
"Water Creepers" 

Once again, people had to sign in awe at Ainsley's 3D map ability that she had developed to this point. 

The plant-tamer girl nervously flicked her fishtail as she looked at the vines projected on the 3D map. 

The color of the vines were not green like the vines on the land and in the forest. 

To be honest, the vines looked much more like algae with thorns, like a combination or a mix between a creeper and an algae. 

The plant-tamer girl immediately recognized these vines even when the vines were not common mutant plants at all. 

As a plant-tamer expert, the girl's knowledge about mutant plants and ordinary plants was naturally unmatched by a lot of people. 

"I know this vine. This is usually called the water creeper or water vine. They move fast, but they will only attack enemies within a certain range." 

The vines fed on anything and to distinguish between enemies and friends, the vines had to 'sniff' the target. 

Next chapter