
"Visiting The Meidian Family"

Ainsley squinted her eyes and didn't hesitate to nod at the female spirit's words. 

[I don't mind. It's just bleeding for twelve hours. I also don't think that I will bleed a lot since one person only needs a drop of my blood. I won't lose too much blood.] 

And even if she did, she could just eat meals full of nourishment for the blood. That way, she wouldn't die from loss of blood. 

She's not like Demetra, who couldn't replenish her blood as fast as her elixir production. 

The lady obviously also drank a blood-replenishing potion and other herbs or medicines to keep supplying blood, but in the end, the situation back then was chaotic. 

The mafia was in a huge war against the government, and at the same time, epidemics spread everywhere. 

The situation was really not good, and Demetra couldn't receive enough treatment until she died of blood loss. 

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