
[VII] - Eclipsed wish

I rushed through the long dark alleyway for a while. Seconds felt like minutes, flashing slowly like lights by the road, put on slow-motion. I had many thoughts flying through my mind, while running from that cursed place.

What has just happened? This... It was too abstract to be real... Maybe it's just a crazy dream I'm having right now? It's impossible to commit a massacre like this, only by two, looking very ordinary, men. Having a whole, armed and experienced squadron against them, only a madman would think of an outcome which happened.

And yet, it came out to be so unexpectable. This being a nightmare, I had more proofs for it. The empty streets, extinct metropolis, with no living soul around, to notice such an extraordinary situation. Where could all the mankind disappear in all of a sudden? And the place I was just in? Have I ever noticed such and obscure dark alley right next to one of the most crowded places in my district, the North Underground Metro Station? What about that weird light, created by the blue-eyed man? All the odds were against the reality, and yet, when I finally reached the end of the void alleyway, I came out on the normal, sad street of the metropolis, filled with marching living beings.

I didn't wake up.

Standing on the side of the street, I was looking at those people walking, like normal. They came back to the streets they belonged to. Like nothing never happened.

I was breathing heavily, shaking in pain, with my destroyed clothes being soaked in dark blood. In my right hand, I was tightly holding my recording device with all the priceless evidence it recorded. In my possession was something as dangerous as a nuclear weapon — a mass live destroyer. Not handled by the responsible and right people, it can bring only long-lasting harm and final destruction. I need to protect this at all costs, and deliver it, possibly, right to the RR headquarters, the organization that I work for. By obtaining the visual evidence of non-compliance, committed by important people in this Metropolis, I can possibly change lives of many people around me.

As I know and believe so, not such things like I experienced today, have been ever seen, and shown to public.

This... This evidence of mine... I believe it will truly change the world. I just need to make it save home, make some copies just in case, and deliver it personally to the place where it belongs…

I was still standing in the darkness by the busy street. With the current state that I am in, I would surely bring an unnecessary attention towards myself, as I was wounded, and my stained clothes were torn apart. Bringing glazes upon me will throw me into the even more danger that I was just in. The obeying citizens of the system metropolis would immediately report me to the officers, for being an unquestionable element of their perfect society… Being pursued… questioned… I don't want the things from my past to happen to me again. It was a true gehenna.

How can I get home without being noticed? I was afraid of staying in one place, waiting for the chance to come. I don't have anyone I could potentially call right now... Besides, everything is inspected nowadays, none of your calls are safe. The way that we avoid it is speaking with ciphers. But those, too, get solved easily. But... I can at least try?

I reached into my pockets with my hand, to search for the communication device that the Officer returned to me, but discovered that it was nowhere to be found. What?! No way! I just had it in my hand! Where could I have possibly dropped it?! I sighed with distress.

While I was thinking about the possible ways of getting out of here, I noticed that all of those people marching through the street, were coming from the same direction, from the north. The same destination, getting out from the underground metro station, and from the end of the street. But why? Where have they all been? I... When I wandered through those streets... There wasn't even a one live soul. And now, all of them suddenly appeared.

The ones in the suits, the typical corporation rats scattered all around the streets, you don't even know where all of them come from. What is it that they are doing, in this so called „society"? Is there a need for all of those people? Our district is known for being a place of unknown, shady business, after all.

All of those building around me… what are they for? The tall skyscrapers, going up to the limits of the visible sky, their insides are undiscovered for me. I'm a person of the streets, after all. Roaming through them daily, knowing almost every path, a maze memorized in my mind a long time ago, but what are exactly the walls of the maze built of? What are those corporations even needed for? An unknown mystery that came to my mind all of a sudden, being left to be forgotten and undiscovered.

And then, scattered between the office workers, are all the rest of the people. The ones that I don't really know of their profession. This situation is very difficult to explain.

In our metropolis, we have three main factors of the industry. The corporation workers, the ones having their businesses, and the factory workers. The ones working with their mind abilities, the ones working with their leadership and entrepreneurship abilities, and the ones working with the physical strength of their bodies. But the last ones, all of them are supposed to be working in the last district — Novvisimis — fourth district complex counting from the center of the metropolis — the Core. I live in the third one, Tertius, so technically there shouldn't be any factory workers in here, but from time to time, you can see a really clustered face, full of tiredness, lacking in any other emotions. That's what the physical workers look like. A wreck of a human.

The businessmen, that's what people having their own little companies are called, are a very specific group of people. Very sneaky and cunning, with enough power for them to be left alone, not being persecuted by the Order Officers — who seek only problems and want to eliminate all the holes, vacuuming the money from the government. If you ever meet any of those dark people, and the ones working below them, guidance is not only recommended, but obligatory.

There are also other people roaming the streets, but you won't see them with a first glance. They hide in the dark shadows of the streets, where the distant sunlight never comes, and only neons brighten the black void. The ones opposed to the normal division of the society, not aligned to any industry sector, the different from all the others. Bats — that's what are called people who are running from the "normal" life of a Lectus citizen. Their name comes from an ancient being that lived on the Earth before the White Widow struck it. A being living in the shadows, coming out only in the dark. Communicating with inaudible for a human echo waves. The bats of the current times are exactly like them. Living at the time of a day when no one dares to leave their homes. Another shady type of a human, even more dangerous than the businessman. Because you know that they will for sure not let you pass by them, when you come across. That's why the obedient citizens never roam the shadows of the streets. Obeying people carefully walk at night, being cautious not to enter the "eternal" darkness. Tattoos, piercings, electronic body modifications, everything that could possibly catch an eye of a mere citizen, and especially Order Officers. Those people are not afraid of being themselves, without a proper job, thought to "terrorize" the streets.

This is what everyone thinks.

But contrary to the popular beliefs, Bats are not dangerous at all. If you're not with a plan to harm them, or to expose them to the sight of the officers, they won't do anything. All of them are just people being left by the system, not having a proper home, job, life. Most of those people are the descendants of the ones that weren't classifies by the system in the past. The ones that really didn't have a choice of anything else, but to hide in the dark alleys, sell illegal stuff, and possibly run from all the dangers that come because they have nowhere to run to, other than another dark corner. I could say I'm a bat myself, but I have a home, I am obliged to attend to school, I was given a proper "start" and a path to chose, but I strayed from it. I preferred to be who I want, not who someone else wants me to be. I want to pursue the truth, break the corruption, the division, the unfairness. If only possible.

And it is possible. With the evidence, I'm holding tightly with my hand in the pocket. If I show a proof, that there are people that can oppose the officers, many people will not be so afraid of them anymore, maybe someone will finally pinch the bubble of the unfair society we live in. Without a free choice. That's why I need to get out of the place I found myself in, right now.

But the streets… The sunlight in shining in the zenith, high up in the sky, but not visible from the place I am in. It creates the shadows, but too visible to roam through. There is this short time in a year, when the Sun is high enough to shine and break the barrier of our city. Lying it's precious rays on the ground, it's being surrounded by more people than ever at this time of the year. Seeing this every time, a spark of hope brightens in my heart, that maybe those rays will be warming up their pale faces every day, in the future. That maybe someone out there is willing to fight for the mighty mass that is our Sun.

But those are only hopes. And I am all in blood, wounded, all my clothes ruffles. A wrack of a human who needs to get home as fast as possible. Who knows for how long I will be able to stand… I feel heavier with every second. A step further, and will come from the darkness I came from… But I can't stay any longer… And the Sun shines to my demise, making me unable to hide in the shadows any longer.

I focused. I must do it.

I have so different routes I can take. I can either go straight to the headquarters of the RR, delivering the video directly to them, not being afraid that I will lose it to any shady broker person that I meet across. Or I can either come home, make a copy safe in my hands, and then deliver it to them. The problem is, that the place I believe to be the headquarters of RR is in the other side of the district, and my place of living is just a few streets away.

I wondered for a while. The clock was ticking, more and more people were coming from down the station, and other directions too. The streets were full like never, and the crowds were growing and growing. How can I go through them, being unnoticed by anyone, especially the officers? I don't have any spare clothes, my sunglasses were cracked by the ground fall, and I only have a shattered face mask. If there was anyone that could guide and guard me…

But there is no one. I need to defend myself as I am. And I need to come home as quickly as possible. If I only had something that could help me. Anything. A freaking eclipse would be good if not!

Desperate, not knowing what to do at all, I collapsed to the ground, manically searching for anything useful around me.

And then darkness became around me.

I jumped out of fear, when suddenly everything around me have gone dark. A loud, low and ringing noise arose out of nowhere, and a big flying vehicle covered the entire sky, blocking the sunlight from reaching the ground. My heart started to beat faster, and I opened my eyes in disbelief. Impossible! I… I couldn't believe it!

An enormous ventruptor was floating in above the skyscrapers… probably over the place I just ran away from? Green and red lasers were coming out of it, searching the place far away from me.

All the surrounding people were looking straight at it, with their heads up, shocked because they haven't probably seen a big vehicle like this in their entire lives. A proof that humanity has gone forward, advanced properly, but leaving the ones not being chosen, behind.

I couldn't think and admire the works of humanity anymore. This was my chance, I begged for. And I was listened to.

I rushed forward, into the dark street full of various people, and just run. Run before me, straight through the crowd, flesh of people. I heard sighs and voices when I passed, and pushed all of them, in order to run away from that cursed place. What was that flyer looking for… Did those mysterious men escape? Or maybe…

They were looking for me? A witness? A holder of information… How am I so stupid not to know that I was probably seen by someone? And that officer… I helped him…

As I think of it now… Someone who could easily spread the information, that an entire fleet of Order Officers were slain so easily?…

I was such a person. I held not only the information in my head, but also on a memory stick, right in my sweaty hands, also full of dried blood, pulsing in pain. My legs were about to break, but I still run. I needed to. I quickly got out of breath, my lungs and throat were burning with hellish fire, but I couldn't give up. I just wanted to fall to the ground, and lie, hoping that someone would care for me. But I knew this wasn't happening. I would be shredded by the crowd, by the officers, in a place no one would hear my screams for help. Because the ones taken by the officers never come back.

I pushed so many people around me, the street was very long, and I had a few more ahead me. A few turns, and I will be in my sweet home, safe from all of those dangerous strangers… Rushing between all the walls of the buildings in my district. Distant neons lighting their colors on me and many others in the darkness put by the flyer.

I rushed without looking back at what was happening, jumping into an adjacent dark street in the last seconds of my way being in shadows.

I made it to a safe route, to a usual road I take when going home.

Darkness. So soothing.

The first layer of my doubts has been melted. Now, the only thing I have to do is to get home as quickly as possible, to deal with my injuries, get a quick rest, and deliver the evidence to the right hands.

Hello! So... I’ve recently read a few of different stories and reflected on mine and how is it going so far. I need to tell you honestly, in my plot i haven’t really planned the whole Amare and Marcus arc to come so quickly and be the first main thing readers come to read in my story, so i am really convinced to rewrite it all, from the 7th chapter until now, for it to be more clear in the storyline and not prolong the story and this bit of action. Dont worry, Marcus and Amare will come back!

ashfreicreators' thoughts
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