
Chapter 69 : Fake Karakura War (Part 6).


\Īsan POV/

I was being healed by Orihime, while I was waiting, I watched the battlefield, precisily, Soifon and Baraggan's fight from afar.

'She is... Pretty. She has a tomboyish charm. Even if she lacks on the breasts department, I bet she has a nice ass. The problem is that she is too serious and has a lesbian tendency, not a problem as I can always make her straight. A pity that she lost her left arm to Baraggan's overpowered decay.' I thought.

Then she backed down and started to use her Bankai.

"|Bankai: Jakuhou Raikouben|!" She said before climbing the stairs where Marechiyo and the Skull King, Baraggan were. "I hoped to end this battle without using my Bankai. This Bankai goes against my pride as a member of the Stealth Force. It is too huge. I cannot hide with it and it is too heavy to mover freely with it. And it's attack..." She aimed. "It's too flashy to be called assassination! Take this!" She fired her massive rocket to Baraggan's direction.

The explosion was like the most beautiful fireworks, but it was just this. Fireworks.

'Baraggan is still alive, if my memory does not fail me. After all? I am the one that will kill him. Wonderweiss is still alive.' I thought.

On the battlefield, I saw that almost all Shinigami were either defeated or fighting.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

What is this smell of hatred? Looking at the opposite side of were Aizen was, in the burning prison, I saw Shinji Hirako and his companions. The Vizored have finally come. At this moment, Wonderweiss commanded Hooler to blow the burning prison. After doing so, Aizen was released. Then Hooleer spawned a lot of Gillians.

'Thy are a bunch of mobs. Now that Aizen is free and the Vizored came, this war will be even nore interesting. However, now is the time to deal with Baraggan.' I thought when Orihime said.

"You are completely healed, Master." Orihime said.

"Thank you, Orihime. See, if you do the things I told you to, I will never hurt you." I said while petting her head.

"Yes." She said, with a hint of smile.

Unsheathing my sword I went to really far from them and activated my Resurrección.

"|Sodatsu(Grow): Serpient del Mundo|!" The black Reiatsu came from me again.

'Now... How the fuck am I going to get pass Baraggan's decay?... Hmm, I know how. It will hurt, though.' I thought.

Making a Greatsword, I charged and fired a {Cero} at the black smoke, the place where Baraggan was by swinging my sword, making a diagonal slash.


"Who dares to attack me?!" Baraggan said while coming out of the smoke, his decay rotted my {Cero}.

"I-Impossible! He actually survived my Bankai." Soifon said, surprised.

Ignoring her, I got a little near, then prepared to fight an interesting but dangerous enemy.

"{Respira}!" Baraggan said, a wave of purplish black decay aura rushed to me.

As my speed is really high, not enough to escape Yamamoto though, I managed to dodged his attack by moving in unpredictible patterns.

'Damn! This decay is really strong! It withers away everything it touches. What a shame it has a huge weakness, but still, I have to be cautious while fighting it.' I thought.

"{Respira}!" He said it again but this time the speed of it increased.

But I still managed to dodge it.

"Do you remember me, Baraggan?" I asked him.

"I don't remember every pebble I see, why would I remember your worthless being?" He told me.

'Ow, words hurt, you know?!'

"I think you should, as you killed my parents before becoming the self proclaimed 'God-King of Hueco Mundo'." I mocked his title.

"Hmm. Now I know who you are. You are the little Hollow that escaped from me that day. Your parents died a magnificent death, both embraced each other and simply rotted away." He added salt to the injury.

"Yep, that is me." I told him while enduring the pain on my left fingers, as it touched his Resurrección, before vanishing from where I was. I decided to take some distance as he is extremely slow and I am one of the fastest in this war.

"Running away? Pathetic." I heard him saying.

I appeared inside the house I was before, making a long and sharp claw with my right hand, I sliced my left arm off, as I let his decay hit the tip of my left arm's fingers.

"Fuck! I lost my arm, again! This hurts like a bitch! What we don't do for revenge, huh." I endured the pain.

Before the arm fell on the ground, I applied a {Time Stop Talisman} , that I bought from the system before coming to this replica of Karakura, on it.

The rotting on my fingers froze, the talisman stopped it, but it works only for five minutes though. Then I used my right hand and transformed my severed left arm into an arrow, the fingers fused and became one sharp arrow tip, then I stored it on the Inventory. After doing this, I made another Greatsword, now it is time to have all the power boost I can muster.

"|Thunder Breathing Fifth Form: Thunder Blade|." The Greatsword was covered by concentrated green lightning, with this, it will be immensily more powerful.

Now... My body.

"|Thunder Breathing Sixth Form: Thunder Overcharge 4x|!" From my dark green lightning came. The amount of steam coming from my body instantly made the room foggy. The lightning destroyed the house and extended to my Greatsword, my severed left arm began to regrow at an amazing pace. The runes tattoo began to glow in a green light, my eyes too.

The Thunder Overcharge increases my physical strength, speed, resistance, regeneration and, together with it, it increases the strength of all the forms according to the multiplier used. The problem was that I could only use, at least for now as I am always increasing my strength, the 2x for 10 minutes, 4x for 5 minutes and the 10x for 1 minute only. After using it, it makes me unable to use it for a few days. The 2x for one full day, the 4x for three days and the 10x for 15 days. But this makes me a monster.

I had to use a thump card to fight that bitch. Now, let's see if my pure regeneration can overcome his decay.

"System, start a timer from the time I used the {Time Stop Talisman}. Warn me when it hits 10 seconds." I said.

["Okay. (4:20... 4:19... 4:18...)"]

Then, I returned to where I was at the speed of a thought. I appeared on the opposite side of Soifon, Marechiyo and now Hachi. I was behind Baraggan. And I was focusing all my poison to his surroundings.

"Now, let's fight. Baraggan!" I told him while making a left Spectral Arm, that is how I am going to call the gigantic floating black arm that I can create by transforming the air in poison then solidifying it and making a giant hand.

This {Spectral Arm} had red fingers and the rest was all black, it had a identical hand compared to mine while the forearm appeared with an ghostly blood-red color. Then I used it to punch.

"Useless." He said.

But when the arm got near him, it hit him and sent him backwards, he was really surprised that something actually hit him, the Ghost Hand then rotted away.

"How can you attack this King?! Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable!" He said angrily.

"Why would I ask for forgiveness?!" I exclaimed before coming near him and swinging my sword.

He made his axe appear and blocked the attack, but it cracked and broke by my sheer strength. Then I punched his face, this cracked his bone head and sent him flying again.

Looking at my hand, I saw his decay trying to rot my hand, but it could not as my regeneration was absurd now. I could feel his decay aura trying to rot me while I was near him, but I am way too overpowered now.

He dragged his feet on the air, this was the first time he felt despair like this after Aizen took his kingdom from him.

"{Respira}!!!" He said loudly.

The thickness and speed of the purplish black aura increased absurdly too. This made me evade his attack, I may be monstrously strong, but I don't want to throw my life away like this.

"What happened?! Weren't you so strong?!" He lost his composure.

After his wave of decay, I appeared behind him, I hit him with the flat side of the Greatsword and smashed him to the ground.


His body made a crater on the ground, he then flew back in a rage.

"I should have tortured your parents! Letting them rot was too merciful of me!' He exclaimed.

Then we continued to fight. Our surroundings were being destroyed. Buildings rotting away, being cut in half by my swings using the Greatsword, exploded by the lightning coming out from me or by the waves of Reiatsu coming from both of us.

["0:20... 0:19... 0:18"]

'It seems that the time is getting near.' I thought.

Both of us were tattered, his dark purple cloak was ragged and destroyed, showing part of his bones. My clothes were not as good either. Then I vanished from where I was.


Appearing in a alleyway, I crouched, made my Greatsword vanish and pulled my bow from the Inventory.

"Hah, hah. So this is the {Typhon's Bane}? Cool bow." I said, admiring the bow I bought.

Taking the arrow from my Inventory, I I made a Ghost left Arm, like a prothesis, and placed the black and purple arrow on the string and pulled it, the {Grand-Master Bow Mastery}, was doing it's work as I felt that I had used a bow for decades.

I was just waiting for the timer to hit 5 seconds.

["(0:08... 0:07... 0:06... 0:05)."]

"NOW!" I returned to where I was and luckily Baraggan had his back turned to me and was really far away.

Getting up, I gripped the bow, then I infused fire, wind, lightning, poison and Reishi using my {Reishi Manipulation} in the arrow (the fire and wind are the abilities of the bow), making it glow with red, green, black and blue lights. I pulled the string to the maximum, placed the arrow on the arrow rest and released it. The arrow flew out of the bow at an speed that even I could not see nor feel it.

["(0:03... 0:02... 0:01...)"]

"Hmm?" Baraggan turned around, the arrow hit his chest at the exact moment the timer ended. The fire, poison and lightning disappeared when it was near him, only the Reishi remained but they worked as I wanted them to.

I appeared a few meters away, placed the bow inside my Inventory and waited... A few seconds later, nothing happened. Maybe I did something wrong?


The wave of purplish black decay came at my direction.

"DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DI-. Urrrrrrggg! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!" It seems that I was right. I'm glad.

"You have a huge weakness. Your ability is extremely powerful, but you are not immune to it. Now die for me." I said to him after breathing a sigh of relief. The arrow containing my rotting fingers hit his chest and passed the decay to his body.

"DAMN YOU! I CURSE YOU! I WISH YOU DIE A GRUESOME DEATH! YOU AND ALL THE ONES YOU LOVE! I-." He did not realized that his body vanished, it literally rotted away. Only his crown remained as it fell from the air.

'Finally... I have avenged you Dad, Mom. Even if I did not had the change of knowing you, at least my mind is now clean.' I thought while a tear fell from my eye before falling on my knees on the air. I deactivated the Thunder Overcharge and the Resurrección while doing it.

"That technique gave my body a really strong boost. Huff. Arrrrg!" I felt a sting on my right ribs when I distracted myself.

"You should have payed attention to your surroundings." I heard Soifon's voice from behind me.


\Harribel POV/

"Orihime, get ready, Husband might need you heal again." I said to her.

"Yes, Mistress." She answered.

'Mistress is the manner they began to call me after Husband made me his wife. Even Mila Rose, Apacci and Sun call me that. It feels good to be called like that since this means that I have authority over them.' I thought.

The Vizored were completely destroying the Gillians. Hiroyi was with her mask's mouth open and was firing a {Cero}. Mashiro was using orange and white jumpsuit and was screaming 'kick' while kicking the Gillians. Then she kicked Hooleer and instantly killed it, when she tried to kill Wonderweiss, he punched her in the face, rendering her unconscious. Then Kensei stopped Wonderweiss from dealing the finishing blow.

'Hmm. That girl has a good body. She will please Husband, even if ber personality is too... Energetic. Well... Husband likes different personalities, but if necessary her personality can be fixed.... Hmm, Menoly is stronger than before, I am sure she can to do a simple mission.' I thought before deciding to do something.

"Menoly come here... Bring that unconscious girl to me. She will please your Master." I told her.

"Yes, Mistress." She said before flying off.

Looking around me, I counted how many people we still had. It was me, Yoruichi and Nemu to defend Orihime. Well... She is our trump card. With Husband going around and defeating opponents it is normal that he gets injured. Orihime will be able to heal him in case of any emergency, but we have to protect her for that to work.

Roujuurou and Love are keeping Starrk busy as he already had dealt with Shunsui. This is perfect for us as we don't need to deal with him, at least for now. After Hiyori dealt with the Gillians she went to helo the fight with Rukia, they seem to not like our presence here.

Lisa went to wake Shunsui, we cannot have that.

"Yoruichi, be ready for deployment... You remember what your role is, right?" I asked her.

"Yeah, leave it to me. I can deal with it easily." She said, making me smile.

'We may have few people, but we can make the job done.' I thought.

Next chapter