
"Ready For War"

At first, Grandpa Yofan looked at Ainsley with eyes full of doubt, not wanting to let her personally lead the troop to go to the territorial war. 

However, thinking again, it's impossible to go to such an important war without the family head. 

The territories that Ainsley wanted to snatch were all valuable and would have many guards stationed there. 

Thus, Ainsley had to be there in person. 

Grandpa Yofan knew about this, but he was still reluctant to let Ainsley go. 

"...haaa...do we really need to snatch other territories? Can't we just find unoccupied territories like the Xocolet Lake and the xxRoid Valley?" 

"Well, sadly, other valuable aweas are too far fwom the Roane Region, Gwandpa…" Ainsley shook her head. 

"You don't want me to go away for months, right?" 

"Right." Grandpa Yofan let out a long sigh. "If this is the only way for us to apply to be a high-ranked mafia family this year...I can only let you go." 

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