
ch 1: joon, my best friend


joon and i were best friends and neighbors since forever. he was the one i could go to for any trouble in my life, or insecurities or whatever. even tho he was just a tiny bit older than me, i looked up to him, he was my older brother from another mother and i really loved him. he was 14, when he came out to me and that helped me to figure out, that i was the same. he was one who taught me how to kiss, only for practice, he was the one who teached me jerking off. he was the one, who got me gay porn. he knew it all and i always could asked any question about life, love and sexuality. since i didnt told my parents. so joon was the most important person in my life.

i thought about sex for some time now and decided i was old enough to start with it. in lack of potential partners, i decided that joon should be my first. the decision was easy, cause 1. he was my best and oldest friend, 2. he knew me and my body, 3. i trusted him 10000%, 4. he was experienced. he wouldnt hurt me. so after some sleepless nights i asked him, when he was next to me on my bed and starred into the tv and tried to kill aliens.

he froze, turned to me with a puzzeld look. "what?" "i am serious" "....jimin....thats...." i sat closer to him. "hear me out! i am thinking of this for a long time now. i cant find anyone whom i can imagine to do it. and we know each other pretty good and u did it allready and i know...." "hold your horses for a sec" he interrupted me, rubbed his face and forgot the game. "jimin..." he sighed deep. "dont u wanna have your first time with someone u love?" "did u have it with someone u loved?" "we are not talking about me here...." i scuffed. "i dont wanna wait anymore. its time" i said it more to me than to him. we looked at each other. somehow joon tried to find an answer in my eyes for a question, i didnt know. "u are putting me in an awfull position here" "why?!" i was confused. for me it was just simple. i wanted to lose my virginity and i wanted my best friend to take it from me. it wasnt a birthdaygift, it was a.... proposal.

he sighed again. "cause taking your virginity.... be your first man... is a huge responsability. if its gonna be bad, it will effect your future sexlife." "but.... but i trust u! i know u wont hurt me! i know u will make it really good for me" i was really eager and put out my best weapon - my bambie face. joon groaned loudly. "dont give me that face!" i was really good with this expression. "please joonie....please?!" i leaned in closer. "jimin.... dont!" he stood up and walked around in my room. i could see his brain working. after a while he stood still. "i would have to teach u everything first" "huh???" what did he mean with that?! "we watched porn! i know where its going in" "its so much more, than just to push my dick into u" "than why did we watched the wrong porn?!"

joon sighed again. "u need to know what u have to do before we are going to do it" "okay.... what?!" "i will tell u when i know if i do it or not" i let my shoulders hang down. "whaaaaa?!" "jimin, ..... i have a boyfriend, i have to consider him ....." "what?! a boyfriend?! since when? why didnt u tell me?! u always tell me about your ....boys u had" i was pissed. joon had secrets from me?! joon sat down and took my hands. "i wanted to tell u soon.... its still fresh and i .. dont know if its gonna be a relationship or not" okay, thats plausible. "who is it?!"

"jhope" his lips twitched, when he said the name. oh come on! it was obvious that this was going to be a relationship. as i said, i knew joon really well. "the dancer?! are u shitting me?! ...." first i was surprised, than i laught. i fell on my bed and laught and laught. "why is that funny?!" joon looked not amused at my outburst. "cause....fuuuuck joon! if the girls ever found out, that sexy dance god hope is getting fucked by u, they will murder u, or cut your dick off!" joon looked for a second, than started to laugh too. "shit, didnt thought about them.... " he shrugged his shoulders. "oh my.... whatever" i shook my head at him and got serious again. "will u think about it?" we looked at each other. after some seconds he slowly nodded. "i will think about it and tell u my decision, ok?" "ok.... by the way... is hope not pissed that u spent all fridays with me?!" joon grinned. "friday is our day, always was, always will" "ok....what did u told him.... about what u do on fridays?!" "first, hope has dance practice with his group every friday and second, ... he doesnt know, that i am with u" i pressed my hand onto my mouth dramaticly. "u lie to your boyfriend?!" joon flicked my forehead. i yelped in pain. "idiot"

it was next friday, when he was back in my room, placed a backpack on my bed and layed his hands on his hips. "okay, the rules jimin: u do what i tell u to, u tell me immidiatly if u feel pain or uncomfortable, do u understand?!" i was shocked. "u.... u say yes?!" he looked at me with a tilted head. he spread his arms out. "i am here, aint i?!... so do u understand?" i nodded. "we will not fuck tonight. your parents are here" my face dropped. "what?! but u just said..." "tomorrow!" i was confused. "tomorrow? tomorrow what?" "we will fuck tomorrow, when your parents are on their weekend get away" "they are going on a small vacation without me?!" i squinted my eyes and turned around to yell at my mother downstairs. joon held my arm. "jimin?!" i blinked at him....oh yeah! "oh....OH! yeah.... u are right...." he facepalmed me. "owwww!!!!"

we sat down on my bed. "what are we going to do tonight?" joon looked at me. "there are other things to do what are consider sex too" "okay.... what?!" "come on jimin! u cant be that innocent!" "i told u! i didnt do anything with anybody!" "kiss?" i shook my head. "touching?" nada. "jerking somebody off?" nope. "sucking somebodys cock?" ewww...wait....interesting, but naaaa. "u never pushed a finger in your hole and fucked yourself on it?!" joon was seriously surprised. what did he think of me?! i again shook my head and looked quiet questionable at him. "fuck myself with a finger????"

joon sighed. "oh shit.... u dont know a thing, not even the basics and wanna get fucked immidiatly. are u stupid or what?!" i was hurt.... he saw it. "sorry.... but that all is important to have a great and satisfied sexlife, jiminie. u should know your body better than anything. what turns u on, what not, what is good, what is a no no and so on." "than teach me" i shrugged my shoulders and grimaced my face. "u are lucky, that u are my brother, otherwise, i would take advantage of u and fuck u senseless. no regarding anything to your virgin state nor your feelings" he growled. ...woah! i just got shivers and goosebumps. "u can do that?!" "what???" "fuck someone senseless?! until i faint?! wow!" joon facepalmed himself this time.

we started slow. joon stripped me down, he shoved me into my bathroom and into the shower. he got out of his clothes too and stood behind me. fuck, i hate that he is so much taller than me! i relaxed under the warm water, joons hands caressed my skin up and down. it felt like i was a statue and he was my maker, admireing his work. it felt really good. and it was also the first time somebody else than me was touching my body.

"u have to make sure always to be clean, never fuck without a condom too, understood?!" i nodded. "never without a condom....why?" "illnesses and other nasty things." "ok....but joon?" "hm?" "i dont have any..... u?" "no i dont have any either" i hesitated. "than.... would u?" "what?" "fuck me without a condom?" "what did i just told u, jimin?" he turned me around. i looked up at him. "but we are healthy?! and its my first time... i cant get pregnant" joon sighed. "we will see" i smiled at his answer. he turned me around again. "okay... take some shower gel, coat a finger with it and up your ass"

i froze. "...cant....cant u do it first? please?!" i turned to him, watched him preparing his fingers, he looked at me. i felt my red face. somehow it was embarrassing. "do u wanna stop?" joon asked gently. i shook my head. "no.... i am ready" slowly he trailed his fingers inbetween my ass cheeks, rubbed them on my hole. this was such a new sensation for me. i had to held onto joons arms, my head in his chest and huffed like a pregnant lady. "are u okay?" "yeah...." he dipped his fingertip into my hole, slowly first, than faster. moving in circles. woha....that was interesting...."are u good?"

i nodded. "i will push all in, ok?!" i nodded again, preparing mentally for what was to come. joon pushed slowly one of his fingers in. it wasnt unpleasend. i held tighter on joons arms, pressed my face more into him, my mouth was open on its own, sounds came out on their own.... what was going on?

he circled his finger in me, wiggeled it inside, started to thrust it. i gave out more sounds and my body now fully hung more on joons. my knees went weak. this was so new! my breaths got heavier, when he pushed another in me. the stretch was weird, but okay. the sensations got better, more intense, my body trembled. "feeling good?" "hmmmmmmmm" i heard him chuckle. "i put another one in, okay?" i nodded against his chest. "good" i tried to relax, but the feelings i received from him were mindblowing! "oohhh jooon!" i moaned breathless. i smothered myself almost in his chest. "i think u are clean enough now.... we should go to your bed" i nodded.

i held onto him, cause my legs were wobbly, layed down on my bed and waited for joon to continue. "u have to be quiet, ok?!" i nodded again. "was it okay until now?" "yeah.... it was amazing, joonie" "great. ... i am going to kiss u now" i saw his face over me and licked my lips in preperation. pouted them. joon chuckled. "just open your lips a bit, baby" "baby???" "just let me call u that for the time beeing, ok?!" "okay.... joon? what should i call u?" "what u want" "okay.... i ll stay with joonie" again his chuckle. his lips carressed mine gently, he licked my underlip and dipped into my mouth. i took a deep breath, when his mouth was all over mine. our kisses were sloppy and messy, wet. i enjoyed it so much. my hands gribbed on joons waist and pulled him on me.

i wanted to feel his weight on me. it felt really good, him on me. i always thought i wouldnt like somebodys full weight on my body, but this was so so great. we kissed for a long time, than his mouth left mine, kissed down my neck, discovered my chest, occupied my nipples....holy shit, i never thought.... wow! so we are sensitive there too! good to know! i squeeled and moaned louder, joon pressed his hand on my mouth. "sht! or your parents will hear u!" "sorry....but... u are fucking good, joonie!" he grinned. "thank u babe... now, shall we move on?!" i giggled. he kissed my whole body, no spot of skin was spared. he made me crazy! i flinshed when he teased my dick. he licked over and over my tip and enjoyed my squirming under him.

joon licked up and down the sides of it. "jooooon?" i breathless whispered. his face came up again. "thats sucking someones dick. try to remember everything. u gonna do that to me too, ok?" i nodded. "yeah..." his head dissapeard and i felt my whole dick in his mouth. oh my gooooooddddd!!!! what the fucking hell! i never thought i would miss something i never had! i tried to focus on joons doing, but .... be realistic here, what he did was so new and amazing, that my mind went blank. poor joonie, he will have to teach me again.... my hips had their own life. they came up and stayed there.

suddenly joon was gone, i mean his mouth around my greedy dick and i whined out. "still here.... just relax, baby!" i opend my eyes and looked at him in disbelive. "huh?! how should i relax with this situation?! that is so awesome! i want mooooreee!" he chuckled at me and ruffled my hair, kissed my nose and lips. "wait until i teach u something else" "oh... what?!" i sat eagerly up. he gently pushed me down again. "can u turn around for me and heave your hips up" i did as he said and looked back over my shoulder. he positioned behind me, spread my cheeks and i felt his lips and tounge there. he licked me up and down, circled the ring of my hole. i could have die right there. but when he shoved his tongue whole into me, i sucked hard my air in. "joonie?!" i whispered.

he didnt say a thing, only intesified his doing. i bent my head down into my chest and pillow, stuffled my moans, tried not to scream out my pleasure. it was fucking hard! my hips trembled harshly, something in my stomache clenshed together, tremors raced through my body, down to my toes, which cramped cause of the pleasure. at the same time, my body felt pain and pleasure. it was such a new feeling for me. i knew i was going to come in any second and was anticipating it, but... "wha...fuck....joon!" i hissed at him. he layed next to me. deprived me of a really hard orgasm! what the fuck! i starred at his grinning stupid face.

as i opend my mouth to yell at him, he shut me up with a kiss. "lay on me" he turned his head to my night stand, i looked there too, while climbing onto him, since when was there lube?! it wasnt mine! "i brought my own" he seemed to know what i was thinking. "oh..." "i am used to it" "okay" i layed down on this warm body. it felt so good. he was hard. with the idea, i lined our dicks perfectly together and started to rubb them, by moving my hips. joon groaned. "what are u doing?!" "humping... i wanna come so bad, joonie" "should i let u come first?" i stood still and looked at him. "wait.... are u gonna do some other amazing stuff to me?!" he sighed and lowly chuckled. "u have no idea whats still in for u" my eyes went big. "oh?" "oh!" he grinned. i smacked my lips. "maybe u should.... show me?!" "oh yeah?" i nodded fastly.

he lubed some fingers up and shoved two of them inside me. it didnt hurt, what made me wonder. he thrusted fast and hard. first i was too surprised, than i moaned loudly. joon pressed my face into his neck, occupied my mouth from time to time. our dicks rubbed against each other, i had to move my hips with his rythm. i needed something to do... or i would go crazy and screamed the whole house down. my pressure in the hips area became unbearable for me and my poor body.

i husked joons name out for a few times and came really hard, or hard for the first time ever, smearing my juice on both bodies. shit... now we have to shower again. i slunshed down onto joon and tried to catch my breath. joon waited for me to come down from my high, grabbed my hips and moved them again. i whimpered. down there it was so wet and slippery, that joon came soon too and sighed big. i looked up at him and smiled. "wow.... that was .... wow... i had no idea...wow" joon laught out silent. "hmmmm, it was" we layed like this for some minutes, enjoyed the echos of simple satisfaction, until joon rolled me on my back, got up, and got a wet towel to clean us up. my ass was still smeared full with lube and whatnot. we talked a bit about what mostly joon did today and fell asleep. i never slept better.

when i woke up, i felt joon behind me, backhugging me. i didnt wanted to move, so i stayed still and thought about what happend last night. my body felt sticky, i sweat a lot and there were other fluids... i didnt mind. the feelings joon gave me yesterday were too much, than to be disgusted by some itchy spots. i turned my head to look at him. why didnt i never saw him truly? he was gorgeous! he was really handsome! for years he was only my best friend, my brother, but now.... i am going to fell in love with him? NO! he is my friend and he was going to do me a favor. he has a boyfriend. or whatever. he doesnt take relationships or love serious, its always a game for him. and that was what i was counting on. no feelings. no pressure. just sex and that was it!

i felt comfortable with him, safe.

he moved in his sleep, he sighed and hugged me tighter. i felt his morningwood on my poor butt. and got excited too. shit.... we needed to wait! my parents were still here. hmmm.... maybe.....

i moved my butt on him. i rubbed on his hard dick, he moaned lightly. one of his hands grabbed hard on my belly, my hips and started to jerk me off. i had to whimper. FUCK! that felt good! suddenly his hand left me, his body turned away. i groaned and looked behind my shoulder. joon just grabbed his lube squirted some in his hand and i felt his body again pressed against my back. he sighed again, rubbed his dick and shoved it inbetween my thighs. i was surprised and flinshed. his hand came back to my dick, stroked it again and moved his own between my thighs. joons mouth latched on my neck and shoulders. the harder he thrusted, jerked me, the harder his sucks on my skin got. he even bit me for some times. my moans and whimpers became louder, so he pressed his on mine to muffel them. "move your hips, if u want to get stroked!" i groand, but did what he said. now i moved my hips with his thrusts, so i jerked into joons hands. it felt so good! an interesting way to wake up in the morning!

joon sucked so hard my skin in and came, but kept on moving to get me my high too. huffing and panting we layed there for some minutes, until i heard him chuckle. "we should wake up linke this more often!" i turned my body around to him. i needed to touch him, so i caressed his face gently. "yeah, what a morning.... thank u for yesterday, by the way." i whispered, i didnt want to destroy the energy between us with loud noises. he caressed my hair and face too, our lips were close. "did u sleep well?" he whispered back. we enjoyed our morning facing each other, caressing each other, with sunrays on our faces. this was beautiful. "boys?! breakfast is ready!!!" we heard my mother, of course.... she destroyed our moment! eyeroll!

joon chuckled and pulled me out of bed, into the bathroom and under the shower. he stood behind me and helped me to wash our .... sexy time away. we switched our places and i helped him too. how much i admire him for his lean tall body.... i sighed. "jiminie?!" "nothing.... why are u so tall?!" "genetics?!" "unfair!" he laughed and gave me a towel.

"what took u so long?!" my mother complained. "shower" she tsks and gave us our breakfast. my dad looked from his papers and smiled. "joon? are u gonna give minie company when we are gone?" joon nodded. "sure thing, mr. park" "thank u for that.... his mother was afraid he might have a party in our house" "i was not afraid!" i rolled my eyes. me? a party? in my house? seriously?! besides joon i didnt had really friends. i was not one of the hot guys in school. i was in no category at all. i was mostly ignored.

i waved my parents when they drove away and turned to joon. "what now" he grinned. "come" he held my hand and pulled me with him inside. we played some computergames, ate what we wanted, had fun the most of the day, until we watched a movie in the afternood, cuddled on the sofa. joon used my focus on the movie to trail his hand under my sweater, caressed my skin and made me wiggely. "joon..." i already panted. he didnt say a thing, pushed my slowly onto my back and shoved my sweater over my head. he leaned down and kissed gently my bare skin. my chest arched up. he took that as an inventation and nibbeled on my nipples. "whhhhoooooooaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh" i was embarrassed after that noise! joons head snapt up to me, looked at me surprised, smiled and was back on torturing me. he took a long time with my nipples. i was oversensitive, my dick was hard, restrained in my underwear, leaking, aching and to my own surprise, also my hole! that stupid greedy mouth was moving on its own, like it was screaming for attention! stupid fucking thing! i got my hand on my dick and rubbed it over my jeans. joon didnt like it. he took my hand and pushed it up to my head. "dont touch yourself!" he hissed. "but...but....joon! it hurts!" joon sat up, growled, what gave me suddenly goosebumps, yanked my jeans away, than my underwear and looked my naked body up and down.

i shivered under his gaze. "u look good, baby" i sighed. that was nice of him, to compliment my body. i was always insecure about it. "i am not too chubby?" he shook his head. "no, why u think that?" "u know i was quiet .... big last year" "u werent "big", u just still had some babyfat on u. just make sure not to lose more weight. u look fine, jiminie" i felt my face heat up. "thanks joonie" i smiled. he leaned back down and kissed me to death. he got down to my poor poor dick and sucked me dry. i didnt have time to tell him, that i was about to come, he fully got juiced by me. embarrassed and shocked, i sat up and wiped his face and mouth with my sweater. "sorry, sorry, sorry.... i am so sorry!" joon just smirked at me and told me to turn around. gently he mouthed my skin from the neck, down to my hole, teased it with his tongue and teeth, until he pushed his tongue in. i knew he was going to do that, why else did he cleaned me there in the morning?! embarrassly legs had their own life, i got up onto my knees, only to get joon closer on and into me. he grabbed hard onto my hips and intensyfied his tongue movements. i swear i could die!

i came hard again, fell down on the sofa and panted for air. joonie sat next to me and hummed. his hands caressed my thighs and butt. i stretched my head to look at him. "wow!" he didnt smile nor gave me any expression. he didnt even looked at me. his eyes watched his hands. "joonie?" i whispered. i dont know why, but i felt it was better to whisper. again no reaction. i sat up on my knees and turned to him. cupped his face with my hands. "joonie?" finally! he looked at me. something was diffrent. i just couldnt put my finger on what it was. without a word he pressed his lips onto mine, grabbed hard my head, ripped almost some hair out. i chocked on his tongue in my mouth. he was too deep in. i tried to push him back, but i was too weak. suddenly he backed away, gave us some moments to breath.

we starred at each other. "we should go upstairs" i nodded nervously. wobbley i walked behind him to my bedroom. he gestured me to the bed and walked into the bathroom. trembling i layed down and waited for joon and the thing we would do soon. i thought about that in a few minutes i wouldnt be a virgin anymore. i thought about, how i should feel now. i thought about, if i should really do it. if i really should do it with joon. was it too late to change my mind? in that moment i felt joon next to me. he sat with his back to me. naked.

"did u change your mind?!" he gently asked. i couldnt see his face, so i sat up too. i trailed down his back, scubbed up and placed my chin on his shoulder. "u know me really well.... but no, i want it" i felt him taking a big deep breath. was he afraid i wouldnt want him in the end?! cute! i backhugged him, crossed my arms around his waist. "thank u for doing it for me. and thank u for yesterday and ... down on the sofa" i kissed from one shoulder to the other. he sighed deep again and tapped my arms. "no worries, no thank yous. okay?!" he turned to me and kissed me slowly. the kiss got heated fastly, with joon on me, i fell back on the bed, held hy arms around his neck, played with his hair on the back of his head. joon shoved himself fully on me, spread my legs with one of his knees. when he layed comfortly on me, he caressed me all over, kissed down my neck, his hips moved gently against my dick. boy, he was really really hard! his dick radiated heat onto mine, it was slick from his precome. my body arched up, more into him. i wanted to feel him more.

joon was in all very gentle with me. he brought me on the edge of another high, but denied it. when i whined out loudly, i heard him chuckle. "asshole" he only shook his head. "how u want it, babe? with or without condom?" i looked at him and licked my lips. "we should use one.... i thought about it" he nodded, leaned to my nightstand, ripped the package open and gave me the rubber thing. i tilted my head. "huh?!" "put it on me" "oh.... why me?" "cause u need to know how to do it" logic as ever, this shithead. "okay.... help me" i fumbeled around to get the slippery thing onto his dick. "other side around" "aha" with his help, i succeeded in putting a rubber onto a dick for the first time. i should have practice with a banana first....

joon looked satisfied and continued his teasing. with three fingers he stretched my hole, prepared it for what was to come. i cramped my toes in anticipation and nervousness. "please relax" "how?!" joon rubbed my thighs and belly, which muscles were highly tensed up. "can u give me some deep breaths?!" i grimaced at him, but took my first deep breath. with the third, he pushed his tip into me. "hmmmmmmmmghhh" my head arched back into my pillow. joon held me on my shoulders. "are u okay?" his face was so close and he searched for an answer. i squinted my eyes open and nodded. with pressure i pressed out the air. "deep breath again" he ordered, so i did and again with it, he pushed another bit in. he stood still and watched my face. after some moments i nodded again. finally, he was all in. both of us took some air and looked at each other. joonie smiled wide. "hey! u are no virgin anymore"

i took a shaky breath and smiled back. "woahhhh.... i am no virgin anymore!" we started to giggle, okay, it was only me. i was so relived, so happy! impatient, i bucked my hips into him. "move, move!" joon showed a grimace and smirked. "oh look whos getting greedy!" "always was greedy!" joonie scoffed and backed out of my hole, almost all, than pushed back in with a bit more force. i blinked. i gasped. wow! what a feeling! hell! fucking hell! again! again! i groaned loudly and snacked my legs and arms tightly around him. "dont hold me so tight! i cant otherwise not move" "oh!" i didnt want that! i loosend my limps a bit and waited for him to do his magic. and yeah! he did his magic! my god!

my bed was shaking, my body was shaking, my head hit my headboard. our skin slapped against each other, sweat and lube worked perfectly together, my moans and other noises were loud and i didnt gave a fuck. we were alone anyway. i lost every feeling for time. what was happining right there in my bed, was the most important thing i was focused on. how joonies face looked, concentrated, furrowed brows, lines on his forehead, open mouth, hooded eyes, his tongue inbetween his lips. his cheeks were blushed. he looked so sexy, fucking handsome. my eyes never left this face. although my eyes were almost closed, but i was determind to watch him.

i heard horror stories about the first time, i heard utopic romantic stories about the first time. i was always more on the realistic side. so i didnt really had any opinion nor illusion on my first, but joon.... joon gave me the best first time i could ask for. our bodies worked in sync, they reacted perfectly with each other. joonie did really his best, he was considered about my needs and tried to get me as much good feelings as he could. oh boy! he had no idea, what he ignited in me! i was over the top! his dick brushed wonderfully against my walls, stroked a certain point in there, what gave me stars into my eyes and my already greedy hole, new fire. i moved my hips with joons rythm, but i got harsher and faster, i wanted more! "hey! slow down!" he husked out. tried to held me down, but i was to invested in my built up of another orgasm. i could already feel that this one was going to be the best, i would have, from every high i had. "joonie.....jooonie...joooonniieee...jooonnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

so that was sex all about. this was my first time. i made it.

i didnt really know what happend after i came. i only knew, that joonie needed some more thrusts into me, before he growled out and i had his whole weight on me. we panted hard. joon leaned up onto his ellbows and underarms and looked into my face. i glanced up and tried to smile. "thank u. it was..... unbelievable!" "do u really mean it?" i opend my eyes fully. was he joking? i tilted my head. "of course, i mean it! it was amazing!" joon looked and smiled after some moments. "than it was good for u?!" i smiled and nodded. "yeah! yeah! it was really really really good, joonie!" he kissed me and sighed. he nuzzeled his face into my neck and heaved his hips up to get his now soft dick out of me. with his hand he held onto the condom, sat up, took it off and placed it onto a piece of paper on the floor. i couldnt move at all. "u know, i almost fainted" i grinned at him. he looked back with a smirk. "than i should work better the next time" "next time?" he nodded and layed back on me. "of course. it was only the first time, u still need some practice" i pouted and thought about what he said. "i think u are right, joonie. i should practice" "with me" he stated. i nodded. "yeah, with u" "only me for now" i tilted my head. "joon.... remember why i asked u in the first place?!.... the lack of potential partners" i remembered him. joon stood still for a moment, his face looked surprised, than he laught his head off, buried his face into my neck again. sometimes he really is a fucking idiot!!!

Next chapter