
The Uru Kingdom Is Attacking The Three Jewels.

Master Napolly smiled happily,

he got something more than what he hoped for or aspired to.

After a tea banquet at General Robson's palace, Princess Calista invited master Napolly to the military barracks.

General Robson's palace to the barracks was 1 kilometer, they went there in an open jeep accompanied by princess Calista's bodyguard. It is autumn, many young men and -women of the capital city of Glamstar enjoying the beautiful atmosphere while drinking tea in a roadside cafe.

Princess Calista's and master Napolly's motorcade caught their attention. Moreover, the jib car was running slowly.

Several girls who became Napolly's master fans stared at the motorcade with their mouths open.

"Master Napolly with princess Calista? Oh no! Princess Calista can'thave completed! Did Prince Calista make an open announcement showing the youth of his choice?

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