
Foolish Geniuses

As the days went by, each ticking second was marked by a society run by a financial system and obsessed with status and power. The world, a dynamic place, was always changing, in the face of overwhelming evidence that most people were good, kind, and peaceful.

The incident that took place in Yerevan manor was exactly a month ago. Everything was taken care of competently. There was no trace of Almanad and everything related to the twins remained as if it had completely vanished, by extension it never even existed from the beginning. All situations were controlled. The company and the businesses were running smoothly for Yerevan. It was that rare moment where the underworld was a tranquil place.

"How's your nose, Gill? Are you still smelling that awful scent?" Tanaka asked, walking into Marvel's office and found only Gilbert there sorting out some stuff on the desk.


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