
"Two A-level Missions & One C-level Mission" 

Ainsley was not used to Finley being all respectful like this, as if they were strangers, but she knew that the problem between the two of them could not be exposed now. 

Thus, the baby accepted the boy's respectful attitude, suppressed her discomfort and immediately looked at the mission page. 

The missions were sent right when the students arrived at the locations so each student would have different missions depending on their surroundings. 

Finley's mission was classified as a B-level mission which was to get Snowflake Ice Flower that grew at the top of this snowy mountain. 

The screen also showed detailed information about the flower and Ainsley immediately saw the 3D image of the flower along with the place where it would grow. 

Looking at the details, the mission didn't look that dangerous except that the group would have to climb the mountain and they might pass by many dangerous monsters or beasts. 

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