
The Truth From Serry

"Ardilo, I didn't bring up the problem. But I discussed it because you asked why Kaino was like that. And that made him emotional. Because Serry and you..." said Taera, who was already tired of discussing this many times.

"Then you still blame Serry and me?" asked Ardilo.

"Are you aware of what you are doing? Serry and you are acting in the name of friendship for your closeness. I may not have been jealous before. But, with you who continue to defend Serry even when many people talk about your mistakes, you make me tired. I'm also jealous. Why do you always defend Serry? Do you want to say that she is your friend?" Taera asked who wanted clarity.

"Yes, indeed she is my friend. I have to defend her. We are just friends..." explained Ardilo, who was then cut off by Taera.

"Friends, right? Kaino and I are just friends too. What's the difference? Why did you exclude us?" asked Taera, who was already bored.

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