
"The Map Is Changing" 

Naturally, after a good rest at night with each member taking turns to do the night vigil, the group woke up refreshed. 

However, something strange happened. 

When Ainsley was sleeping and the sun was slowly going to rise, the girl felt a sudden dizziness out of the blue, as if she was thrown to another place within seconds without her knowing. 

At first, Ainsley only felt that she was having a headache or a nightmare, but soon, the surrounding temperature that should not be too cold suddenly plummeted like crazy. 

The whole body felt as if it was thrown into an ice cellar or drowned into a cold lake in winter. 

Ainsley had 'felt' this feeling before when her body was thrown into the glacier for tempering. 

Back then, she didn't really feel anything because the connection between her soul and her body was cut off, but now, she could feel with every inch of her cells. 

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