
"Saving Ainsley" 

Jake could not even communicate with Ainsley because he didn't have a special communication device that could be used inside a domain. 

He also didn't have any telepathy ability to talk to Ainsley, so the man could only try his best to give a series of advice to the baby, even when he knew that the baby would not be able to respond to his words. 

"Contact the Godfather. If he successfully rescues Axelle, maybe they can find a way to create a hole in the domain and let us out." 

Jake could only give such advice because right now,  rashly using his abilities would only bring bad things to the helpless baby. 

But the man didn't know that Ainsley was fighting the control of the soul experts over her soul. If she was distracted even a little bit, she would definitely be controlled, and then, her soul would explode. 

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