

Alana entered the office scared , I mean this was her first ever interview and it being a great and important company like Black Heart the fear she was feeling was quite justified.

She entered the office and closed the door but was still facing the door she had kind of frozen, it had some really nice patterns she thought.

There were tiny swords, flowers, arrows and some weird drawings and tiny people and.....

"Well as much as I would like you to continue your staring contest with the door , there are others waiting , we're working with time here and we have to get your interview done with alright " A woman's voice sounded through the room.

Alana turned at once , she was surprised because she was expecting to be interviewed by the big boss who was a man . "I'm sorry , really really sorry ma'am " Alana apologized to the lady who just smiled warmly at her putting her at ease .

" You were probably expecting to see the big boss right " She said still with a big smile

Alana started to think people at this company were made to take a day off for smiling lessons because Candy also had a big smile and now this lady here was also smiling wide" Yes ma'am , I was told to expect the big boss" Alana answered

" Dior, call me Dior " The lady said .

" Yeah Mr Ice was stuck in a meeting so you know duty calls and what not so I had to fill in for him pronto as the head of the human resource department " Dior said with a proud smile .

" Well as we've already established I'm Dior Foxx now let's get this thing over and done with, Tell me about yourself young lady, not from birth but you know the important stuff like your first kiss " Dior said and looked at a confused Alana and they burst out laughing when Alana realized the joke.

"Now back to business" Dior said focused bow

" Okay thanks for asking I'm Alana Walker , twenty two years of age , I graduated from Yale with a first class and a Masters in interior design and decoration and I also have a degree in culinary arts . I speak four international languages ; English , French , Spanish and German and I hope to get the position of the lead interior designer of this company " Alana concluded with a smile .

"Very, very impressive resume , now can I see your documents " Dior asked quite impressed with Alana. She nodded her head a number of times while going through her files and after she handed her files back to her .

" Can I tell you something Alana , most of the ladies that walked in here today dressed as if they were hookers because they thought if the big boss was here they could use their looks to get the job but you dressed really professionally and that could be a plus for you " Dior said to Alana .

"You see that camera up there " Dior said pointing to a blinking red light in the corner . " The big boss takes time of that meeting he's in during everyone's interview to check in and see what's going on and I must say he might not be pleased with the way those girls dressed and your dressing might work a lot to favor you dear " Dior said.

"We'll give you a call " Dior told her .

" Thank you Dior" Alana nodded respectfully towards her and swayed out of the room proud she had made a good impression on Dior and maybe the big boss.

When she walked out of the room Jaden was also just walking out of his own interview , she waved to catch his attention and they both went out of the building together .

"Bye Candy , hopefully we might meet again " Alana said to Candy with a laugh when they reached the reception.

"Yeah hopefully Candy replied with a smile"

"See you, hopefully"

Alana and Jaden left the building hoping and praying that wouldn't be their last time there ........

Thank you all for reading hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote and comment or drop an emoji it means a lot....

Love ya;)

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