
Police officer


As I walked towards the place I parked my car I had a feeling that an ambush was waiting. I don't know if I was just feeling paranoid. I thought of abandoning the car and taking a taxi but even that scared me. I had called the driver from earlier to give me the car even when I did not fully trust him. I slowed down my steps still trying to figure out what to do. Because I had bought a few things I was pushing a cart.

Just before I got to the car I had packed my phone started ringing.

I paused and brought out the phone, the only person I could think of to call me was Ray or Mum. This was a new phone he had got for me.

"Don't go back to your car, three cars away from it, there is a black car of the same model, use that. Remember to leave the keys of the other car in the cart," As soon as I picked the person on the other end gave me this information.

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