
"Change Of Plan"

When Ainsley threatened Axelle like that, Axelle had no choice but to open the door reluctantly. 

"P-please, come in…" 

The blue-skinned elf immediately hid behind the door as he opened it for Ainsley. 

Thus, the baby couldn't even see Axelle after she entered the potion lab…

Aish, why is this elf so shy? 

Ainsley inhaled deeply and sighed. 

"Axwel, I'm hele to twalk to ywou. Sho, cwome out!" Ainsley walked around the lab and immediately sat on a vacant seat near the window. 

The baby then waited for Axelle to show himself while crossing her legs domineeringly. 

Since Ainsley had said that, Axelle could only obey. He slowly came out from behind the door and shuffled to the vacant seat across Ainsley's seat. 

Coincidentally, that's the only table and a pair of chairs that Axelle put inside his potion lab, which he never used. 

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