
Angel of Death.

The woman's name is Deshita. Deshita, was once an astrologer at the Glamstar royal palace.

She was now just a prescriptioner and prescription seller of cooking. Various cooking books were sold by Deshita in the city of Nigara.

Deshita didn't dare to be a fortune-teller anymore. A fortune teller was prohibited from staying in Glamstar country.

Deshita had voiced out a prophecy about a princess who would overthrow the power of a tyrant. King Zohran was angry hearing this. Deshita ran away, disguised as an ordinary person.

Deshita returned to her home in a remote village on the island of Nigara. The village is only inhabited by 30 families. They live by farming vegetables, fruits and flowers. Middlemen always buy all their crops before they are brought to the market.

Deshita lived in the place and farmed flowers.

Deshita entered her two-story house. She opened the cupboard door in her room and went into it.

   It turned out that the cupboard was a secret door to the basement.

Two women were waiting for her. Old Anita was Deshita's teacher.

Meanwhile, the young woman who accompanied Deshita's teacher was Rania,  Deshita's daughter, Napolly's age.

"Deshita!" said the white haired woman.

     "Yes, Teacher!"

     "I saw a ship on fire!"

     "Yes, teacher! But they survived the flames!" Deshita replied softly.

     "So you won't see the young man you are talking about again?"

      "No ... my teacher, he went somewhere!" Deshita replied sadly


   In the vast ocean, the amphibious ship of Neptune's appeared on the surface of the sea. Amphibious ships have many features. It can move on land, sail on oceans and fly in the sky.

   When Neptune and his entourage left the ship, not a single resident of Nigara saw them leaving. The group of red wolves seeking revenge suspected that they were sleeping on the ship.

   The group's newly appointed leader ordered his men to attack the ship. But they were forced to be disappointed.

     Neptune, Renderman, and Nov Lam were elsewhere.

   Galant Island could be reached in five or six days by small-engined ship or 3 days if using sophisticated-engined ships.

   However, with this advanced plane they could arrive at Galant Island in 6 hours.

   Arriving at the island, they saw a ship belonging to the pirate Lion Night at the dock. 

   They chose a spot on the edge of the forest by the beach, away from the main pier where the pirate ship was leaning.

   Neptune built two tents, one large and one small for Nov Lam.

   "Why don't we just live in one tent?" Renderman was confused.

   "You don't know Nov Lam's habit? He snores in his sleep. I don't like hearing people's snores!" Neptune made up a good excuse.

   "Hah hahaha! I didn't know he had such bad habits!" Renderman laughed.

     "That's it!" Neptune laughed. Renderman prepared a bonfire.

   Several pairs of eyes watched them from a distance, before long they disappeared into the darkness of the night.

   They went to report to the new Lion Night group leader.

     "The three men are on this island!" They reported. 

     "Who are these three people?" The Lion Night leader said irritably.

   This man did not participate in the invasion of the Renderman ship or in the battles on the island of Nigara.

   "They are, the fake aristocrat, light ship's captain and beautiful man engineer thought to be from dragon bay!" His men stated the obvious.

     "What are you waiting for then? Get them!"

     "READY TO EXECUTE!" The three of them saluted, then they got into formation, preparing to attack Neptune and company.

   However, they were caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a dark figure in front of them. 

Neptune was right in front of them.  

"Looking for me!"  

Neptune smiled eerily. Neptune faced them in his original form.

   The large white wings on his back made the pirates retreat in fear. Neptune was like an angel of death.

     "WHO ARE YOU!" Shouted the head of the Lion Night pirate army with a pale face. Meanwhile, another pirate wet his pants.  Frightened. 

They had already lost even before fighting.


..... The incident before Neptune came to the pirate Lion Night's pirate,____

The beach where Neptune, Renderman and Nov Lam camped ...

"They were lurking around us!" Renderman whispered.The man used supervision to see up to 500 meters away.

Neptune laughed. "Their power can be utilized!"

"What for?" Renderman was confused.

"Isn't this island their power territory?"

Renderman nodded. 

"Wait here I'll go after them!"

"I'll join you!" Renderman stood up.

"No! You stay here and guard! I just wanted to take a look!"

Neptune glanced at Nov Lam's tent. His sister was sleeping like a baby.

Neptune was worried, Nov Lam should not be left alone.

"I also want to go!" If they were only going to take a look, Renderman could also join him. 

"No need! I'm enough!" Neptune refused as stubbornly as Renderman was asking. He's got plans about the thieves. 

"But I'm .... !"

"Flash!" Neptune dashed off. 

"Shit very fast!" Renderman put out the fire. Neptune disappeared in the darkness of the night.

"Science eases one's body to great extent," Renderman uttered with envy. In terms of firi martial science, Rendermen had a natural talent of his father, General Horsky. The rest he learned were all self-taught

"Absolutely amazing!" Renderman gawked at Neptune's darting figure.

Neptune had the ability to ease the body at level of god. Renderman didn't need to worry about him.


The plow nest of Lion Night pirates, _

Neptune dropped the pirates one by one easily without even participating in a bloody fight.

The Lion Night pirate leader was shocked when he saw his men flailing on the ground like fish out of water. Paralyzed helplessly.

"What is wrong!? What happened?!"

No one replied. The men pointed to Neptune who stood above the stone.

In darkness, Neptune's both wings seemed to turn dark, Neptune's figure looked like a cruel angel of death.

"Who you are huh! I'll kill you in no...! OUK HEIIGGHK!"

The man's neck was suffocated by his own hands.

The Lion Night chief let out a muffled scream. 

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