
I Will Go After The Real King Of Zohran

After The Queen's House was deserted, a female crew from the snow cloud works to repair ID detectors in the laboratory.

For three days they worked in secret at The Queen's House.

And during that time also, Nov Lam secretly left the capital Glamstar to a secret base on the border of the Uru region and the Glamstar kingdom.

On the night when he left the capital,

Professor Must does not know that Nov Lam slipped away to the bowels of the earth, the mountain of lightning through the ground floor of the king's library. Lov Lam then returned the electric panels, restarting electricity in the capital Glamstar.

Before going to the city of red flowers, Nov Lam promised the prime minister of Palguna, that the electricity in the capital would be overcome in a few days.

"May I...the prime minister make a letter of appeal to the public to wisely procure electricity efficiently!" Nov. says

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