
"Tell Me What's Going On"

Ainsley had just realised that Zev wasn't talking to her or anything even though he was so chatty. 

There's no way he would remain silent amidst all the chaos earlier. 

However, Zev truly didn't say anything...or maybe he did, but she couldn't hear him? 

[An...illusion...the intruder set an illusion to us? Since when?] 

Ainsley bit her lips while slowly kicking the Godfather out of her body. Since the intruder was gone, the illusion was also gone. 

She didn't need to switch her body control with the Godfather anymore. 

[We fell into his illusion even before this Lord noticed his presence.] 

The Godfather rubbed his temple, seemingly in disbelief that a type of illusion could even affect a spirit like him. 

Even Cellino was also affected! 

[This lord thinks that the intruder already entered your bedroom long before this Lord detected his presence. He then set up this illusion…] 

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