
A Ballad for a Curious Water Sprite, Part Seven

June ended up taking Xhez to an establishment that seemed a little less colorful than the other buildings around it. It didn't really matter where she took Xhez, though, she was pretty certain she'd be feeling just as excited.

"Here we are," June said, as they walked inside, gesturing at everything in front of them. "Full disclosure, this is my first time coming here. The food could be terrible, for all I know. Just saying."

"I do not mind," Xhez stated with a smile that June returned. June spoke to another human then and discussed something regarding "reservations" before they were taken to a table near the back of the building, around the center.

As they sat down, June was handed a glass of water, as was Xhez. June began to take a sip and the sprite asked:

"Um, when do we begin the sex?"

June spit the water out.

"Ha!" She laughed as she quickly reached for some paper on the table and cleaned her chin up. "Ah, don't get me wrong, I know these people would enjoy the show but, uh... Maybe we should wait till we're in a slightly more private setting," she said with a wink.

[Oh, wait, Rin told me not to be too direct about this.]

"If you wish to eat first, we can do that!" She stated.

"Honestly," June said, letting out a big breath as she kept a smile on her face, but looked around, "I just wanna talk a little. How have you been?"

"Oh," Xhez blinked and then smiled a little. "I have been well!"

"I'm glad to hear that, sweetheart," June replied. "Admittedly, things have been a little more hectic on my end."


"Yeah," June rested her head on her right palm, looking off to the side. Suddenly, that smile faded just a little. "Traveling from one place to another, constantly, can be annoying at times. Especially when people insist you drop everything to see to their needs all the time, but," she sighed, waving a hand in the air. "What about you? What have you been doing?"

When Xhez heard that question, she opened her mouth about to answer something along the lines of "learning about humanity" but she quickly stopped herself from doing that.

[Hm... What can I say?]

"Oh, ehm, I have been spending time with my sister."

"Oh?" June raised a brow. "You have a sister?"

"Yes. She is human, like me, of course."

June gave her a slightly weird look at that statement before saying:

"Uh, but didn't you say you were raised in a forest? Was your sister with you then?"

"N-No," Xhez smiled a little nervously. "I met her here, in Libera, actually."

"Oh, my," June seemed surprised. "She was raised here, while you were off living in the woods? Seems a little unfair."

"I do not mind," Xhez quickly stated. "Um, well, ever since we met, I have been doing my best to learn about her and her world, so to speak. She is a wonderful person. I would not have had it any other way," Xhez said with a wide smile.

"Hm... I suppose that's great," June said with a slightly arched brow. "I wish I was quite as lucky."

Xhez tilted her head at that, as a human came and asked them something. Xhez was a bit too distracted by that statement to really focus up, though.

"We haven't even decided what we'll be having," June noted. "What are you thinking of?"

"Um... Are we not going to have the same food?" Xhez asked.

"We can order the same thing if you want," June shrugged. "Let's see here..." She opened up a little book in front of her, though this one was much thinner than any other book Xhez had seen. "Oh! How about some yariko thighs with honey and potatoes? How does that sound?"

Xhez blinked. In the wild, this sort of thing was something she wouldn't have dreamed of. However, here, in June's presence, she had to act human. So, she swallowed whatever guilt appeared and said:

"... Fine." Xhez shrugged.


One by one, people inside the restaurant had started to leave as they finished their meals. Two of them were people Xhez knew from the Academy.

[Wait,] she thought. [Are those not Rin's teachers?]

Only one of them spared her a look, however. Cara. The woman snuck a suspicious glance her way, before the man she was with all but dragged her out of the restaurant.


A while later, a pair of plates were brought to them carrying some delicious-smelling food, along with some metallic utensils.

[Ah, I still do not have much experience using these, outside of when Rin and I head to the cafeteria,] Xhez lamented as she picked up a spoon. [Maybe I can just mimic her though.]

She watched as June then took a knife, and raised it over a part of the yariko thigh. She pressed her index finger on the back and pushed the blade down, holding the meat in place with a fork in her other hand. Xhez imitated her, all the way up until she finished and fully sliced off the meat, before lifting it up to her elegant lips. There was a certain grace to each of her movements that Xhez felt was alluring.

In the process of watching that unfold, their eyes met. Xhez felt a little warmer inside then, as June smiled a little.

"Don't let your food go cold," June said and Xhez nodded.


[Hm... I feel a little strange,] Xhez thought. [In a good way, though! This is very informative!]

Soon, they were both halfway done with their meals and Xhez was beginning to consider asking Rin if they could come here every day. The food at the cafeteria was tasty, but this was on a completely different level. June distracted her from those thoughts soon enough, however, while they were talking.

"Um, no," June replied to something, shaking her head.

"Really? There are no more vehicles like that train? Anywhere?" Xhez asked.

"I can't imagine how much it would cost to make another one of those," June chuckled. "Uh, no, I mostly travel by carriage, whenever I'm heading to one of the eastern villages."

"What are they like?"

"I..." June paused. "I wish I'd been able to focus a little more on my last trip. Unfortunately, I don't have much to say."

As June's mood seemed to have gone down again, Xhez asked:

"Why were you not able to focus?"

At that, June looked up at her. It felt like she was considering saying something before she just shook her head.

"I'm sure it would bore you to hear about stuff like that," she said, though she hadn't given any indication of what she'd be talking about.

Xhez smiled kindly at her and said:

"I would be glad to hear anything you have to say. If it is something you wish to say, then surely it is interesting!"

"Heh, yeah, right," June said, smiling, though in a different way. "Wasn't it the sex you wanted to get to? Might take a while if we go down this little detour."

"Hm?" Xhez tilted her head. "Of course, I am looking forward to that but speaking with you is just as enjoyable! No matter what it's about."

[Well...] Xhez thought. [Nearly as enjoyable, if Rin's memories are anything to go by.]

"Mm..." June took a deep breath. For a moment, they just looked at each other. "Okay, sure. But, if this kills the mood or whatever, don't say I didn't warn ya, sweetheart."

Next chapter