
Chapter 122 : New Skills.

After killing everyone, we returned to our village. I was massaging my temples constantly during our return.

'I really need to rest. When I introduced my wives/subordinates, a rivalry was born between them and the subordinates from this world. Shion did not wanted to give them the privilege of carrying me, since she was my secretary, she was the one that had to do it.

However, Harribel counter-attacked by saying that she was my secretary before becoming my wife. This made them have a big rivalry. To be honest, make them bond together will be a pain in the ass.

While I like Shion's breasts, since they are the biggest in this world, I also like all the things about Harribel. I may want to fuck her like there is no tomorrow, doing it now would no be good. Especially, since I like to tease her by whipping her pussy when she talks for me.' When we were getting near our village, I asked the System.

'System, why have you been so quiet lately?'

["Fusing your techniques and grouping them together takes a lot of effort and is a pain."]


["You have new skills after you used {Predator} on Gerd."]

'Ohh~. What skills?'

["You have gained the Skill {Gluttony}. Together with it, you gained these techniques.

Corrosion: The ability to decompose the target in conjunction with Predation. Also the ability to add the abnormal condition of decomposition. There is a chance of acquiring an ability after consuming only a part of a target's body. However, the chance of that happening is less than consuming the whole body.

Receive: It is possible to acquire skills from one's subordinates. However one must raise proficiency on one's own. Magic and Knowledge also cannot be transferred.

Supply: Whether a subordinate or not, the user can grant an ability unto a monster with whom he has a relationship. Limited by the target's inherent magical energy."]

'Nice. With this, I can use my subordinates powers. Like Kūkaku's fire, Rukia's ice, etc. While I may not be able to use it at the same extent they use, it is pretty strong. This will benefit me hugely. System, it is time to buy {The End}.'

["*Sigh*. Fine."]

'Why are complaining for?!'


After the System said this, we reached our village and I went to my mansion. Getting inside it, I went to my bedroom, entered and lied on the bed.

'Now I can use my enemy's abilities against them. There are people who spent years training all to get their martial arts to a certain point, however, I will be the one who will harvest their hard work and use it with 120% efficiency.

Showing that their efforts was useless. This will make me the Perfect Warrior, going through world to world. Conquering, killing, all so that I can be the strongest. Getting women will be the cherry on top of the cake.

My Empire will start in this World. After this, I will go get Generals. It is of ultmost importancy that I get an army that can swipe the entire continent... But this is for me to think tomorrow morning. I really need to sleep.' I thought before closing my eyes, beginning the shutdown process.

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