
Travel 6. What Are We Up To?

Hot Cheetos are always the best option to fight stress. Or maybe an expresso. Both together, a bomb. I was sitting on my bed, thinking about how to solve this. I was curious about the whereabouts of Nirvana in this world. In my world, I mean. Harlow has been working a lot because of some business around, so we hadn't seen each other for 3 days.

Maybe I should study something related to Physics. It's the only topic I've been reading about since those travels started. I still can't remember how they happened, and I didn't have any journal yet, as Nirvana told me to. Only when I travel, is that I remember everything.

But nothing has changed. Memories are still the same, so my appearance in Harlow's birthday or in my dad's place of work, or even back in Alsager seemed all a dream.

Was Nirvana just a dream, too?

-Alex! I need you to do the groceries! I'll be cleaning the house meanwhile. You don't have any homework, right?

-No Mom, I'm all available.

I walked out of my room, she already was sweeping the kitchen.

-Have you thought about college? You only have 2 month left to decide.

-I know Mom, but I'm still thinking whether I go to Arts, Literature or Physics.

My Mom looked at me in disbelief.

-Physics? Honey, you don't even know how much is 2 + 2 without using a calculator. No offense.

-That's why it's called Physics and not Math. Not the same. Besides, the concepts are pretty great and...

Of course, she had to interrupt me.

-"Pretty great." You don't choose a career because of its greatness, but because you like it, you are passionate about it and you know you will succeed no matter what. Physics is so not for you.

-What, am I that ignorant to you?

She was about to talk, but just closed her mouth.

-Whatever. Nowadays, I can't say anything to you without you getting offended. You tend to be so ridiculous sometimes.

And she left me the grocery list.

I know that I'm not good at numbers at all, but Physics really is something, and I hated the fact she would always try to convince me of something I'm not even sure about. I went to the supermarket, which was only 2 blocks from my house.

I ran into Delia and Oliver. They were arguing. I just walked away, avoiding them. Could they be in bad terms? I hope not... They've been dating for long, long time now. Suddenly, I bumped into Derek.

-Hey! Watch out next time!

-Hi Derek, how are you doing?

-Playing third wheel, but I guess it was a bad idea.

He pointed at the couple.

-What happened?

-Delia found out that Oliver has been chatting with Sunny for almost a year now.

I was in complete shock. Like stupefied.

-What are you talking about?

-Don't you know Sunny?

-Who the fuck is she? And a year? He was cheating on Del?

-Chill out girl! He wasn't exactly cheating. I said chatting. They are just good friends but he started to like her more than that. And Sunny is a girl from Bristol. She is Oliver's mate in soccer practice.

-But they just knew each other last year?

-Yeah, and to tell you the truth, she really is pretty. Anyways, Del is not dumb. She feels something is going on there and Oliver is quite confused.

-But he can't do that to her! They've been dating for so long!

-I know. And to be honest, I'm not proud of it either. I love Del as a sister. I want her to be my family.

We were watching the couple there, fighting in the section of toilet papers.

-Maybe you should date her- I said, and Derek's gesture made me laugh.

-What the fuck is wrong with you? Ew. Del is more of a sister than my own twin!

-I guess it always happens. I mean, look at Anwar and Paris. They just broke up.

-But Anwar was a big piece of crap with her.

Now, that was interesting.

-Why do you say so?

-Because he left her via text. Then he got out with many hookers, as much as he could. And then he started to beg Paris again for a comeback. Of course, Paris turned him down.

I was still very surprised.

-How come I didn't know any of this?

-Because you're always into Harlow. And by that time, Harlow was with Florence.

And I just got angry out of it. I totally forgot about that girl.

-You just made me mad.

Derek started to laugh. Florence, luckily, didn't last a month. But I remember I cried so much because Harlow wouldn't date me. I think I was like 16 by that time.

Suddenly, Derek's phone rang. It was his older sister, Rebecca.

-Becky? What's up?... Yes, we are about to buy it all... You want me to get you some Hersheys?... Okay, okay... Are you going to be with Paddie today?... Well, yeah, they are into something now, you know... Their stuff, yes... Tell Paris I miss her... Okay, see you in a few minutes. Love you Becky!

Derek and Oliver were really close to Rebecca. She was like their mom, even though she is only Harlow's age. I got a lot of information back in the time thanks to her, since they were high school classmates. I remember that Becky used to hate Harlow because he had always been lazy. Now, they get along well. And this Paris is something of Becky's boyfriend. I think is his cousin or something. I never really got to chat a lot with Anwar's ex, but now I'm curious about her. I never thought of Anwar as a jerk.

Then, the question popped: Is he like that in any other reality?

I couldn't remember his name from Artz Wrapped. But still, would that dude be like that too? Considering the fact that THAT Anwar was a lot more handsome, I think that maybe he was a lot more nicer. Just saying.

-I hope Oliver makes the right decision- said Derek, hanging up the phone and looking at them, who seemed like finishing the fight wasn't still an option.

-And I hope that Delia knows when to leave him- I said. -Who knows about what happened between Anwar and Paris?

-Only us- he said, referring to him and Oliver. -Not even Delia knows about it, since Anwar made us promise him to not tell anybody.

-But it has been almost 2 years since then. It's amazing how there weren't gossips.

-Because Paris remained quiet as well. At least, we never heard anything bad coming from her mouth or her friends' mouths.

-I feel really sorry about it.

-What can we do? Anyways, I'm going to make those two stop arguing so we can have lunch at time.

-A pleasure to hear news with you, D. See ya.

Something felt so wrong. What would I do if Harlow decided to break up, but only via text. I felt so bad for Paris. Whatever the reason was, that is a low thing to do. In the meantime, I was choosing some vegetables while touching my neck. I had my necklace on, as always. I was about to rubbed it when Nirvana appeared.

-So, did you miss me?

-Girl! Can't anyone see you here?

And a lady looked at me as if I was crazy.

-She literally thinks you are talking alone. Come on, let's go.

I followed her, leaving the groceries behind. I'd be on time, anyways.

We crossed the door out of the market, and then I saw a field of flowers. This time, were roses.

-Did you find anything about your purpose? -asked me Nirvana.

I shaked my head.

-There's something I need to tell you. I found out who your grandmother is.

I looked at her, extremely confused about what she has just said.

-What are you talking about? My grandmother?

And she started to cry.

-What's going on, Nirvana?

She grabbed me by the hand, and I realized we were in a small, cute garden. This time, Nirvana was, again, giving birth to someone.

-Aren't you tired of being pregnant all the time? -I asked, trying to cheer her up.

-That's your mother- she said, angrily.

I looked at the baby.

She definitely isn't.

-Cut the crap. In what year are we?

-Don't you see her?! She is your mom! I saw it!

-What did you see? Tell me, so that I'm ready to slap back, because that baby is not my mom, believe me.

-And how you know she isn't her? Pictures are not always accurate, believe me.

-Stop it! She is not! My mother have a birth mark that looks like a third nipple, but is not a nipple. I don't see that baby having a single mot. Besides, that baby is extremely red. My mom was pale, more white than some pack of flour. Don't you see her now? I mean... In our travelings, didn't you see she is way too brunette? Red babies tend to be blondes.

Nirvana just kept quiet. She looked at me, and then looked at the baby again. She didn't know what to say.

-And you told me you were born in 1976, which made you have 18 years old in 1994. In that year, my mom was already 21 years old, so it's impossible for you to have given her birth. What year is now?

-1973. I was born in 1956. I thought it was 20 years later. But I don't know who I am anymore. I thought I was your grandmother!

She wouldn't stop crying and complaining. All of her desires were about having her daughter with her.

-What made you think that? Not because it is 1973 means that every single born baby girl is my mom!

-I know! But I saw you! When I found out this time, this line, I felt something inside that lady, which is me, I'm very sure of it! But the thing I felt inside me was kicking hard, and I saw you grabbing the hands of your mother. I thought she was your mom!

-She is not. You must have gotten wrong. My mom is adopted, yes. But that baby is not my mom and I don't really think you are my real grandmother. So chill out. Maybe was some weird vision.

-Or maybe that baby could be you...

And I looked at her.

-Hell, no. I'm not adopted. And I was born in 2002.

-Not you YOU, but you... In other time line.

And I already confirmed that to be you, you don't really need to look alike yourself from other reality or even have the same genes. It all lies in your soul and your essence.

-What if this kid might be something important for me, but not exactly me or my mom?

Nirvana tried to calm down.

-I don't know where to look anymore, where to find my life, my daughter, my reality. I'm tired.

But that woman was clearly her.

-Are you sure you were born in 1956?

She nodded.

-I wrote it on my journal while being in my reality. I read it and I have it in mind. But whenever I travel, I forget about my life, and viceversa: I forget about my travels while being in my life.

-Still happens to me. I tend to remember from time to time.

I hugged her.

-Don't worry, we are going to find our way back home.

We sat there, looking at Nirvana the new mom. She was sleeping, just like last time. The baby was taken by another woman.

-I can't believe you are in this situation because of your daughter, and I'm here because of a man. How pathetic.

Nirvana giggled, looking at me.

-Are you angry at Harlow?

-No, we are fine. But I just don't know my purpose at all, and to think that it might be something about him, makes me feel stupid.

-You are not. Maybe it's not about him at all. Maybe it's just about you. You found yourself many times.

-Yeah. Vanessa, Sam, and me. All the same. But still. In those lives, I still like Harlow. Even though he is Hayden there.

We were quiet again for a moment, and Nirvana just got up.

-I can't be here anymore. I can't stop searching. We need to go somewhere. You should start searching too. You stopped it, I don't know why.

-I didn't travel for 5 days maybe. I wanted to stay home and see Harlow.

Nirvana rubbed my necklace without my permission.

-Why would you do that?

-I wanted to get out of there.

-Couldn't you just ask for it?

We were at the bedroom of someone. It was all pink, covered with Artz Wrapped posters. As well as... Easy Strategy ones? What the hell is Easy Strategy?

-Is this person kind of an emo? -asked Nirvana, looking at a poster of... 5H.E.L.P?

-But there are only four dudes... Where's the 5? Do they all scream for help?

-At least this girl likes Fall Out Boy. Couldn't ask for more- said Nirvana, looking around.

-Why are you assuming is a girl's room?

-Tons of boys, pink walls... It's pretty obvious.

-A very sexist comment, by the way- I said.

-Isn't this your room or something?

-It's a whole parallel world. Believe me, Artz Wrapped doesn't exist in my world.

Then, the door just opened.

-¿Quiénes carajo son ustedes, y qué mierdas hacen en mi habitación?*

-I'm sorry, we don't speak Spanish- said Nirvana, hoping that my other self would comprehend it.

She was so scared, and was looking terrified because of my looks.

-Who the fuck are you? -she finally asked me, proving that she can perfectly speak English as well.

So, I'm a bilingual... Interesting.

-Excuse me, what year is this? -I asked, very politely.

-You ain't telling me that you're me from the future, right? Because you look a lil older than me.

-Just tell me the year- I asked again.

-2015. Who are you and what are you doing in my room?

Nirvana looked at her. Then, she decided to tell her everything.

-We don't know how we got into your room or any other places we've been to. And clearly, the encounter between you two is dangerous.

She wasn't even scared of us anymore. Her eyers were shining, which probably means she loves what she is seeing.

-I know, doppelganger legend. If you see your clon, then one of you will die. It's kinda the law.

Then we were quiet.

-You aren't really lying to me, are you? Because I might be 13, but I ain't dumb.

-My name is Alexandra, and yours?


-In what country are we?- asked Nirvana, - because you were speaking Spanish...

-Oh, since few years ago, it was decided that political relationships between England and Spain must get tighter because of both Kingdoms. It ended up bad, tho... England is now rulling over Spain and that makes us a whole bilingual country, so Spanish is a must in here.

-What the fuck? Are you talking seriously? -I asked.

She nodded, as if it was nothing important.

-Anyways, it's been more than 15 years. I was born in the new England. Spain is nothing anymore, just a big land that belongs to England.

-So your family speaks Spanish too?

She nodded.

-We all speak Spanish, and I tend to be faster in Spanish than any other language.

Then I remember... This girl was the one who had a crush named George...

-Excuse me, isn't your mom home? She can't see me.

-I ain't dumb, of course she is not.

-Even the newspaper is in Spanish? Magazines?

-Yeah, pretty much everything, but they are tons of digital media and news sources that are in English. Why is this a big deal to you?

-Because she was already here- said Nirvana.

We were sitting on the bed, explaining our things. I told her about being already here, and what it was only a few days ago for me, for this girl and this timeline has already been a year.

-So we are the same age- said Sam, -and I'll look like you in the future... I ain't bad looking at all.

We laughed.

-What I want to know is... Do you like this band?

She said last year that she'll marry him. I could see that Sam was still surprised but really believed us.

She seems to know things about this.

-Artz Wrapped? Whose picture is all over my room? Hey, I don't know.

Nirvana laughed at her while I was staring to a Hayden's solo poster.

-Stop looking at my man, tho. He is mine. Besides, I've been into him for years now.

-How long?

-2011. Do you know him? He must exist in your world.

-His name is Harlow Selley.

-What? SELLEY?

-What's the big deal? - asked Nirvana.

-Why isn't he Stabler? His dad didn't recognize him? - asked me Sam.

-Uh... Yes, he did. I mean, he and his sister got his last name but the man dissappeared. Stabler is a non existing last name in my reality.

-So Selley is the surname of his dad?

I nodded.

-Selley is the surname of Hayden's mom. While single, of course. That's strange. Is he a top singer too?

-No, Harlow is her boyfriend.

And Sam just fainted.

Next chapter