
"Obtaining The Young World Tree"

The other guests who didn't win any items followed Ainsley and Jake because they wanted to see the Inheritance Stone from a closer distance. 

However, Ainsley was on guard, afraid that any shameless guests would try to rob her. Thus, the baby was immediately circled by her people. 

Around twenty people silently protected her in the middle, instantly putting pressure on the other guests who came with only two to four bodyguards. 

"This family head is really cautious. She's not your average child, indeed." One of the non-mafia guests sighed in admiration at Ainsley's quick response. 

She didn't offend the guests by chasing them away, but she silently shoved a warning to the guests. 

'Do not cause any mishaps.' 

With this silent warning, even some guests who had previously thought of robbing Ainsley swallowed back their evil plan and silently followed behind her. 

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