
The black cloud island will be gone!

King Zohran, aka the king of Almond, held back his anger, his shadow troops were slandered.

Who is the person who dares to play this game?

The Almond King was insulted. Himself defeated by someone who is not clear. But the enemy infiltrating the capital was clear. And they fail to recognize it.


King Zohran was seen speaking in a whisper in the ear of the queen of Hera. Queen Hera's face turned tense.

King Zohran and queen Hera left the palace hall. They were in a bad mood.

Prime minister Palguna and Mr. Baspati escorted the king and queen to the elevator, the royal special forces welcomed the ruling couple and escorted them to the king's palace.

"We're having a special meeting tomorrow afternoon!" said the king of Zohran.

"Yes, Your Majesty, king!" said Lord Palguna and Lord Baspati together.

The king and queen and the special forces disappeared behind the elevator.


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