

Without warning, Flo ordered Gong-gi to get washed and dressed for an online interview. “This is breaking news. They want to talk to you NOW!”

”This can’t be good, Gong-gi said as he was combing his hair. “This is about me mooning in the Sistine chapel isn’t it?”

Flo nodded. “And kissing in Vatican City.”

”I am in so much trouble...”

Flo howled with laughter. “It’s fine. They’ll get over it eventually. Anyway it’s all free publicity and the music video will be a massive hit.”

”My wife is going to kill me...”

Flo shrugged her shoulder and whacked his back. “Who cares about your stinking fat wife.”

”My wife is not nor was she ever fat!” Gong-gi screamed. Had Flo had been a man, he would have had no problem punching her in the face. She should consider herself lucky that his family taught him never to hit a lady. He saw no lady in Flo Glitz... only a monster who exploited people for money.

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