
"Cellino's First Duel"

When Ainsley heard Cellino's miserable wailing, she immediately jumped to her feet and rushed to the edge of the backyard. 

[Cellino?! What's going on? Are you okay?] The baby tried to look at the distant sky to see Cellino, but all she could see was a speck of white furball. 

The cat was fighting near the enemy's camp, around a mile away from the backyard. Ainsley couldn't see that far. 

One second...two seconds...half a minute…

When Cellino didn't answer in a few seconds, Ainsley asked once more as she looked at the night sky with a pale face. 

[Cellino, answer me! Are you okay?!]

Why isn't Cellino answering? What's wrong with him?! 

Ainsley's heart started to beat fast. Sweat dripped down her forehead and her back suddenly felt cold. Her hands and feet were trembling…

She got an ominous feeling! 

However, right after that, Cellino's weak voice sounded in the girl's mind. 

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