
ch 3 the twin option

hell broke loose. kook almost flew to yoongi and his mate. swinging his fists to punsh the other alpha. growls and shreeks were heard. it was chaos. joon had shoved tae behind him, jin was growling and tried to get into kooks way to protect his cousin. "ENOUGH! STOP THAT! SIT DOWN" everybody froze in its movements. the voice of a leader was more powerful than any of a normal alpha. they obeyed immidiatly. kook couldnt pull his eyes away from his mate in another alphas arms. yoongi almost pushed jimin back to kook. he was confused. everyone was confused. "sit down already." the leader told everyone again. after some silent moments he looked at his wife. "i think we should ask the elders" his wife noded and called someone. "jimin?" kook had to use his strenght to hold jimin in his place. his mate tried to get to yoongi. tae still held joons hand and didnt notice it. he leand more into joons shoulder and watched a possessd jimin. "whats with him?" he whispered to joon. "hes behaving like yoongi is his mate." "but i thought kook is his mate? he was so happy to find him, he told me yesterday" "i know and i have no idea why he is like this at all. poor kookie. that must hurt excrutially" "how?" "will tell u later" he pecked taes temple and both were surprised. the bell rang again and in came some veeeeeeery old geezers with long beards. "leader kim, u summond us?" the dad stood up and showed them their seats and explained the situation. the elders looked at jimin, who was still trying to get to yoongi, a red faced and desperate kook, who still held him back and a disgusted yoongi, who tried to avoid jimin like hell. the elder stuck their heads together and discussed. after some intense minutes, one of them touched jimins forhead and the boy collapsed in kooks arms. "what the hell did u do to him?" kook was in fight mode again. "lay him down on the sofa. we just put him to sleep. he wouldnt stop trying to get to him" he pointed at yoongi. kook growled at the alpha again and heaved jimin up. after he came back, the elders took some sips from their coffee. "now what is wrong with my younger son?" "oh yeah. it looks like he is going to have two mates." "what?" everyone burst out. one of the elders scratched his head. "yeah. unfortunatly. its rare, but it happens." "oh my god. my great great aunt gwendolyn had also two mates. i forgot this story." jimins and joons mom told. "was she supposed to be a twin?" her eyes got wide and her hand covert her mouth. she looked to her husband. "yes, so was jimin, but we lost his twin early in the pregnancy. it was a dark day." the elders noded. "that means somehow your aunt and jimin inherited the bond from their twins. did she had a good life?" mrs. kim noded again and smiled a bit. "yeah she was the towns talk. and had a lot of pupps." "so than everything is okay." "okay????" kook stood up. "he is my mate. MINE! not his!" he pointed at yoongi. "i dont want him." yoongi stated and got a nodge from jin. "he is your mate, yoongi!" "i dont care. i dont want one who is not mine at all. i dont wanna share my mate." one of the elder punshed the table. pretty hard for that old man. the boys flinshed. "its the law. do u wanna die? u know that u would die, if you not accept your mate!" yoongi noded and gulped. "u and u " he pointed to kook and yoongi "have the same mate. u have to work together if u want it or not. u will give the small one the best life, u will protect him, u will love his pupps, no matter whos their going to be. its the LAW! OBEY IT!" kooks and yoongis bodys shrinked under the thunder dominant voice of the elder. they have to obey it, it was in their dna. there was no way out. they looked at each other. "i think we should talk this through how we gonna live with it." kook stated. yoongi noded. "good. problem solved. so why are silverlakes here?" the elder sat back and held his coffee cup very elegantly. "we werent happy with our leader, sir." jin lowly say. the second elder noded. "yeah we heard about your troubled father. what a shame. seunghyung was such a great wolf, the death of your mother kicked him into insanity. good that u survived. your cousin too. when u think of it, that he killed all potential heirs." leader kim looked at the new wolfs in another light. "why didnt u tell me that? i wouldnt be so suspicios about u two." jin shruged his shoulders. "its not what someone would talk lightly about." "i am sorry for your losses" jin noded. "he killed your mate too. u have not a lot of time to find a new one, or you will change into the wolf forever!" the last elder stated. jin let his head fall down. the parents and the alphas sucked shockly air in. "your mate? oh i am so sorry! u poor puppy!" mrs. kim huged jin, who was trying to contain his tears from falling. "so can we get some cake?" the last elder looked around.

"uff what a day. how long will your brother sleep?" he let himself fell onto his bed. joon sat next to him. he looked like he was in deep thoughts. "a few more hours." "what are u thinking?" joon shook his head and smiled at him. "i am just happy that it isnt me. i wouldnt like to have to share u with anyone." tae looked at him. "u would hate that?" joon noded. "yeah. it hurts even to think of that." he pressed his hand on his chest, where his heart was. tae looked at the hand and caressed joons face. both were surprised again by this action. but tae couldnt pull his hand away. something inside him wouldnt allow it. his mate was sad and hurt, so was he and he needed to help his mate to cope or get out of it. tae didnt think anymore, he was reacting to the voice he heard in his head. *why? whats going on?* *thats another benefit. we can communicate with each other and with our wolfes inside* tae looked shocked. "really? u can hear my thoughts?" "only if u allow me" "wow" *wanna stay here or do u wanna see the most beautiful spots on this land?* "are u going to do something weird to me?" joon laught. "no. really, just wanna show u my favourit places. i promise. i swear!" tae thought about it. "we should get some food too" joon smiled wide and stood up. "fantastic baby. get your sweater, its going to rain today." he danced out of the room and left a laughing tae.

"i dont like u" "dont like u either." kook and yoongi looked annoyed at each other. "for jimins sake we should find an agreement which is suitable for all of us." kook stated. yoongi sighed and rested his chin on one of his hands. "we are going to have pupps. will u love them?" kook looked surprised at this question. "i think i will wrap my mind around it, when he is pregnant. how should we do that? when he is in heat?" "we take turns. i can imagine he will be a handfull. and i think we shouldnt let him just be with one of us. he is too beautiful and needs our both bodys to protect him." "do u think of your cousins mate?" yoongi noded with tears in his eyes. "it was awful. jin still isnt over it. he thinks he failed her. i dont wanna feel that ever. we need to protect him no matter what." kook agreed. "okay. we will stay together. also in bed?" yoongi looked up and raised one brow. he smirked. "only when he isnt in heat." they both eyed the other. they both were typical alphas. muscles where they should be, a dominant aura and stubborn like huskys. jimin moved in his sleep, immidiatly the looked at him. "he is beautiful. i wanted to wait at least 3 more years before having pupps, but i dont know now. we are still so young." yoongi stood next to him and tilted his head when he starred at his shared mate. "my mom had me with 15. she loved it." kook scoffed. "how many are u?" "11. my parents had no other hobbies." he chuckelt. kook looked shocked. "11? your poor mom!" "not everyone survived the reign of my uncle. we are only 3 now. my oldest brother found his mate in another clan and went with him. they have a nice family. my younger sister ran away when she finished her school. i dont know where she is. i hope she is well." "i am so sorry." yoongi looked at kook. "its okay. shit happens. my parents would be thrilled if they ever had the chance to see jimin as my mate." he sighed again. his smile was sad.

"again i am so sorry jin." "i understand. u have a clan to protect and it would normally be a threat if some foreign wolfes come into town. dont think to much about it." mrs. kim still huged him. he patted her hand. "its all good mrs. kim. i lost my mate 4 years ago. the pain isnt so cruel anymore. its bearable. thank u for your concern." "still pupp. loosing the mate is a deep impact in a wolfs life." "i couldnt die, i had my family to protect. that kept me alive, but after i lost more and more of them, i found it was time to run." "that was the best idea, son. i will let u stay here in my house. i will give u jobs. u are a part of the clan now and of course of this family. it would be nice to know that my oldest son will have someone who can help him when he will be the leader." jin smiled. "that would be great. thank u"

jimin woke up slowly. he was confused, why he was in his bed, or how. the last thing he remeberd was the smell of this new alpha and how it pulled him to the wolf. a huge shock snapped jimin out of his thoughts. "jungkook! oh my god! what have i done?!" jimin cried out. his door opend and both alphas came in running. "jimin? are u okay? did something happen?" they looked around the room to find any intruder. jimin put his hands away from his face and looked at them in disbelive. "i kissed him!" he pointed at yoongi. "u are my mate and i kissed him!" he pressed his face back into his hands and cried again. kook and yoongi looked at each other and both sat down. "jimin, baby....look at me" jimin slowly showed his face. he flinshed when he noticed the new strong smell again. his eyes were big when he looked from one to the other. "its okay. the elders were here and cleard the situation. looks like u have the both of us." kook explained. "i...what? u both are my mate? how the hell?" yoongi and kook explained everything to him. jimin fell back. "are u fucking kidding me? fuuuuuuuck" his mates chuckelt by his outburst. "oh u think this is funny? i have to take care of the both of u now. fantastic, great, fucking amazing.... my poor body!" he cried again. "everything is going to be okay." yoongi assured him and layed down to him. kook did the same. both of them held the small omega and pecked his face.

joon showed the whole day tae the beautiful sides of his clans land. the mountain, the lakes, the woods, the smaller villages around the town. they finally stoped at the theater. "wanna watch a movie?" "yeah sure" tae was in his thoughts. before he knew he was a wolf and an omega he never noticed how others reacted to him. this day showed him. joon had to growl a lot against some brave alphas, who came too close to tae. somehow he felt violated by their actions. *is this how a girl feels when she get wistles on?* *nobody will touch u* tae looked in joons face and smiled. joon was very protective this day. tae felt safe with him, what was odd, because in the back of his mind, his mate was still the closesest threat to him. they sat down with a big bucket of popcorn and some coke. "what are we watching?" "some old horror movie. maybe godzilla" "uuuuuhhh great! its so funny how they animated the monster!" "that was a bloke in a costume and he stomped on a papercity." "i know! thats the funny part" he showed joon his monster move and face. joon laughed. again tae was messmerized by the dimples. he touched one. "dimpels" joon smiled wider. "are my dimples hypnotizing u?" tae just smiled and turned to the movie, which started. they laught, they enjoyed the old movie in black and white. tae even leand into joons arm, who was wraped around him. their faces where close, joon couldnt hold it anymore. he leand more in and placed a kiss on taes cheek. tae stoped laughing and turned his face to him. joon took this as an inventation and softly kissed his lips. slowly not to scare tae he let his tongue touch taes lips too. they exchanged sweet kisses, when tae leand more in and got more passionate. he pulled joons hand to his cheek and wraped his arms around his mate. joon felt like heaven. his mate was kissing him on his own. after minutes taes kisses got more heated. tae didnt understand what hit him. hot waves were rushing through his body, joons hands sending electric shocks out on every spot they touched, his skin was covert in goosbumps, his legs were shaking. he felt a need for his mate, he never had for any person. joon pushed him back and gave them a chance to breath. "taetae? are u okay?" joon was concerned. taes eyes looked feverish. "are u sick?" tae didnt say a thing. his eyes were fixed on joon, his mouth was closing and opening like a fish out of water. joon closed his eyes and focused on taes mind. shocked he opend them fastly and pulled tae out of the theater. his mate was in heat.

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