
"I have another dream!"

Actually in the struggle to seize the Glamstar Kingdom,  it's not just about liberating the country from king Zohran and his colonies but more than that, we want to prevent the black cloud kingdom and its colonies from dominating the earth ...!"

Neptune shuddered in horror, the feud on earth was not as simple as he thought. Over the years Deshita had investigated on her own, seeking information from various sources in the region of dragon bay and golden bay.

"Deshita doing all the work alone? This is very dangerous!"

"Hahaha ... it's already over! It ... happened several years ago! The investigation is over!"

Rania's face shone like flickering lights indicating her happy mood. 

For years the girl was depressed living like a prisoner, trapped in an ugly body. Her beautiful wings were tied and wrapped tightly, making Rania a deformed girl, with a hunchback, coupled with a pale and gloomy face.  

Now that she was showing herself freely, in this place, all the humans from the snow cloud had wings like him. The difference lies in the color of their wing feathers. Snow cloud men have white wings while Rania has beautiful purple wings, indicating that she was of mixed blood.  

Her mother came from land nine, a country in the southern continent. This country has citizens of various ethnicities and nationalities. It was said that King Zohran's father was a man of mixed blood, a breed between a couple of earth and black cloud dwellers. The Glamstar Kingdom was infiltrated long ago!

Rania continued her story, "Mother investigates in various ways. Sometimes she works on a ship in Dragon Bay state or on the royal ship Glamstar who works as a cook."

"A cook?! How can she avoid their scrutiny?"  Neptune got interested, Rania was very cute with reddish skin, beautiful and unique. And her life story was also interesting.

"Mother disguises herself!"

"In disguise?!" Neptune crossed his arms over his chest. He listened enthusiastically, Rania was excited.

"Hahaha… yes! My mother is a master of disguise," Rania laughed cheerfully, her purple wings twitching and shining. This was the first she got a friend to talk to. Neptune smiled, this girl worried him. Surely it had not been easy for Rania to be tied up and wrapped in fake leather for almost eighteen years.

"My mother is an expert at disguise, she can change her appearance as anyone, anytime!"

"Hmm interesting!" Neptune stroked his chin. Deshita was not as simple as she lookd.  She's a genius woman.

"Sometimes mom disguises herself as a gardener at Dragon Bay Palace, becomes an employee at a restaurant on Goat Island, or becomes a mining worker on Zepta Island!"

"Zepta Island?!" Neptune thought of Renderman.

Zepta, Renderman's home country. "OH MY GOD!!" Neptune had forgotten about Renderman.

"AH!" Neptune slapped his forehead, realizing his mistake. Renderman couldn't enter the hangar without his help.

"Just a second!"

Neptune flew out of the hangar. In the next instant, Neptune was back with Renderman.

Renderman opened his eyes, he was already in front of Rania

"You...!" Renderman became annoyed.

"YOU LEFT ME!" Renderman was very upset with Rania and her family. If only I couldn't see that girl's cute face, I just want to be rude or scold her.

Rania and her family didn't understand the rules on the island. They entered the hangar without permission. Forgot that they could come to this island because they were brought by Renderman.

"Forgive us captain! We were too excited and impatient. We were disrespectful, breaking into hangar without permission. I'll apologize again!" Rania bent over with a human body without wings. She sincerely apologized on behalf of her family.

"You...!" Renderman was at a loss for words, Rania said all her thoughts and admitted her mistake according to Renderman's thinking.

"Yes ... don't be angry anymore ... don't fight! Let's be friends!" Neptune reconciled the two, like persuading two children that were fighting over something that was not clear. "We have work while we have very little time. We should be able to synergize with each other, okay!" Neptune laughed.  Renderman was silent for a moment then laughed.

"Okay, no problem!" He shaked hands with Rania. As Neptune said, they still have a lot of work to do, and their time is short. They must surprise Zohran and his allies.


A month later, _...

Prof. Zak and the crew from Snow Cloud Country smiled with satisfaction. They have completed 3 planes according to Nov Lam's wishes. One supersonic drone, one fighter jet and one amphibious plane.

Nov Lam clapped her hands. "Thank you for your hard work! But I still want 2 more amphibian planes and one fighter jet!"

Prof.  Zak laughed. "I'll do anything for you!"

"Hahaha ... professor! I love you!"

"Huh ... I have a wife and two kids!" Prof. Zak snorted. 

"Ha ha ha!"  Nov Lam laughed with amusement.  As far as Nov Lam could recall, Professor Zak had no wife and no children.

In another corner of the hangar, old Anita was stunned by the conversation between the two. Her heart was beating fast.

This woman read Nov Lam's mind. Is it true, prof. Zak doesn't have a wife? He's not married yet? This old man must have spent his entire life in the laboratory! He's a scientist who's crazy about making discoveries, forgetting about his own life!"_

For 50 years Anita had been waiting for this news! It was like she was dreaming, couldn't believe her ears. Old Anita loved the man Zakcy, a schoolmate on the floating island to bits. A school in a dimension between the earth realm and the heavenly realm. Recommended schools made by sorcerers and scientists. The pupils there were a handpicked, randomly recruited from several countries and nations.


In another corner, Neptune, Renderman and Rania are standing watching three planes that were ready to be tested.

"What do you think?" Neptune asked Renderman.

"I have another dream!"

"Owh! What's that?"

"If prof. Zak and his team are able to modify the aircraft? Can he change the New Age ship into a new form?" Renderman said, looking at the dock.

Next chapter