
Not Your Fault

...He was so afraid that he couldn't move and his mind froze when his mother was having a heart attack." Sabrina spoke, looking nowhere in particular. 

"He was already struggling with the possibility of his mother's death and seeing her die in front of his eyes... 

"It must have been so hard for him." 

"Mhmm..." Doris nodded while she places her hand on Sabrina's softly. 

"I am so proud of you Maa. I'm sure you handled everything at your best." She smiles fondly at her and leans on her shoulder to give her a side hug. 

"Go to sleep honey. The long day awaits us." Doris pats Sabrina on the shoulder and they sat, cherishing their small moment of joy and togetherness. 

As the new day started it passed just as quickly. Sabrina's mind always wandered back to David. She couldn't stop questioning herself if he would be doing alright? if he was eating okay? if things were going smooth for him? 

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