
Neptune and wild cat

"For now the two of you can survive in this state, but it won't be long, you must have your own strength and an army that has special powers and can fight. Remember that plan! You must have a well thought out plan?"

"Plan?!" Renderman was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

Mr. Lambart laughed out loud. "HAHAHA!!! Young man, did you just imagine conquering the world without a plan?!"

Renderman looked down in shame.


 Meanwhile, in the land of snow clouds.

Neptune was worried and sad that he had lost Napolly.

Napolly was taken away by Prof. Zak without him getting any chance to say goodbye to her.

"Mother, I will join Napolly on earth!" said Neptune firmly. He did not want Napolly to fight alone and put herself in danger.

Mrs. Lucy just realized that.

"I have to protect Napolly, ma'am! She must be in trouble now!"

 "You're right. Your father also secretly followed her. See the laboratory is empty! You must be able to find them and replace your father. King Jones did not know that your father left this country without permission!"

 "Alright Mom. I'm going now!"

"Wait! You have to disguise yourself as a human!" Mrs. Lucy gave him a green gem bracelet.  

"Use this when you are above the sea of clouds. Your father will be detected, if he was near you and this green stone ring is to find out where Napolly is. Don't forget to wear this coat to hide your wings!" Mrs. Lucy supplied various tools for Neptune's needs while on earth, Including earth silver coins.

 "This is for an emergency. You should be able to eat whatever the inhabitants of the earth eat!"  Mrs. Lucy provided a bottle of protein and nutritional tablets, Vegetables, for emergencies.

 Neptune was transformed into a handsome young man. His ID stated that he was a noble from Mandagas who wanted to find fortune on another continent.

 Neptune hurtled down to earth in an amphibious plane. He already knew where his father and sister were. They're on Goat Island.

With a special aircraft specially designed for Neptune, Neptune arrived at Goat Island and found a luxurious residence.

 He easily found a luxury inn after meeting an old man who lost in gambling and sold his lodging rights. Of course the old drunken man had other rights in his pocket. He owned a woman from the island whom he would always receive some perks after giving her a stack of banknotes. The banknotes only belonged to King Zohran's supporters. The old man was Isaiah, uncle of king Zohran.

The 'Star Life' inn where Neptune was staying was no ordinary inn, those who could afford a room there were mostly nobles from various countries who wanted to seek freedom and show off their strength and power. The residents of the inn could receive a 'star' which was a certificate from world security, and if an occupant received which was an ID to ensure the safety of the owner, he was above the law and no one should dare to interfere with their existence.

A Star cost the same as a large ship full of energy, and was equipped with defensive weapons.

So that the existence of Neptune at the inn was certainly a concern of many people, especially the beautiful women who became money grubbers on the island.

The beautiful women on the island were brought by the innkeepers to seduce the rich men who came to the island to extort their wealth. The women came from several colonies, they fled their country because they didn't want to be turned into slaves.

 On this island they could live in prosperity, but the life here did not mean freedom, here they became women "peddlers of love". But this was better than being a slave deprived of dignity and treated worse than pets.

A special breed dog, gets the best food and space than a slave girl.

That night, as Neptune's eyes were closed, in the darkness of his bedroom, he caught a glimpse of the body of someone trying to force open his tote bag. The island's famous thief, "Wild Cat," apparently wanted to steal his valuables.

Before entering the inn, he was warned to be careful with his belongings. Because on the island there were "Wild Cats" who like to rob rich people who have just arrived on the island.  

Surprisingly, the feral cat could not be caught.  It is said that the group of wild cats is very agile and has high martial skills, besides that they can disappear and immediately turn into someone who they had touched with their hand.  There have been many victims with incalculable losses.

But tonight, the wild cat hit the rock. That bag of Neptune couldn't  be opened by the inhabitants of the earth. Even a person who dared to open it without permission would freeze for several hours, until the owner freed him from punishment to become a frozen statue.

Because of this, Neptune let the Wild Cat stand frozen until morning in that place.

Meanwhile, Neptune was quietly asleep without being disturbed by the presence of the unwanted guest.

Neptune woke up, when he heard the Wild Cat cries, it had been more than 6 hours that the wild cat had been standing stiffly.

Neptune approached him. The wild cat's heart was pounding. Neptune took off the Wild Cat's mask and head covering. Apparently she was a girl. 

What a beautiful woman. Neptune pursed his lips.  

"Let me go!" the woman asked tearfully. 

Neptune laughed. "It's not as easy as that!"  

The girl cried even louder.  

"Why, are you a whiny thief?!" sneered Neptune.  He didn't care about stray cats. He took a towel and went to take a shower. After he was finished tidying himself up, he was kind enough to give the girl a drink. The wild cat drank it, she was really thirsty.

"Who are you?" asked Neptune without releasing the magical snap. The girl looked up.  She finally found out that Neptune wasn't a criminal.

"Get off me!" The wild cat shouted loudly.  

"Heh disrespectful!! How dare you give me orders?!"  Neptune was annoyed.  

The Wild Cat realized her mistake. "Please, let me go!" her voice weakened.

"Alright .... But from now on you are my slave!"  Neptune had nothing to lose. How could he let go of that beautiful woman. Neptune smiled mischievously.

Immediately he put a green bracelet on the wild cat's hand. The bracelet wouldn't come off so easily, it was a pair of magic handcuffs his mother made. Usually this object was used by the snow cloud royal family for pets so they could not escape from the palace or from the owner of the bracelet.

The bracelet could only be removed according to the wishes of the owner.

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