
Shared Their Duties

"He's not the king of Zohran?!" Napolly confused.


"So! Where is the king of Zohran? Why is the disguising himself as the king of Zohran?" Napolly was more confused.

"To confuse us!"

"Confuses us? What for?"

"Deshita and Madame Anita must understand this problem!" replied professor Zak.

"I called him!" said Doctor Acerh. He couldn't wait to know more.

"No need! We're here!" said Mrs. Deshita, suddenly she was in the city control room with Madame Anita.

"Mrs. Deshita ... Madame Anita!" Nov Lam jumped with joy. She missed both of them already.

Madame smiled happily, Nov Lam was nothing less.

One month ago, when Professor Zak's group arrived at the seaside cave, one day after that Nov Lam went to the city of red flowers following Perdana's steps.

Nov Lam went alone to the city of red flowers.

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