
"Ending The Beast & Monster Tide" 

The Godfather left Ainsley's body and just watched as Ainsley sucked another energy crystal to use her charm ability on the giant mammoth. 

Because the mammoth was already so weak that it only had a breath away, it was easy to charm him despite the huge difference in their power realm. 

The same goes for the frozen butterfly. 

By the time the other four leaders came to find Ainsley to escape using the portable house, all they saw were a bunch of elite monsters and beasts kneeling in front of the small baby. 

The baby was so small compared to these behemoths that it looked like an ant in front of an elephant. 

But the elephants bowed politely to the ant, so polite that their whole bodies almost touched the ground in order to look 'humble'. 

Such a sight in the middle of the chaotic beast and monster tide was so strange that Thomas and the others almost thought that they were hallucinating. 

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