
[Book 2] Chapter 19: More Than 6 (Part 2)

[Clock - 15:22 | 03:22 PM]

[Calendar - 20/07/2010]

[Location - Watchtower, Earth's Outer Atmosphere]


3rd Person POV


"So, are we all in agreement?" The stoic and flat voice of the one and only Batman echoed out in the metallic fortress that floated around Earth, with the endless cosmus behind. Before him sat the rest of the members of Justice League all turned to nod in agreement. "Very well then." Before them all, in the table, floating as a individual holographic screens before every single member of the Justice League, was a list. This list had the name of all six members of The Team and its new additions. Each name of each member was accessible with available data about them, which was very useful because of the threat level categorization that Batman had placed each member on, to facilitate the... Well, to make sure everyone was on the same page as he was.


Only the bare bones of information was first seen, with the rest being easily accessed by a simple click.


The Team's Members

Leader: Aqualad

Association: Atlantis

Threat Level: Beta

Second in Command: Robin

Association: Batman

Threat Level: Alpha

Member: Miss Martian

Association: Mars

Threat Level: Beta

Member: Superboy

Association: Krypton

Threat Level: Alpha

Member: Kid Flash

Association: Flash

Threat Level: Beta

Member: Electric Light

Association: Beastialis

Threat Level: Omega

(New) Member: Troia

Association: Themyscira

Threat Level: Beta

(New) Member: Zatanna Zatara

Association: Zatara Family

Threat Level: Omega

(New) Member: Aquagirl

Association: Atlantis

Threat Level: Beta

(New) Member: Rocket

Association: Icon

Threat Level: Beta-Alpha

(New) Member: Raven

Association: Captain Marvel

Threat Level: Omega

(New) Member: Dragon

Association: Beastialis

Threat Level: Omega


(New) Member: Tempest

Association: Atlantis

Threat Level: Beta

(New) Member: Nightwing

Association: Batman

Threat Level: Alpha


"...I still don't really trust the new Beastialis kid-" Green Arrow hummed, looking at the floating screen detailing and describing the new member of the The Team, one that Batman categorized as an Omega Level Threat. From the lowest to the highest, in the level of how threatening someone is, Batman began this new categorization system after Beastialis took to the skies, but according to his own words, he had to redesign the level of threats and create a whole new one based on the Empress of Beasts alone. "-and he's an Omega Level Threat already? So young and so dangerous."


The whole Threat Level ranking starts with Delta, going to Zylpha, Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Omega, and ending with Apollion. Until now, Batman has only categorized himself and the Empress of Beasts as Apollion Level Threat, knowing the sheer amount of damage they both can cause upon the world... Batman by the number of ways he knows how to destroy the world, and the Empress because of how he can simply do it if he wanted to. Beta Level Threats are equivalent to super-powered humans with training, capable of killing and destroying various lives, but can be easily taken down with planned actions. Alpha Level Threats are equivalent to highly trained foes, those who are harder to take down, or are extremely resourceful. He categorized Robin as Alpha because he is well aware of Jason's anger issues and how easily he could cause chaos and kill hundreds.


Omega Level Threats? These are the types that can level cities, cause serious damage, and even cause natural disasters. They are either highly trained, extremely resourceful, or they ae unpredictable... Omega Level Threats are hard to fight against unless you have what it takes- A good example of this is Superman. He is neigh indestructible, extremely powerful, and his only weakness is one of the rarest radioactive rocks in the world. If you rule out magic, he is very hard to fight against or even take down.


"Well, according to the Emperor of Beasts, his protégé has been highly trained in physical, magical, and mixed combat." Black Canary hummed, reading the file that detailed the combat experience and training that the new member of The Team has gone through: "The highest honors in the Royal Knight Academy- whatever that means for them, I'd have to see it for myself -and the second best at their whole magical school thing..." She lifted one eyebrow when she saw a list of accomplishments and trophies, and photos to boot! "Huh, can turn into a whole dragon?"


"Well, that's how they got their name, apparently." Flash hummed ss well, more interested in the physiology that the individual before him had more than their power in itself. "It is listed here that Dragon, full name Kar'Dorahn Vesuvius, is a Dragonkin... Demigod too, apparently from the Goddes of Evil Dragons, Tiamat, but wanted to do good. Was helped by Bahamut- whoever that is -and was found by the Emperor, taken in as his apprentice because they're both Demigods, and now they're being sent to us to learn how to work in team and do hero work."


"You really did just summarize the whole 'backstory' session, huh?"


"I am not reading a 22 page story about this dragon girl's backstory."


"...it lists her here as, technically, royalty." Captain Marvel pointed it out: "So does that mean that she can be the Knight, the Princess, and the Dragon at the same time?"




Shit, he's right.


Everyone simply decided to ignore the [Nightwing] icon.


Batman was grateful for that. It took him a lot of convincing, apologizing, and compromising to get Dick to join the team... Well, especially considering the fact that he has been working on something else. The whole conversation wasn't pleasant, but was necessary, and he is glad they had it- He had to truly open his heart and show vulnerability, to show that he had grown as a person and hadn't just replaced him with another Robin, even though it seemed like it. He promised Dick that he'd get a chance to speak to Jason, so they can get acquainted with each other.


He hopes to all that is dear that they get along.


Now that he has spoken to one of his sons, he has one less thing on his [Things I Need to Do] list.



3rd Person POV

[Clock - 16:03 | 04:03 PM]

[Calendar - 22/07/2010]

[Location - Beastialis Empire - Skypelago, Menagerie Island, Central Region, Pyramid Palace of Cycles]


Atlas sighed out: "...Kar, you can't just threaten to cut someone's head off, stuff it full of lice, rice, mice, and spice and shove it deep inside their asshole because they pissed you off. That is dragon behavior, and you told me that you didn't want to be consumed by your nature- remember?" He rubbed a finger on the side of his forehead as he could feel a headache incoming- seriously, this Draconic Demigoddess makes him regret ever opening his mouth and teleporting himself and Waylon to the Nine Hells 5 years ago... Well, he didn't expect to actually meet a legion of devils and saving the daughte of the Evil Goddes of Chromatic Dragons Tiamat. "Your mother might have liked that behavior, and I'm not saying that what you just promising to do unspeakable horrors to someone is bad in and of itself, but you can't like, kill people unprovoked!"


"Yeah girl- You punch them in the face hard enough to make them regret ever speaking shit to you!" Waylon grinned, lifting his love and placing him on his shoulder as Atlas made a 'Not helping!' Frown face before he sighed: "Like, break a few bones or so- Maybe eat a few fingers? They're too bony, but I'm sure your teeth can crush the bone..."


"...Waylon, you need to stop suggesting cannibalism as a form of problem solving." Atlas face palmed hard- is this crocodile demigod serious right now? Is this the father of his children?


"It's not cannibalism if you're not of the same species!" Waylonn cheerfully replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes- he wasn't being 100% serious...


Only 80% serious.


"That's not what I- You know wha? It doesn't matter." You could killl someone with how hard Atlas rolled his eyes, deciding to instead focus on the girl in front of them that was covered in bruises, alongside the Kryptonian boy that was also covered in bruises.... they were both glaring at each other so hard you could basically see sparks of electricity from the sheer animosity. "And you!" Atlas pointed his finger towards Connor: "I literally said not to fuck around- And you cone here to find out?" He turned his eyes to the others- Jason looked both annoyed that he was interrupted (he was talking to someone) and kinda amused that Superboy got in trouble with the Empress, Artemis and M'gaan looked apologetically at him, Kaldur was rather bashful that he wasn't there to stop Connor because he was swimming in the artificial rivers of Beastialis, while Wally and Adam were a bit embarrassed that Atlas found and teleported them to him right before a very intimate moment -before he said: "If this is a regular behavior this boy has, you guys need to deal with it... Seriously, have any of you checked to see if his anger issues are, like, artificial? "


"...what do you mean by that?" The mere suggestion that maybe, the reasn he was angry all the time might not be natural, made Connor confused.


"...have none of you ever considered, ever thought, feared, or even just wondered- I mean, you said he is the clone of Superman, right? And he was created in a lab?" Seeing nods following his questions, Atlas made a very reasonable question that opened the floodgates of fear into the heart of the young heroes (besides Kar'Dorahn, since she isn't a hero yet): "So, what says he hasn't been mentally fucked with- If he was created to be a weapon, then making him angry all the time, like a mad bloodthirsty bloodhound, ready to kill whatever you point at..." Atlas shrugged, turning to look down at his beloved: "If it wasn't for Waylon here, you two could've killed someone."


"...I apologize, Empress." For the first time ever since the Empress started lecturing them, Kar'Dorahn Vesuvius spoke. Her voice was deep, almost like the sound of gravel grinding against rusty metal annd being crushed to tiny bits: "I failed you. I shal accept any punishment that you deem necessary." The Empress saved her from her foul destiny while the Emperor accepted her as his apprentice, and she learned from him how to manifest her own divinity.... the problem was that it gave her serious anger issues. She requested the Empress to send her to The Forge, also known as the Elemental Plane of Fire, where she could train without risking someone's life. She had been captured by Devils at the request of her own mother, the Evil Goddes of Chromatic Dragons, Tiamat - she was to be ritualistically sacrificed in her mother's name after she had grown to the age of 10.


Her fiendish and draconic blood has long made her body develop way faster. Even though she was 16 right now, she was about 6'6 with her long, curled and pointy horns that looked like two middle fingers pointed to the sky in the way they tilt backwards a little bit. Her bright scarlet red scales reflect the sunlight, making her look shinier and more polished than she should. Her deep bonfire red color shined even brighter than the light of the sun at times, which was crazy when you really thought about it. But she was the daughter of a dragon Goddess, so of course her inner flame was much more powerful than a normal Red Dragon should have.


"Forget that-" Adam said, getting a glare from Dorahn, as he said: "-are you saying that Superboy is being mentally fucked?"


"Possibly." Atlas shrugged: "I don't really know-" He froze. It was only a single sensation through his entire body that made him freeze. "...Waylon."


Waylon, who was looking down at this holographic screen that was showing him a few things- Statistics for Project Skyfall alongside the latest reports, all written in Common -simply asked: "Yes, my love?"


"...I think it's happening."




"...I'm gonna lay these eggs."


Depression hits harder than the cement guillotine.

Next chapter