
34. Sky Island?


The Strawhats saw a big ship falling from the sky. Luckily the ship fall beside the ship, but the impact make a very big wave that make Merry sway around. They all hold on to something so they don't fall. Jon simply used his chakra to stay where he is while looking at the crew. Jon saw Usopp sitting cross legged and chant something.

"It's a dream, when i open my eyes i will wake up from my bed"-Usopp

Usopp open his eyes but a skeleton fall right in front of him, make him very freak out. He throw the skeleton away but it fall in front of Nami, so she freak out too. After sometime, the wave subsided and they don't sway anymore.


Nami suddenly scream and show the log pose and it pointed up to the sky.

"No, it's not broken. If the Log Pose pointed up, that means there is a strong magnetic field up there that can even change the log pose direction. If it's pointed up, that means it pointed to a Sky Island."-Robin


"Heeh, it's like what i read in Alabasta. There's some record about Sky Islands but it's only assumption or clue. I don't believe it at first, but now with the log and a ship that fall from there, i'm more convinced. I wonder how it looks like."-Jon

"How can an island stay on the sky? I don't see something like an island at all"-Zoro

"It's not what i mean, there's a sea up there, and the island is on that sea"-Robin

"Sea and Islands on the sky? That's impossible, there's no logic in it"-Nami

"You can't use logic in this sea, if there is something you can always believe, it is the log pose. A Navigator should never question where the log pointed to, no matter how impossible the situation is. Something that you need to be questioned in this sea is your logic itself, not the pose."-Robin

"Sigh, we just come out from a place that defy our time and space knowledge and you still question an island on the sky? Yare-yare daze"-Jon


Robin gather the skeleton and put the pieces together. She start to examine the skeleton, and Jon look at the process intensely. He always like something like historical discovery and it's research. He often watch shows about archeolog dig and research about dinosaurs or relics. That's why he's very dissapointed that he can't take picture of dinosaurs in Little Garden.

When Robin start her research at the skeleton. Luffy and Usopp explore the ship even tough Usopp is so afraid of skeleton from that ship some minutes ago. They both go inside the wrecked ship and look around every room. Jon want to go there too, but the skeleton research is more interesting.

Sometime later Robin finished putting the pieces and she discovered many things. Jon can't believe she know so many things like the man's age when he died, year of his death, and even his death cause, in a very short time. He think that it will need a long time, or maybe use lab to count the skeleton age.

When Robin took out some books she have, she find an information about the ship. There's even a picture of that ship, the picture is very similar to that ship, even the flag. It's a cruiser ship and the passangers are adventurers. It lost 208 years ago, Robin is right and make Jon have stars in his eyes. He start asking Robin how she do it and she only said she will tell him later.

"There's not enough information here, so maybe we need to search some books or diary on that ship."-Robin

The crew then look at the ship and it's already sinking. Of course Luffy that still there got drown, but luckily Usopp also there so he can help. When they come back, Luffy actually bring something that surprised every one of them. It's a map of what they assumed as Sky Island, Skypiea.

"Yosh, let's go to the Sky Island"-Luffy

"Like i said we can't go up there. It's impossible"-Nami

"Nami, you're the Navigator, bring the ship up there"-Luffy

"Didn't you hear what i said? Sigh, like i thought, the pose is broken and we need to repair it."-Nami

"Rather than questioning the pose, we must look for a way to go up there. We need more information."-Robin

"But the ship has sink already."-Usopp

Then Nami have an idea and ask Usopp to make a suit from barrels and use hose to transfer air into the barrels so it can be used to dive. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Jon use the suit to dive into the sea. They need to salvage the ship and search for anything valuable.

The four of them dive deep and finally find the ship. They go inside and spread to different directions. Jon go to the back side of the ship and search every room. He didn't find any treasures, but it seems like there are people that already take all of it, he saw many battle mark afterall. He only find some books and take it, he saw some weapons or armors but they all are broken, so he left it.

Sometime later he go to Luffy and they also found nothing at all. But then, suddenly air start to fill the ship. Their room also filled with air and they felt the ship is going up. Then sometime later someone barge in, his face look like a monkey.

"Eh, you look like a monkey"-Luffy

"Do you think so? ukikiki"-Monkey man

'What? He's happy? Isn't it like an insult to be called a monkey? Strange guy'-Jon

Luffy and the monkey man talk a lot and become friends very easily. Jon know from their talk that this monkey man is a salvager of the ships that sink in this area. He want to capture the guys who salvage in his area, which is the four of them, but he talk chummily with Luffy instead.

But suddenly, the ship got crushed from top and below. Then the monkey remember his mission and know that the four of them are the salvagers. So he got angry and thrashing around. The four guys just go away from there and go back to Merry.

Luffy, Zoro, and Luffy rambling about the guy that looks like monkey. But the crew talk about them almost getting eaten by turtle.


"Yeah, that turtle"-Chopper point behind Jon

Jon look back and he see a massive turtle that look like a small island. He can't even scream as he is too surprised. It's the biggest creatures he ever see. Even the seakings and giants are smaller than this guy. Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy also finally realize the turtle and surprised. Then Mashira, the monkey man come up to their ship, he's still angry.

But then something strange happen, the sky got dark even tough it's still daytime. Jon saw the turtle have fear in it's eyes, so he look at it's eyes direction. Everyone, Strawhats, Mashira's crew, and the turtle saw 5 humanoid shadow with wings on their back, towering up to the sky. The one in the middle even raise his spear and looks like he's about to strike at them. They all have a pale face, even the fearless Luffy.


They immediately row the ship at opposite direction with all their strength. Jon even make clones to row the ship faster. After sometime, they finally escape and relief. But then they realize Mashira is also there, so the four fighter kick him out.

Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro took out their finding before. But all their findings are broken things, and there's also an octopus. Nami got angry with their useless findings. But then Jon take out a lot of books.

"Here, check it if there's information. But it's old and wet, so maybe there's not much to read. Also all the things there seem to be raided by some people before. The raid also seem to happen when the passanger are still alive. There's so many battle marks in the ship and skeletons that seem to die because they got killed by weapons."-Jon

"Let me see it, even if it's tattered, if we can find crucial information on these books then it's good."-Robin

"Seems like i can only count on you two on this ship."-Nami

"You must have many difficulties"-Robin

""Sigh""-Nami & Jon

"Why are you sighing? You're also a trouble many times"-Nami

"Eh? Me? Really?"-Jon

"Huh? You don't realize? All of you boys are trouble maker in your own way. Altough you and Chopper are better, but you still a trouble maker. Who is it that always messing around with those idiots? I don't know what Vivi saw from you"-Nami

"Alright, alright, i understand already. No need to bring Vivi's name. Only you, Robin and Zoro know about it, don't tell the others."-Jon

"Then give me treasures"-Nami

"Huh?! Now you want to threat me? Fine then, did you forget who's the one that bring the treasures? It's me, if you don't want to see any of it then just keep threatening me."-Jon

The both of them start bickering and the crew stopped what they're doing and watch. Sanji already cook some takoyaki using the octopus before.

"They're at it again"-Sanji

"What happened now?"-Chopper

"What else, it must be treasures. They always have argument about it. Jon always find them, but Nami always want to take them."-Usopp

"The both of them always have money in their eyes. I'm impressed that Jon have courage to bicker with Nami about money."-Zoro

"Hihihi, they're just like a siblings."-Robin

"Is that so?"-Luffy

"They have same interest in money afterall. Like they're born from the same parents"-Usopp

Jon actually didn't have many interest in money in his past life. His family have enough money, altough they're not rich but he's happy. But when he join the crew and date Vivi, he know he need a lot of money for their future. He already saw what poverty can do to people in Alabasta because of war. So he will not let himself, his friends and girlfriend be like that only because they don't have money.

After sometime Jon & Nami finally got tired and stop. Then Robin show them an Eternal Pose to Jaya that she stole from monkey man. They decide to go there to gather information about Sky island. So they move fast there.

On their way suddenly Chopper scream after he saw three seagull got shot and fall on their ship. The crew didn't believe that someone shot down those seagull, because even the island haven't been seen yet, except Jon.

"There's no way Chopper, it must be a coincidence. No matter how good their weapon or tools, they can't shot bird from that far away place."-Usopp

"That's possible you know."-Jon


"What do you mean? The island is still very far away"-Nami

"That's right, no one can see that far, and even if they see it how can they shoot a bird?"-Usopp

"I can see the island from here, very clearly. So maybe someone can see as far as me too. This is grandline, and we haven't see even half of it. Did you know that a Yonkou can sink an island easily? It's not impossible to shoot these birds. Maybe one is a coincidence, but three? There's no way.

This only means that there are people that a lot stronger than us that we can't understand how they do what they had done. Just because we don't understand didn't mean it's impossible. That only means we're not strong enough to understand it.

In the past, did you even believe story about devil fruits? No, but now you have 3 friends that use it. Did you even know there are giants? No, but you have seen them before. We will never know if we keep denying it and never search for it.

Just like Sky Island, just because we haven't see it, doesn't mean it's not there. We only need to find out if it's there or not. We're still only a small fish in this big sea. A frog that climb the well but haven't got out yet."-Jon

The others look at him and stay silent for a long time. This make Jon sweating.

'Shit, it's not working? I think it's a cool line, how can it's not working, damn.-'Jon

"You're right, we're still weak in grandline. That's why we need to get stronger. We will find the sky island too."-Luffy

The other also nod at this, they understand that there's still a lot of things they didn't know in this world, so they need to find out about it. They also need to be a lot stronger so they can survive this sea. Jon sigh in relief, his cool lines is working just fine.

Then they keep going to Jaya island and will search information about Sky Island.

Next chapter