
There's Sand everywhere!

Suki's body reacted instinctively and moved, just dodging a sudden attack by a Sand Ninja. Her left arm swung out behind her before the Sand Ninja could realize that he missed.

He felt something pierce his chest before a burning feeling caused him to scream in pain. Suki swung her left arm out to the side, cutting through him, and letting his body fall to the ground.

When her arm passed his side, it revealed a brightly burning claw that had apparently cut through him. When it left him, the man could tell that he wouldn't live. He could no longer breathe. When Suki had pierced his chest, she pierced a lung before cutting through it and the other one as it left his body while also burning him from the inside out, leaving him with practically neither of his lungs. He died almost instantly after hitting the ground.

Suki grimaced, not from killing a man, but from a small sudden pain from her arm and legs.

'A few places in my arms and legs definitely have some fractures in their bones.' She thought before reaching into her kunai pouch and pulled out two small blue capsules.

She quickly swallowed the pills before she felt better. The two pills had restored her chakra almost back to max capacity. She then quickly made three shadow clones before they vanished.

Each of the clones were to go and kill as many of the enemies as they could. While unlikely that they would have a huge impact, one less enemy is always good.

'Especially since this looks like this could be the start of a possible war.' She realized.

More Sand and Sound Ninja were appearing while a lot of Leaf Shinobi were waking up everyone that they could from the genjutsu.

Suki heard movement before moving. She leapt out of the way before turning towards the person who had just tried to attack her.

She didn't know how to feel besides annoyed at the person she saw.


Where she used to stand, there was a hand with a gauntlet with small holes in it.

"Is every Sound Ninja as idiotic as you three have been or are you three at the top of stupidity?" Suki asked. "I made my warning, threat, promise, or whatever you want to call it very clear. I would kill anyone on your squad if we ever met as enemies again and yet, two of you now have decided to ignore said warning." She shook her head. "Clearly the girl held all of the brains when it comes to you three."

In front of her stood Dosu, who looked a little mad at that.

"Even so, we've determined that you may have too much potential to be a threat, especially when your older. At this age and you're already at a Jonin level threat. When you reach 20, you could possibly be Kage level threat." His eyes narrowed. "I will get rid of you before such a thing can happen."

All while he was talking, Suki couldn't help but keep an eye on the still growing pile of sand. She could no longer even see Gaara.

However, when he claimed he would kill her, she looked at him in the eye and raised an eyebrow.

"Kill me? You honestly believe that you can?" She waved her hand at him. "Go on, I want to hear what you believe would let you do such a thing."

Dosu growled before opening his mouth.

Before all that came out was a gasp.

"No matter what plan or action you thought of, it'd never work. All due to one, large reason." Suddenly, the Suki in front of Dosu starts to disappear with her feet disappearing first. Just as it reached her chest, she continued. "After all, despite facing two Uchihas in combat, you never learned the big rule." With only her head left, Dosu saw her eyes spin. "Never look an Uchiha in the eyes."

With that, the Suki vanished before Dosu could see a yellow blade sticking out of his chest. The blade was quickly pulled out from his body before he felt a pain in his neck before darkness.

As Dosu's headless body hit the ground, Suki is seen standing behind his body with Raijin in her right hand.

However, there was a constant dripping noise. She didn't need to look to know what the sound was, yet she wasn't really bothered by it.

After all, by the end of today, far more than just her hands will be dripping with blood.

As the invasion carried on, suddenly several loud cries similar to birds cried out. Not long after, screams of pain, shock, and rage were heard.

'Looks like the clones have moved on to using the Chidori to get rid of people quicker.' She concluded.

Then, her eyes caught movement.

'Earth Style: Stone Wall.'

Once Suki placed her hands on the ground, a wall of stone shot upwards, blocking a sudden wind attack.

"Don't let her get near Gaara!" A female voice announced.

Suki was able to quickly determine that that must have been Temari yelling.

"Suki!" Two voices yelled before she heard two thuds next to her.

"You two finally decide to wake up?" She asked.

"Never got caught up in it. Even Naruto was able to dispel it." Sasuke told.

"Hey, I can dispel them. I just can't use genjutsu."

Suki nodded before she forced the wall back into the ground.

Once it did, Suki could make out Temari, Kankuro, about five or six Sand Chunin, and three Sand Jonin.

"Naruto, you are on overwhelm duty. Make sure that their attention is focused on your clones and try to split them up if possible. Sasuke, your objective is to remove Temari, Kankuro, and any ninja that you can keep up with between us and that large pile of sand. I will be focusing on getting rid of the Jonin as quick as I can." She glanced at them.

"No holding back. Konoha is practically at war right now. If you see a chance to get rid of your enemy, do it. Because they will do the same with no hesitation." She looked at the pile of sand. "We need to reach Gaara as quickly as we can. Otherwise, we-and possibly the whole village- will be in large trouble."

"How large are we talking?" Naruto asked, already making over sixty clones before sending them to distract the enemy while they planned.

"Enough that, even at full strength, I wouldn't want to risk fighting him if we had a choice. He'll become extremely destructive and wild. When it's too late, and trust me, you'll know when it's too late, we will have a few options." She took a breath.

"Option 1: We get the hell out of here. At that point, no one below Elite Jonin will likely live an attack. Option 2: We move quickly and give everything to try and wake Gaara up. Option 3...we kill him."

The two didn't seem to understand why that was option 3 but could tell that Suki didn't want to go with that option but would if she must.

Sasuke nodded, revealing his activated Sharingan. "Be careful."

"Same to you two." Suki told back.

Suddenly, a large explosion occurred in the stands before Suki received some memories.

'Shit. Kabuto seems to have ordered the high ranking ninja from the Sound to focus on getting rid of my clones.'

The trio moved towards their targets.

Suki breathed deeply, taking a risk. 'Kaimon [1], release.'

Her body felt what was usually next to no stress, but now felt like she entered the third gate.

'After this day is over, I will likely be in the hospital where the doctors will likely be healing the small fractures and strained muscles.' She thought.

The Naruto clones were overwhelming the Chunin but weren't able to do much against the Jonin who were getting rid of the few clones who were getting close.

Suki made her way to the closest one before quickly making the Chidori and pierced through their back and out the front, surprising them.

It didn't go unnoticed as the other two Jonin noticed it and started moving towards her.

Still having Chidori active, she pulled her arm out of the guy's body before charging at the Jonin at high speed.

Seeing her moving towards him, he pulled out a blade and slashed at where she should have been.

Suki could easily follow the attack though. She slashed against the blade with Raijin and clashed against it before quickly cutting through the blade, leaving him open to her Chidori.

She shot the technique up and through his head, quickly getting rid of over half of his head.

As she's finishing that Jonin off, Suki saw the last one breathing in air for a technique -most likely wind- while chakra was gathering in their chest.


Her left eye released a tear of blood before the woman found herself being covered in black flames. The sudden appearance and heat from the flames caused her to lose her concentration and start screaming from the technique.

Suki cut off the flow to the Chidori before grabbing a kunai and finishing the woman off, releasing her from the pain of burning alive.

Instinct saved her life once more as she felt the need to duck. She crouched, allowing a blade made of wind to move over her head. She slashed behind her with Raijin but didn't connect with anything, considering her attacker had jumped backward and seemed to gain a relaxed state.

The new person was a woman with her silvery hair pulled up, making it reach only the base of her neck instead of about halfway to her waist. Suki could make out that her eyes, while not looking her in the eye but instead at her feet, were a dark blue. She wore a long, blue scarf that seemed to act like a mask from her nose to the base of her neck and flowed halfway down to the back of her calf. She had a grey top that matched her grey pants. On her left arm she had a kunai holster on her upper arm and from her elbow to the back of her hand, she wore a guard that could be used to block strikes from kunai and weak attacks from blades. On her right arm however, she wore a simple black sleeve down to her wrist that was then wrapped to keep it down with her fingerless glove. She wore blue boots that went about halfway to the knee. On her side, she carried a blade in a sheathe.

"So, Uchiha, I have a question I'd like you to answer." She spoke. "I heard one of my...teammates came into contact with you after traveling with a man who had that exact blade in his possession." The woman slowly drew out her blade, revealing it to be a blade with a length of about 3 feet [about a meter] long. What caught Suki's attention was the fact that there were a few holes near the edge close to the tip.

"What I want to know is if you know if he fell when the old owner of that blade did as well?"

Suki seriously didn't like the feeling this woman gave off. She gave off the same sense of danger that Zabuza had given off.

"Do you mean a man with white hair, a cloak, and a sword with a weird blue handle?" The woman gave a slight nod. "Then no. To my knowledge, that man did not die when we had to fight him and his allies. Once this blade's past owner perished, he didn't really put up a fight, saying that he saw no need."

The woman stared at her, likely to tell if she was lying before sheathing her blade.

"That's good. If he had fallen, I would have had to kill you and those boys." Suki tensed. The woman rolled her eyes. "Relax. You claim that he lived and so there's no reason for me to fight you."

"Aren't you with the Sand or Sound?"

"No, I'm part of a mercenary group called Yosoken [Elemental Blade]. After my teammate didn't check in a week ago, I was assigned to interrogate you and your team considering you fought him."

"Who are you?"

"Just a concerned teammate."

Suki's feeling about this woman stayed the same. Even now, despite seeing her take down three Jonin in semi quick succession, her stance was still too relaxed for her liking. The stance practically announced that she didn't see any threats in her immediate area.

"What now?"

"Now? I go take care of my targets from the Sand and Sound. Maybe even assist in finishing this wasteful fighting." With that said, the woman suddenly shunshined away.

Another clone suddenly popped, sending information back to her.

Apparently, 10 minutes had already passed since the attack started and things were turning around. Now that Konoha Ninja have evacuated the clients and civilians, they had managed to recover and reorganize themselves and were quickly pushing the invaders back.

She heard something shoot in her direction before she shunshined away and regained her bearings.

When she looked at what attacked her, her skin paled slightly.

It was a large amount of sand that smashed where she stood and created a large crater into the arena's wall. As she followed the stream of sand, she found what she was afraid of.

Gaara held a hand sign up before falling limp before the sand rushed over him.

"What was it that you said before?" A voice filled with a hint of humor and madness asked. "That's right. You said that I'd have to show up personally to kill you." The large amount of sand kept growing until it was as large as the stadium, causing more than a few fights to stop and stare at the sudden sand monster.

The sand was taking the shape of a large tanuki made of sand while growing a single tail.

"Well, here I am." The face of sand looked at her before giving an insane smile. "Now, try to preserve your small, insignificant life. Because I'm going to enjoy crushing you in my sand and watching as your blood flows."

A large amount of sand shot out from it and towards her at a speed she wouldn't be able to avoid.

Her eyes spun before a single phrase was yelled before sand exploded on top of her.



Next: Ichibi vs Team 7, a Fight for Survival

Next chapter