
Comments of chapter undefined of The Magnificent System of the Multiverse


10 whole chapters of prologue basically this is nice, will the prologue continue for another 20 "chapters" or naw?


Literally didnt insult your intelligence but aight put words in my mouth, shows what kind of person you are. Also love how you said I'm should be nicer when I wasnt even mean in the first place. But whatever dude I already dropped

DimensionLord:the time skips? I never added any time skips in this book and I had established that The MC is lazy arrogant and overall an Jerk, I also formed his background by showing what was his life before he died and lead to his journey towards a Magnificent perfection. Even before his death I also shown that he had this idea that he is perfect and the system is just pushing his ego further and it will develop later in the story. Maybe I didn't convey it well enough for you so I'm sorry my dear reader. Yes I know my chapters are shorter than other Authors but I'm doing this out of fun and the length of all my chapters are based on my mood. My book isn't for everybody cause of this you don't need to continue reading it, Thank you for your opinion but please be a bit nicer about it instead of trying to insult my intelligence.

Thanks 😊

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First, thanks for the chapter keep writing and hope you post soon new chapters thanks for your hard work and can't wait to read your next chapters