
His crazy thoughts were trapped in his dreams.

General Robson and his men entered the bear cave and closed the cave door tightly.

The cave was too small for 400 people, but they had nowhere to go.

"We have to find another way out of this cave!" General Robson's subordinates were in despair.

They have to survive in that cave and don't know how long. They can starve to death because they don't have time to bring food.

However, their food items outside the cave cannot be eaten because they have been exposed to radiation.

"We are like The Fruit's Choice. That is to say as a person who is faced with very difficult two options to choose from.

Staying here means that we will die slowly. While feeling out there, we will die more quickly!"

General Robson didn't know how to save the lives of his men.

For two days and two nights confined in a cave without drinking or eating.

General Robson's army is starving.

Their condition is pathetic.

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