
ch 24. confession

joon was moving faster, he wanted to come, so he could threw out his victim fastly after it. but... he couldnt. his mind was in a mess, couldnt focus, not even the hard squeeze of his victim, as he came, made something for joon.

he pulled out and just waved at the boy. like he was an annoying fly. dissapointef, the boy took his clothes and went out of the room.

joon stood there, with a proud standing cock wrapped with a condom and felt nothing.



kook sighed. he was bored. his projects were all finished, he had now more time for himself. he thought about going to the club again, but he wasnt in the mood. lazly he walked to the kitchen, to make some food, when the doorbell came to life.

"coming" he opened the door and almost fell down.

"hey, cupcake" "wha..what u are doing here?" "u have time, i have time.... i thought we should spend it together" still not believing, that he was here, kook just looked. "wow... did you stopped working? hello? kookie?" "my...fuck... u are really here!" with force he hugged yoongi and pulled him into the apartment.

"air....need...air..." "oh sorry" kook let go of him and his face was bright as the sun. "u really are here....wow" yoongi chuckled. "hey" "hey" they grinned at each other. "can i have a kiss?" yoongi husked out and fast as lightning, he felt kooks lips on his.


"oh shit! what is yoongi doing here?!" "where here?" "here!" "huh?!" "get your head out of your ass, tae! he is here, as in my apartment... and kooks" tae looked shocked. "he is at your place? he didnt say a thing! traitor!" hobi laughed, than froze. "shit... what if they gonna fuck right now?! i dont wanna hear that" "since when u have a problem hearing or seeing others fuck?" tae raised a brow. "shithead. its awkward now... what should i do?" "how about u take a train" "and?" "come to me?" hobi stared at the screen. "seriously?" tae nodded. "he will stay there at least a week and u wont avoid them, sooooo...." "u really want me with u?" "of course, what stupid question is this?!" tae looked annoyed.

"sorry, if i...." "look, hope. u know i like u and i think u like me too, so why dont we ... see how we are actually together?" hobi stayed silent for some minutes, tipped on the keyboard for some seconds. "i ll be there at 5pm. will u pick me up?" taes face lit up and he showed his big smile. "yes!" "great, i need to pack... how is the weather?" "nice.... dont take to much stuff with u..." "really? i have no clue where u wanna go with me. i need something formal, casual, are we going swimming? or hiking? i think...." tae laughed loudly. "hey...hey! just put some jeans, shorts and tshirts. 2 pair of shoes, your toothbrush and done" "u forgot to mention the underwear" tae smirked big. "i dont think u will need it and u can always wear something from me" hobi shook his head. "what is on your dirty mind?!" "nothing, just in case i want to jump u, like in the park, gallerie and so on" "taehyung!"


kook was still in awe, he couldnt stop touching yoongis face. he was really here with him.

after yoongi "helped" him the other night, it became a part of their routine. yoongi would tell him what to do, watching him, but never did something on himself. he always waited until they disconnected, or kook fell asleep. than he would help himself. so yoongi knew how kook looked naked, but kook never saw him.

"i still cant believe it.... u are really here" "u sound like a broked record... i am here" he placed kisses on kooks fingertips. "u are really here" yoongi laughed. "come here" he pressed his lips onto kooks. maybe kook would finally believed it, if he kissed the air out of him.

"better now?" yoongi whispered, caressed kookies face softly. kooks eyes were still big. "yeah.... i am not dreaming, right?" yoongi shook his head. "good...." with a sigh he nuzzled his face into yoongis chest.

"are u hungry?" "no" "are u sure?" "i am. are u?" "not anymore" kook smiled and looked up again. "i like this" "how about u lay fully on me?" "i am too heavy" "no" kook layed on yoongi and their faces were close. "can i kiss u all day?" kook pouted. yoongi chuckled. "yeah u can" he pouted too, what made kook laugh. "u are really here"


jimin called his mom. he needed her calm voice.

"mom? am i selfish?" "where is that comming from?" jimin told her, what joon said to him, after it, it was silent for some moments, than his mom sighed. "poor joonie.... so that time at vacation, was all fake?!" "not all.... " "and u both slept with each other....had sex" "yeah... i wanted him to teach me. i trusted him not to hurt me and he did a great job... i am horrible mom! why didnt i noticed his feelings for me?" "wow... hmmm.... he loved u from day 1, son. i saw it and i always found it cute.... but i really wanna give your butt a good beating" "woah....mom! why?" "u hurt him! i am actually thinking they gave me the wrong child in hospital.... how blind can somebody be?! your father and i...also joonies parents always gave u clues! aish son!" "but..i thought u just making jokes!" "talking about weddings is no joke! is it?!" "mom? u are unreasonable! give me dad!"

"hey son... u screwed big times!" "et tu brute?!" "remember when we had the "talk"?" "yeah, it was really embarrassing" "didnt i told u to seek your soulmmate?" "yeah" "didnt i pointed at joon?" "oh? really? .... what?!" "wow, darling we have a dense son!" "told ya!" jimin heard his mother. "HEY!" "listen.... do u love him?" "i dont know" "what are u feeling, when u hear his voice?" "calm and excitement at the same time" "when u see him?" "same?" "how is it, when u know he would come any minute through the door" "my stomach is weird.... wait.... " he heard his parents sigh. "u are really stupid, i think they really might gave us the wrong baby" his father stated dryly. "u were in love with him the whole time and didnt notice it?! u are an asshole, jimin! u made him suffer!" his mother tuned in.

"MOM! that hurts me!" "good! now u know how joonie felt all those years! making him your first and than... have kook and all the others right infront of his nose. i bet he complained or told joon all of them!" "i think so... what did we do wrong" "i have no clue" "hello? i am still here!" "so, what u gonna do, son?!" "will u confess to him finally?!" "i dont think he wants me anymore. he was really pissed at me" "stop whining! gosh... from which side of the family he has that?!" "not from mine" "from mine either.... oh wait... uncle sungmin.... shit.... " "HELLOOOO??? i am not like uncle sungmin! thats too harsh! i want an apology!" "nope, wont get one! .... only if u talk to joon! beg on your knees, son, maybe he will take u" after 2 seconds, his parents started to giggle. "very mature, u both!" jimin scoffed annoyed.

"oh booooohoooo poor baby! get your ass up and confess to him! or else!" "else what?" "u will have a red ass like a pavian for the rest of your life!" "shit! and when he doesnt want me anymore?" "than come home, cry, grief and we will help u, but at least u tried"


hobi stepped out of the train and looked around. "hello stranger, were u looking for me?" a very low and sexy voice came from behind him. "u startled me... hey" "hey" they stared at each other.

"okay, thats awkward, i am gonna kiss u now, okay" tae smiled and gentley captured hobis lips. the kiss became heated in no time. "could u please make out elsewhere? here are kids" a voice tuned next to them. with dizzy minds they stopped and looked at the man. shit... train station police man. "sorry.... uhm....we are leaving" tae muttered and pulled hobi with him. after some distance, he ran back to catch hobis suitcase. the police man just shook his head. "lovebirds these days....tsss"

"wow... u live here alone?" "yeah, why?" "its big.... nice" tae snickered and heaved hobis suitcase on his bed. "shit, hope? what u have in there? the body of one of your exes?" "hopefully dead now... no! clothes...stuff..." tae shook his head. "i make us food, u do your stuff"

for tae it was fun to have hope here. he felt like a grown up. in no time they were kinda used to be in the same apartment. it wasnt awkward, it was nice. they talked a lot, joked around, as if they were together for a long time. like a married couple... yeah, thats how tae felt. like a married couple. he liked that idea.


yoongi had a hard grib on kooks hair and pressed him down on him. their lips and tongues were busy with each other. it felt like heaven, like meant to be. kook was his missing puzzle piece and yoongi wont let him ever go. what he felt, that moment, kook opened the door, was so new to him. he liked jimin, but kook was another league. yoongi knew in that instant that he was finally in love.

kook on the other side, knew that for a while ago. he noticed his feelings towards yoongi throughout their skype sessions. before... they had that first "incident". some time in their talking, planning, he felt butterflies, couldnt wait to see and talk to him. first he was confused, why, but he accepted it. he was in love with yoongi, there was no going back.

they couldnt get enough of each other. their hands were rough on the otheres body, ripping hair out, tearing clothes apart. yoongi turned them around and showed kook, what it meant to have his lips all over his body for real. kook didnt complained. he enjoyed every second. finally! he could feel yoongi.

"is it... too fast? shall we wait for some days or so?" yoongi whispered. kook looked at him. "are u stupid?! go on! come on! i cant wait!" yoongi sickered and pressed his mouth back on kooks nipple. "ooohhh right there.... dont stop... i am gonna kill u if u stop!" he muttered. he could hear yoongi chuckle.


hope felt married. him and tae were like a well going machine. they worked perfectly togther. they went shopping, had some walks in the parks, had fun all over. they even didnt have to talk, they knew exactly what the other was thinking.

tae felt alive and happy for the first time ever. hobi and him were a perfect team and he wanted this forever.

sometimes jimin came into his mind, memories he would treasure, but with hope, he felt finally completed.

it started kinda as a joke, tae would grab hope suddenly, pull him into a corner and kiss him crazy, but it turned into a hot routine. tae looked always for a quiet place, where he could devour hopes lips.

breathless they arrived at home. "why the hell did we have to race home?!" hope panted. "i dont know... u started to walk faster" "and u running all of the sudden" they laughed, tae grabbed the bags of groceries from hobis hands, let them fall onto the floor and stopped hobis complains with his mouth. he wouldnt stop this time.

blindly they danced around the apartment, trying to get to hobis room, loosing their clothes while doing so. sometimes they almost fell, but with glued lips and laughter they made it.

"u are so beautiful" tae whispered and choked as he looked at a naked hope. his hands trembled, as they touched hobis delicate skin. "i promise i will always treat u right. i wont hurt u and will always be loyal to u" hobi furrowed his brows. "do u really wanna make me cry right now? that would destroy the mood! save that for later" tae grinned. "u have really no clue, what u do to me, do u?!" "taetae.... shut up and kiss me"

tae was very gentle, he wanted hobi to feel treasured and at ease and loved. the hard fuck could wait, after they had their first fight. he made it all for hope. and hobi knew it. he smirked. "u really wanna wait until we have a reason to do so?" "huh?" "u can go harder, i dont mind" "but..." "tae, i am not made of china! do it harder" "u sure?" "argh!" hobi let out frustrated, turned them around. "my turn now! prepare yourself" "for what?" hobi smirked and went on a fast pace. tae didnt know what hit him. suddenly he hadnt any air left and hobi rode him to nirvana.


kook was exhausted. they couldnt stop, so after some rounds, his body was on one side tired and done, on the other side was eager to go another round.

he didnt know what was the last time he could breath normally, his lungs burned from his constant panting and it became harder to inhale enough air, but... he couldnt stop. his body felt sore, from the arching and uncomfortably angles it contorted to, but he couldnt get enough. the muscles in his thighs and stomach hurt greatly, but he couldnt get enough.

he needed to feel more of yoongi. it wasnt enough.

his nails scratched bloody lines on yoongis back, other than a groan, yoongi didnt complain. he was to deep into it.... to deep into kook. he didnt count how many times they came, which position they made and not, it didnt matter at all, that his body was in pain. he needed kook. needed him to know, how much he felt for him. how much he meant to him. as he wasnt good with words, he had to show him. even if his spine would break.

with a last thrust and a low whine both came again. heavely panting they finally layed next to each other, waiting for their bodies to regain some needed air and control.

"fuck.... u almost killed me" yoongi husked. "sa...same....shit....owww.... " "sorry" "...dont...shit..."

yoongi groaned as he stood up, walked into the bathroom and prepared the tub for them. he wobbled back and tried to pull kook up. "dont make yourself heavy" "cant move. dont want to move" "come on, the hot water will do wonders" "hrghm..." with yoongis help, they glided into the hot water and sighed immidiatley.

kook leaned his head onto yoongis shoulder and closed his eyes. "hey, dont fall asleep! i wont be able to carry u back" "hmmm... just some seconds" "kookie?" "hm?" "i think i love u" "yoongi?" "yeah?" "i know i love u" yoongi let a chuckle out, what made him regrett it immidiatley. "ouch.... love u too" "good, cause otherwise, i would kick your ass.... when i could feel my legs again" they both giggled and stayed silent for some moments. enjoying the company and the soothing water.

"as we established that, what are we going to do with the two idiots?" "jimin and joon would be back here after this semester, right?!" "yeah" "than we fetch a plan. now i wanna concentrated on us" "thats nice....my lips hurt" kook complained. yoongi chuckled.


unknown to anyone, jimin took a train.

he stood nervously by the door and knocked.

as soon as the door opened, he bursted out


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