
[Book 2] Chapter 10: Team Trust (Part 3)

[Clock - 07:06 | 07:06 AM]

[Calendar - 18/06/2010]

[Location - Mount Justice, Happy Harbor, Rhode Island]


3rd Person POV

On the 18th of June, Adam had been called back to Beastialis by the Empress, who wanted him to participate in one of the many events at the Month of Pride of Beastialis. He was having a great time too! He had been called back to participate and watch the two competitions happening today, with the Shapeshifting Competition being the first (the one he wasn't competing on), where he watched gorgeous gender neutral Changelings turn into several different beings in an impressive display of their ability to shift shapes. Then the Changeling tried to change into the Empress, but they were unable to- in fact, nobody can! It's really hard to even imitate his physical appearance with magic, whoever tries it gets a nasty headache and their form shifts back into their original or true form. Sometimes, that makes a Shapeshifter lose their minds for a few moments before they pass out, screaming about "oh gods how many of him exist!?" and the "why does he have so many faces!?", and the occasional vomiting and delirium. The Changeling on stage, though, was able to keep a form very similar to the Empress- excepted their eyes were bright green and at each passing second it was like they were melting. The Empress did clap, which was one of the highest honors for a Shapeshifter who is seeking to improve their Shapeshifting ability, because with the Empress' help and assistance, everything is possible!

That Changeling won, and as a prize, they got the honor to be taught advanced techniques by the Empress... Adam silently prayed for the poor soul.

The competition he was competing in was a "Flashy" Talent Show. The aim? To be as flashy as you possibly can, show your special talent, and then you're judged! The Empress, the Emperor, Miss Pamela, and Miss Fries were the judges this year, and they were all really critical. They gave low points for the majority of the competition, but there were a few that got the attention of the crowd and of the judges. One of the refugees from Atlantis, a Homo Beastialis Orcinus- this big and surprisingly muscular black and white Wereorca -started singing opera and his voice was beautiful. He really shed a single tear when the beautiful melody of Non, Je ne Regrette Rien came to an end. There was a spotlight on him the entire time, even though there was no lights above beyond the fucking sun! So, when it was hit turn, he simply took out his electric guitar and played Thunderstruck by AC/DC and sang too, because that's all he got.

Each time the crowd shouted "thunder!" he had sparks flying around him, and when the music got louder and louder, more and more lightning shot out of his body until the song ended with a thunderbolt shooting to the sky right out of his finger when he pointed it to the sky. It was a fun day, so he was riding a kind of a high when he returned to Mount Justice, the sun was setting in the horizon and he was smiling... So when he got a red flashing light on his face as the portal behind him that was opened by the Empress closed, he was surprised until he heard Red Tornado's voice tell him: "The nearby town of Happy Harbor is being attacked, please assist your team, Electric Light." And he was given directions by Red Tornado. When he arrived at his destination, he only saw these three cyclones that were tearing through the town like it was built out of legos! Quick winds that picked up dust and debris, and the robot responsible for such a thing was... kinda hot, not gonna lie... What? He's a healthy 15 year old boy who is going through puberty like the Empress said he most likely would: feeling horny at all times.

It's not his fault that the robot makes him feel a little horny... don't judge him.

He watched from afar for a few moments as Superboy was thrown away by a tornado created by the robot. His body moved in a flash of lightning as he used his Elementalization to move at the speed of lighting, closing the gap in an instant and appearing behind Superboy before he could hit the ground, catching him in a princess carry. He felt saw a shadow cover them a second later, and that was enough for him to open his hand as this electric energy made a bubble around them. The big boat that was about to hit them simply floated as he smiled: "Hey, sorry I was late." Superboy simply stared back at him for a few seconds before he nodded and moved, dropping from Adam's arms. He had to sigh as he spoke to himself: "Thank you for saving me, Adam. What nice arms you have, Adam. You are so hot, Adam..."

"Uhh... Okay?" Kaldur looked up from below him: "I guess that was supposed to be private?"

"...you heard nothing!"

"[Listen to me-]" A familiar voice suddenly echoed inside his head, making Adam frown. Huh, telepathy with a Martian felt different from Telepathy with a Flumph! He could hear Mr. Wiggles perfectly, but Miss Martian sounded like she was in a room and her voice echoed: "[-all of you.]" She sounded a little tired, like she had just run a marathon. Adam felt the normally muted sensations that he would get from Telepathy with a Flumph flare up- his ADHD seemed to fuel his weird telepathic thing... What was it called again, Hyper Telepathic Sensitivity? Miss Martian's voice sounded like green, smelled like soft moss from the Verdant Island that Miss Pamela always brings with her, and feels like a constrictor snake hugging his head.

"[What did we tell you!?]" Holy, is that Superboy's telepathic voice? Damn! It sounded angry red with a tinge of strawberry jam and blood, it felt like fire too, but good in a weird way. Kinda hot not gonna lie! "[...what?]" His voice mellowed down, much to Adam's surprise... Are they hearing his thoughts too?

"[Well, yes... And why do you have so many of them at the same time!?]" Woah, is that Wally? He sounds fast too, kinda like the blink of an eye, but feels soft like his cloud bed back at Beastialis, but also rough like the skin of rhino. His thought pattern smell of oranges or any other citrus fruit, but the taste is sweet and tender... Woah, it feels weirdly intimate, like they're kissing or something. Besides, the guy is kinda cute too, but then again, he's kind of an ass: "[Did he think I'm cute, and an ass, at the same time he was thinking about French cuisine?]"

"[Wow, I'm sorry if my ADHD bothers you, Wally.]" Adam rolled his eyes and used the trick the Empress taught him to use to send images through the bond with some concentration while he also started pondering the origin of French Fries and if they were actually French or not: "[I didn't take my Adderall today because I left it back here while I was on Beastialis playing for all the citizens that wanted to watch today's competition... It was kinda fun, played Thunderstruck by AC/DC.]" Adam allowed electricity to flow down his arm, shooting a lightning bolt towards the hot robot- he could feel the judgment emanating from Wally and Robin alike, while Superboy and Miss Martian were both confused as to why he thought the robot looked hot -his pale blue lightning bolt didn't strike the robot because he used his arms to absorb the lightning bolt? Cool! Maybe he should do the same too? He has an armor for that.

Miss Martian took a second to drag out her sentence: "[...anyway, I know what we need to do! Please, trust me.]" She did sound more mature telepathically, for some reason? Anyway, they followed along her plan that she took a few seconds to explain- Red Tornado appeared, landed, said his "Hit the showers boys-" which definitely didn't make think of bathing with all the hot guys in this team. Definitely didn't. The sudden embarrassing emotions that flowed from Adam's mind through the telepathic bond that gave way to the images of Robin, Wally, Kaldur, and Superboy completely shirtless (he managed to stop himself from imagining them naked, thankfully) and almost broke Miss Martian's concentration. "-I was hoping you could handle this. Clearly, you cannot."

So, while Miss Martian was distracting and pretended to be defeated, Adam pulled out his blade. Contrary to weeb belief, it wasn't a katana or any Japanese blade... It was a a Kopesh. He gripped the handle as it glowed, the magic in the weapon flowing through his hand and into his body- He remembers when he first received this sword as a gift from the Emperor on his 10th birthday, and he used it to cut off the head of a Attack Automaton in one of the exams at the Royal Knight Academy. This blade, as a reward, was then magically enchanted by the Empress to contain the spirit of an Elemental, a Lightning Elemental to be more specific, and it allowed him both to recharge his own Meta powers by absorbing the magic from the blade, but also use the magic from the Lightning Elemental to empower himself.


"Remain still, Andriod... The reprogramming won't take long..."

Maybe it was because they were far away, but Adam clearly heard what the big robot guy just said- reprogramming? But that was when Megan revealed her face and Wally appeared, spinning like a beyblade-

"[Oh, hey! I got that reference.]" Kaldur commented. He had studied some of the surface dwellers culture, and one of the few cartoons he has watched was actually Beyblade!

-and sending Mr. Twister directly towards Superboy, who grabbed the robot's arm before punching holes through his metal body and pushing the bitch guy right into the water, where Aqualad was waiting for him. With an explosion, Mr. Twister was thrown out of the water again, without an arm, and Megan used her Telekinesis to rip and break the other one. Robin threw some of his explosive little things- "[They're called Batrangs.]" -and they went xablau so loudly that Adam didn't even register completely Robin's mental voice, but he sure did sound raspy! As the big robot fell from the sky, without his arms, Adam acted- His form faded into nothingness before he appeared behind Mr. Twister.

The robot struggled to get up, and it fell. His big body was cut in half in a diagonal slash. The upper half slid down and fell to the ground, revealing that there was someone inside it too- As this steam exploded out, a headless corpse was left behind. "F-f-f-oul!" This robotic and broken voice echoed out: "Foul! Foooouul..." Then, the robot exploded. Its read flew out alongside various parts of its corpse...? Is it right to call the dead remains of a robot a corpse if they weren't alive to begin with? Another thing for him to research, it seems.

Adam didn't turn around because cool guys don't look at explosions.

"Wow... You went right for the kill, huh?" Wally looked down at an eye that landed right by his feet: "Oh, cool! Souvenir."

"If he's keeping souvenirs, I want the robot's skeleton!" Added Robin: "I bet I could make something out of it."

"Then I get the robot's dick." Adam answered even quicker,  making everyone just look at him. Adam just raised an eyebrow as he said: "...what? You guys have been inside my mind, there's no way you guys didn't hear me thinking Superboy is hot, or that Robin is cute in a bad boy way, and that Kaldur gets me wet? Also, I'm pretty sure this robot got no dick anyway." Adam shrugged.

Well, that's true, this robot didn't have a dick.

The next day, Adam woke up to find the drawing of a robotic dick drawn on his face- he wasn't even made that the dick was drawn, he was mad that it was drawn badly. Somehow, someway, Wally got somebody to do that for him, because there's no way Adam wouldn't have felt Wally entering his electric field!

...Megan. Another player enters the game, huh? Oh, time to pull out the big guns!

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