
ch 3. jungkook

i tried to avoid joon the next day. i still felt ashamed. i liked it too much to watch them. what was wrong with me?!

as i was deep into my weird mind, i ran against someone with force and landed on my own butt. "owww...." "hey, ugly fuckface! watch were u going!" i glanced up to the person who hissed these words at me and grimaced. "u wish" "what?!" "to see my fuckface, its quiet sexy. sorry didnt see u there" i came up onto my feet and wanted to walk away from him, but he held my arm. "u said what?!" i sighed annoyed and rolled my eyes. "look, jungkook, i need to be somewhere, so... bye" "little fucker" "aha... yeah okay. can i go now?" "since when did u grow balls, little shit?" he looked amused. i shrugged my shoulders. "maybe since i discover how to suck them?!" his mouth fell open and i took his surprise to walk away. junkook.... that asshole! since day one he was on my case. never left out an opportunity to bully me. not anymore! i swear i would kick his ass from now on!

the rest of the week was boring. kook didnt bother me, but kinda watched me from afar, what gave me the creeps. finally it was friday. joon-day!

we drove home together. joon had his license since a few month, i wasnt ready for heavy maschinery! we walked up to his bedroom and i immidiatly sat down on his bed, looked at his chair and remembered vividly what happened there. i heard joon chuckle and looked at him. "what?!" "your face is red.... remember hope and me?" shit! caught in the act. i nodded. he sighed and sat next to me. "u have any questions?" i shook my head. "only.... u will let me try, right?!" "try? what? ride me?" "oh... didnt think about that, but i wanna try that too... i meant blow u" he grinned. "yeah, of course, anything u want" i inhaled deep. somehow i was afraid, he wont continue our ... whatever that was... i thought, now that he had hope, he wouldnt wanna do anything with me anymore.

eagerly i kneeled down on the floor, right infront of him. joon flinshed. "wha...huh?" "wanna blow u" "now?" i nodded. "yes... why not?!" "ahm....uuuhhhh... let me shower first!" "didnt u after sport?" he shook his head. "hadnt got time for that" "oh... i already cleaned myself too" i was somehow suddenly shy and looked away. i felt his big hands on my head and looked into his face, he was so close. "that is great and neat! thank u. i ll be quick" i nodded. "ok"

i stripped naked and waited for joon. he came out with just a towel, still wet from the shower and sat down. "u really want it?" i could melt. he was so sweet! he really wanted me to feel comfortable. i nodded and licked my lips. "just.... just help me through it" he chuckled and opend his towel. i gulped, robbed close on my knees and hands, what let joon gave out a sound i never heard. "what?!" he didnt look at me, he had his eyes closed. "dont...just dont come like this to me... thats too sexy, jimin!" i was confused, grimaced my face and was delighted, to see his dick awake. "oh! nice! u are hard!.... why tho?! i didnt do anything yet!" joon moaned out. "just told u!" "i only came near and u already got hard from that?!" "oh...jiminie....shut up!" he sighed and stroked himself, leaned back on one hand and looked at me.

"stop touching yourself! thats my job now" i ordered him and layed my hands on his thighs. "can u spread your legs more?" he grinned and did, i gulped again. i sucked a lot of spit into my mouth and first took a taste from his dick. the really hot, hard, muscle stood there proudly and it wasnt bad at all, the taste. i licked and licked and licked over the velvet tip and enjoyed the unknown feeling of it. "ji-jimin-ie..... dont just lick the tip" i smiled licked up and down the sides of it. i felt venes, skin, muscles, his pulse sometime... wow! i really liked my new toy! i really did! with more curiosity than before, i gulped the whole thing into my mouth, down my throat and almost had to puke. i backed a bit back with my head and tried to have a decent rythm, tried to involve my tongue as much as possible.

as i did my deed, i heard him. he was moaning, groaning, growling... it was perfect. i bobbed my head, focused on his sounds. he really had to contain himself not to grabb my head and to press me more down on him, i saw him moving his hand. with a plopp i left his dick and came up. "wanna come or wanna fuck?!" "what u want is okay with me" he hissed out. i thought about it. i sat into his lap. "wanna ride u.... my hole is itchy" "jim....in...." "what?!" "dont whine like this when u are saying something like this!" he hissed again. huh?! i whined? really? .... okay....

joon took his lube out, squirted a lot into his hand, coated his fingers with it and rubbed my naughty hole. "shove them in!" "i said, stop whining like this!" "please!" suddenly he pressed them all in together at once. me and my big mouth! but it felt great! i needed to feel the stretch! it was urgent!!! i moved my hips down on his fingers, he didnt had to move them at all. i was such a slut! "slow down" i shook my head. "no.... need, want to feel u" so i fucked myself on joons fingers. like a fucking hoe.... tsk!

he helped me to push down on his dick and held me steady with my thrusts on him. it was heaven! i was in control! i was the one who gave out the pace and depth. it was .... wow! i could do that all day!... or better not....poor butt!

we didnt had anything seriously to do than to fuck. i went home saturday with a very sore butt and other muscles. why did it always hurt after it was so amazing?! thats unfair!

on this saturday, i got an inventiation for a party. the first time ever. why? i didnt know why.... i called joon, but he declined, he had a date with hope, but urged me to try the party.

i stood for hours infront of my mirrow and tried to find a decent, maybe hot outfit and hairstyle. i wanted to fit in, not to fall out from the picture.

nervous i stood in the livingroom, now the dancefloor and looked for a familiar face to cling onto. but nobody was there to help me. i sighed. thought this was a huge mistake, walked to the "bar" aka kitchen and got myself drunk. after my brain was clouded with enough alcohol, the dancing was easy. i was on fire, the dancefloor was mine! but the alcohol was too much. i needed to step away from the dancing bodies and got out to the entrance hall to get some fresh air.

i leaned against the wall and tried not to vomit all out, when i felt a nodge. "u sick?" i blinked at him and moaned annoyed. "oh, why u?!" he smirked, but genuinely looked concerned. "come, i ll drive u home" "but.... i just got here" i whined. "and already full" i scoffed, but let him guide me out to his car. i got in and sighed. we drove in silence for some time. i glanced to him. "why are u doing this? u hate me" i stated. i heard him chuckle. "cause u were an easy target. u never talked back until recently." i raised my brows at him. "so i earned your respect?" he laught. asshole!!!

"respect... hm... by the way, jimin?!" "hm?" "which balls did u suck? who was it?" i widened my eyes and looked shocked at him. "what?!" "u said, u sucked balls. i wanna know whos" "none of your business" he smirked again. we drove again in silence. suddenly he pressed his hand on my dick and rubbed me. i was shocked and didnt do anything first. "kook!" "oh dont look so surprised, princess" "get your hand from me!" he removed his hand, but i noticed that we were on a small road in nowhere. "where the fuck are we?!" i looked out to figure out where we were. kook switched off the engine, turned to me, pushed my seat back and also the back down, so that i layed there. he climbed on me and held my face with one hand. the other was rubbing against my dick again. finally i snapt out of my surprise and tried to push him away. "what are u doing?! let me go!" "do u know how hot u looked tonight?!" he whisper yelled. i stopt and looked confused. "hot?! when?" "on the dancefloor... u danced like u didnt have any concern in the world.... like u want everyone to eyefuck u" hm.... interesting... "was kinda my idea...." i whispered. he smirked. "thats why u have shorts on?" i felt his hand trailing up in my told shorts. they werent tight ones, rather half loose. i arched up with my hips, when his hand found my dick in its underwear.

"do u want me?!" he didnt really asked. i didnt say a thing. "jimin?! do u want me?!" this time he looked straight into my eyes. i pressed my breaths out. fuuuuuck!

he kissed me hard and wet. i tasted alcohol on him too. why the hell did he drive, when he had some drinks?! i didnt know what happened, but maybe i gave him the answer he wanted.

he ripped my clothes from me, suddenly opend the door, jumped out, pulled me with him and shoved me onto his hood. there he got his shirt off, opened his jeans and tossed his underwear down. he stopt and looked at me. looked me up and down, whistled and grinned. "i knew u would look hot without the clothes too" "thanks?" i was still confused why and how this happend. kook, the ITboy and playboy of my school was naked on me, wanted to fuck me on the hood of his car. what the fuck?! me? ME?

he touched my body, admired it, licked his lips, than my nipple. i shivered and huffed. "so i am not your first?" "no" "good" he sucked hard on my poor nipple and devoured my moans immidiatly, pressing his mouth onto mine. he backed away, spit onto his fingers, kissed me again and pushed them into me. i moaned loudly into his mouth, arched my hips up and moved with his rythm. i just fucked the day before with joon, why was i still horny?!

i wrapped my arms aroud his neck and enjoyed it. for the first time, someone cool wanted me. someone of the it-gang touched me. i had to tell joon!

kook groaned, pulled his fingers out and got into position. "condom" i gasped out. he stood still for a moment, sighed annoyed, got back into the car and came back with the thing. he ripped it open, rolled it fastly onto him and pushed his dick into me. i huffed surprised. til now i only had joons, i knew joons in all its making, kooks wasnt longer, but thicker, more massive for my poor hole.

"u okay?" we both panted heavy. i grimaced, but nodded. "lets stay like this.... until u are used to me, ok?!" wow, he was nice..... i nodded again. he caressed my face, kissed me all over, smiled and waited for me to adjust to him. i was thankful for that, but i was also curious how i would feel with him. diffrent than with joon?!

after a while, i moved my hips. with slow short thrusts i fucked myself on his lenght. kook didnt move first, but after my thrusts became faster and longer, he met my rythm. oh heaven! this was good! happy that we were alone i got louder by the thrusts. kook shoved his hands under my butt and went on crazy. now i will deffinatly get some bruises.

i didnt know how long we fucked on his car. after kook put my legs onto his shoulders and fucked me at a new angle i lost myself. i only got back, when he gave me tapps onto my cheeks. "oh finally! u are back! u scared me!" he looked really concerned. i still panted hard. "oh....fuuuck....that was good" "u dont say!" he chuckled, helped me to sit up. "u fainted..... nobody ever fainted on me" "there is always a first for everything" i just stated and tried to get my breaths back to normal. he grinned, rubbed his head and looked at me. looked.... funny? at me. "what?!" i pouted. "nothing.... let me help u" he gave me my clothes and helped to get them on again.

he drove me finally home. we didnt talk much, but i caught him looking at me. he stopt at my driveway, when i tried to get out, he held me back. "give me your number" i was surprised, but did. again i tried to get out, again he held me back. "i didnt hurt u?" i shook my head. "it was really good" he smiled widely. i nodded and smiled back. "jimin?!" "hm?" "do u have a boyfriend?" "no, why?" "i think u have now" "huh?!" he grinned. "i will text u later. have a good night" he kissed me deep and finally let me go.

could it be, that i got myself my first boyfriend?! jungkook, THE jungkook, was my boyfriend?! was i dreaming?! help?!

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