldn't do before, it would still be useful when I need it to come up with better on-the-fly decisions once things inevitably went to shit.

I couldn't just blindly believe things would work out perfectly, and I knew I wasn't capable of getting Eri out of here without thinking smarter.

I felt the effects almost immediately. I could think faster and clearer than before, almost like I had a second me in my own head thinking for me. I was able to see the flaws in several of my plans and adjusted accordingly. It disheartened me to realize how little time I had left now. This change took up far more energy than I thought it would.

But I didn't mind. I had already resolved myself to my fate, but I would at least try to keep enough left over to get Eri set up for her new life. A month...no, even just a week would be good enough.

With that settled, I spend the rest of the time coming up with plan after plan to deal with the goons in the base as efficiently as possible. I wanted to wait about a few minutes before the scheduled meeting with Villain Factory.

That way at least we wouldn't have to worry about Chisaki showing up. He likes to be punctual, and I'm not exactly sure where the meeting will be, so we can't risk trying to escape too early.

Once it was the right time, I slowly approached the door and bit my thumb. Blood slowly started oozing out and I controlled it to flow into the key slot and form a makeshift key.

Unlocking the door, I pulled it open as quietly as possible. I had already confirmed with my enhanced senses earlier, so I wasn't surprised to find our so-called caretaker asleep leaning against the wall beside the door.

Not wanting to waste anymore more time, I quickly formed a knife with my blood and tried to attack him. But it seems he wasn't as careless as I first assumed. His eyes immediately snapped open in response to my killing intent, and he blocked my knife with his arm. He yelped out in pain but didn't appear to be bothered much otherwise. In fact, he just looked angry and appeared to be getting ready to use her quick with his other hand. This guy is definitely a higher level than I gave him credit for.

Not that it matters.

I was slightly surprised but before he could even say anything I controlled my bandages to wrap around behind him, then stab him through the neck. I could see his eyes widening and he attempted to say something, but no words escaped his mouth before he took his last breath.

Normally I would have only tried to incapacitate him, but I noticed the reopened wounds on Eri's arm when I put her to bed. I knew he was being rough with her, and that's a sin great enough to deserve death in my book.

That's another thing I've noticed after improving my intelligence. Every time I rewrite myself, I don't just lose my life force, I also lose a bit of my humanity as well. Of course, my initial change helped with the trauma of taking so many lives, but even so, it was still hard back then. But after every successive change, I could feel myself becoming something other than human. It was strange to me. I felt like myself, but I knew I was no longer the same.

Killing became easier for me. In fact, it started to become my go-to option for dealing with troublesome matters. I still hated doing it and I, of course, didn't always go through with that option, but I had noticed it appeared at the top of my solutions list rather frequently.

Well, I guess it won't matter too much seeing as it still takes my life away, but I wonder what I would have become had I been able to recover my life force and keep rewriting myself…

Seems like with an increase in intelligence came with an increase in pointless thoughts. I don't have time for this.

"Eri, wake up!" Without a second thought, I rushed over to Eri and began frantically calling out to her to wake up. I would have shaken her awake, but I'm covered in that guy's blood. I know she doesn't like the smell of blood that much, so I would at least try to keep as much of it off of her as possible.

She was slowly stirring awake, and by god, she looked absolutely adorable! For a brief moment, I considered throwing all of my plans away to let her sleep just a little longer, but I knew deep down that would probably be a bad idea. Sigh, the sacrifices we must make…

"Eri, come on, we don't have much time! We have to go!" That seemed to be enough because her eyes snapped open and she looked around in a daze for a moment.

"Onee-chan, where are we going?" She asked after rubbing her eyes a little. Un, definitely the cutest in the world.

"Wha-!" Ah, it looks like she noticed the blood.

"We don't have time. Come on, we're getting out of here," Although I would love nothing more than to reassure her right now that everything would be alright, I knew she would see a lot worse by the time we actually escaped this place.

Not waiting for a response, I grabbed her hand and ran out of the room with her. I had long since memorized the layout of this place, so I had no problem navigating to an exit. Well, it'll probably be a trap. Likely the only exit I know of is being more heavily guarded. I could try to make my own, but that would take too much time.

Sigh, it always feels like there just isn't enough time recently. In that sense, I envy Eri who can rewind it to a degree. Speaking of Eri, I can feel her tensing up behind me and I glance back to see her looking at the corpse of that asshole.

I can already tell what she's thinking. That bastard Chisaki has thoroughly brainwashed her into believing every problem that arises is a result of her own actions. If I were confident enough to kill him, I would have done it already, but sadly I don't think I'm capable of that just yet.

I only have a limited amount of time left now, so I won't even be able to help her with her trauma and conditioning. I will just have to trust the person I leave her with will have the heart to help her. I want to curse my inability, but more than anything else right now, she needs me.

"Don't worry, Eri! I'll protect you!" I say to her while giving her a smile and squeezing her hand a little tighter.

"Un!" She gave a cute nod with a determined face. Gosh, she's so adorable! I wonder if her cuteness could be weaponized? If it could, we might make it out of here just by her asking nicely!

Jokes aside, I can sense the presence of a few more goons up ahead. From what I can feel, I don't think they're on to us just yet, so that's a plus. This just means I need to act swiftly to deal with them.

Seeing as my thumb had already healed in this short amount of time, I had to bite it again to give my blood an easy way out. I could force it through my skin, but it's a little uncomfortable, so I'd rather not.

As soon as we rounded the corner I spotted a group of 6 likely on patrol. Wasting no time, I pointed my hand in their direction and fired off several shots of blood bullets. Since Eri is here, I wanted to avoid anything too gruesome, but that didn't mean I would shy away from it either. This time, I only made sure it wouldn't penetrate them, but it still traveled fast enough that they all probably felt like they were hit with a steel bat.

With a thud, 5 of the 6 collapsed instantly, but one of them seemed to have some sort of endurance quirk because he was still conscious even after being hit in the head.

I messed up. I had assumed they all would go down instantly, so I wasn't prepared for the next shot just yet. Before I could fire again, he quickly pressed some kind of button and the alarms started ringing.

That's just great, now the entire base is going to be after us! I'm still too soft-hearted it seems. Let's rectify that.

Deciding he had caused enough problems, I shot another blood bullet in his direction before he could react. This time the bullet bore through his head quite easily. His quirk must have only been good for blunt force. Still, I wouldn't make the same mistake twice, so I triggered the blood in his head to quickly explode before it came out the other side.

His body twitched and shuttered for a while before unceremoniously dropping to the floor. I can feel Eri shaking behind me, but I no longer have time to worry about that. I can feel several groups converging on our location already.

So making sure I have a firm grip, I just keep running with Eri. We met several groups along the way, but I took them all out with little to no effort. That's to be expected, of course, most goons are goons in the first place because their quirks were too useless to be much use anywhere else.

I could handle most before they could even get close thanks to my perception, but for those that managed to sneak up on us, they were quickly taken care of by my bandages.

We were quickly approaching the exit and I could practically taste freedom but I also knew it was too good to be true so I constantly had my guard up.


I knew it. It was faint, but I could hear the cocking of a gun. A revolver? Not very efficient, but it's actually pretty hard to get guns into Japan in the first place. But I don't really have time to worry about that right now.

With a yank of my arm, I pulled Eri to me, then immediately jumped to the side without giving her any warning. Barely even a second later, I heard a bang and tracked the bullet that sailed past where we were standing a few moments ago. And that seriously pissed me off. Had his aim been off even slightly it would have been Eri that had gotten hit, not me!

I will kill him.

Next chapter